How to Create a Picklist

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<td>The information in this Wiki Page applies to '''TANE''' and '''TRS19'''. For information on creating, managing and using '''Picklists''' in '''Trainz Plus''' and '''TRS22''' refer to the more recent document at [[image:WikiLink.PNG|link=]]&#160;'''[[How_to_Manage_Filters_and_Picklists|How&#160;to&#160;Manage&#160;Filters&#160;and&#160;Picklists]]'''</td>
<td>The information in this Wiki Page applies to '''TANE''' and '''TRS19'''. For information on creating, managing and using '''Picklists''' in '''Trainz Plus''' and '''TRS22''' refer to the more recent document at [[image:WikiLink.PNG|link=]]&#160;'''[[How_to_Manage_Filters_and_Picklists|How&#160;to&#160;Manage&#160;Search&#160;Filters&#160;and&#160;Picklists]]'''</td>
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* For instructions on how to '''backup''' a Picklist, see the Trainz Wiki page [[image:WikiLink.PNG|link=]]&#160;'''[[How_to_Backup_a_Picklist|How&#160;to&#160;Backup&#160;a&#160;Picklist]]'''
* For instructions on how to '''move''' a Picklist, see the Trainz Wiki page [[image:WikiLink.PNG|link=]]&#160;'''[[How_to_Move a Picklist|How&#160;to&#160;Move&#160;a&#160;Picklist]]'''
* For instructions on how to '''rename''' a Picklist, see the Trainz Wiki page [[image:WikiLink.PNG|link=]]&#160;'''[[How_to_Rename_a_Picklist|How&#160;to&#160;Rename&#160;a&#160;Picklist]]'''
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<td width=80>[[image:TrainzWiki.png|link=]]</td>
<span style="font-size: 17px;">'''More Tutorials and Guides to Using Trainz'''</span><br>
<span style="font-size: 17px;">'''More Tutorials and Guides to Using Trainz'''</span><br>
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*'''[[Session Rule List with Parameters|Session Rules List (Alphabetical) with Parameters]]'''
*'''[[Session Rule List with Parameters|Session Rules List (Alphabetical) with Parameters]]'''
*'''[[Session Rules By Categories With Properties|Session Rules List (Categories) With Parameters]]'''
*'''[[Session Rules By Categories With Properties|Session Rules List (Categories) With Parameters]]'''
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<td width=50>[[image:LinkWiki.PNG|link=]]</td>
<span style="font-size: 17px;">'''Related Links'''</span><br>
* '''[[How_to_Backup_a_Picklist|How&#160;to&#160;Backup&#160;a&#160;Picklist]]'''
* '''[[How_to_Move a Picklist|How&#160;to&#160;Move&#160;a&#160;Picklist]]'''
* '''[[How_to_Manage_Filters_and_Picklists|How&#160;to&#160;Manage&#160;Search&#160;Filters&#160;and&#160;Picklists]]'''
* '''[[How_to_Rename_a_Picklist|How&#160;to&#160;Rename&#160;a&#160;Picklist]]''' (for '''TRS19 SP3''' and earlier versions)

Revision as of 11:48, 21 November 2023

The information in this Wiki Page applies to TANE and TRS19. For information on creating, managing and using Picklists in Trainz Plus and TRS22 refer to the more recent document at WikiLink.PNG How to Manage Search Filters and Picklists


BlueDot10x10.png A Picklist is a user created list of commonly used assets (scenery, track objects, splines, textures, rolling stock - anything that you can add to a layout)
BlueDot10x10.png You can create multiple picklists of related items (e.g. Bushes, Buildings, Trees, 4 wheel wagons, etc) that will be grouped together for easier selection

Trainz provides 3 methods of creating a picklist:-
DotPoint.JPG the Full Search Filter in Surveyor Classic, OR
DotPoint.JPG the Assets Palette and Info Palette in Surveyor 2.0 (in Trainz Plus and TRS22 Platinum only), OR
DotPoint.JPG Content Manager

Using Surveyor Classic

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DotPoint1.JPG Open the Picklist Window:
From Surveyor Classic press  Ctrl  +  Shift  +  F  to open the Full Search Filter tool (Note: pressing  Ctrl  +  F  will only open the find named asset filter tool).

NotePad.PNG If you already have one or more Picklists then the currently selected Picklist will be shown in the Picklist Window. An empty Picklist Window indicates that no Picklist has been created

DotPoint2.JPG Select a Picklist or Create a New Picklist:
PickList Surveyor01.png To switch to a different Picklist or to create a new one:-
DotPoint1Blue.png Left Click on the down arrowhead icon shown in the image on the left to open the Picklist Menu
PickList Surveyor03.png
DotPoint2Blue.png Left Click either:-
Ablue.png  Change pick list >  to select a different list
Select an existing Picklist from the list shown, OR
Bblue.png  Create pick list  to create a new one
Enter a name for the new list then Left Click the Tick.PNG button.
PickList Surveyor04.png

DotPoint3.JPG Add Assets to the Picklist:
Options: Choose one of two methods:-
Ablue.png Steps: Using the Asset List:-
Use this method if the asset you want to add to the new Picklist is not already in the route or is not present in the Surveyor scene in front of you.
DotPoint1Blue.png Open the tool selection window for the types of assets to be added. For example: the Object Tool Window ( F3  key)
DotPoint2Blue.png Scroll down the selection window to an asset that is to be added to the Picklist
PickList Surveyor02.png
DotPoint3Blue.png Left Click and Drag the asset from the selection window to the Picklist window
DotPoint4Blue.png Repeat as required
Bblue.png Steps: Using the Object Picker:-
Use this method if the asset you want to add to the new Picklist is already in the route and is present in the Surveyor scene in front of you.
DotPoint1Blue.png Open the tool selection window for the types of assets to be added. For example: the Object Tool Window ( F3  key)
DotPoint2Blue.png Right Click the Get Object tool to change it to a Picklist tool ...
PickListGetTool.png and then simply Left Click on each object in Surveyor to add it to the current Picklist
DotPoint4Blue.png When finished, Right Click on the tool again to restore it to its Get Object state

To close the Search Filter/Picklist Tool:-
DotPoint.JPG In TANE press the  ESC  (escape) key
DotPoint.JPG In TRS19 and later versions press  Ctrl  +  Shift  +  F  again

NotePad.PNG Notes: In both methods Ablue.png and Bblue.png:-

DotPoint.JPG Each asset is automatically saved to the Picklist when it is added into the Picklist Window
DotPoint.JPG If an added asset does not appear in the window, then it usually means that the asset is already present in the list
DotPoint.JPG To remove an asset simply drag it out of the Picklist Window onto the Surveyor screen

Using Surveyor 2.0

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Surveyor 2.0 is available in Trainz Plus and TRS22 Platinum only

Locating the Picklists

BlueDot10x10.png Picklists are created, managed and deleted using the Assets Palette in Surveyor 2.0

The Assets Palette gives you access to all the installed Assets, the Search Filters created in Content Manager and the Picklists.

AssetsPaletteList S20.png
The Assets Palette
NotePad.PNG Notes: Showing a Hidden Palette

If the Assets Palete is not visible on the screen then:-

WindowsMenu S20.png
Steps: To Show a Hidden Palette:-
DotPoint1Blue.png Left Click on the SurveyorWindowIcon.png Window Menu
A drop down menu will appear:-
BulletTick.png visible palettes have ticks next to their names - this includes those that are visible but minimised
BulletNoTick.png invisible (hidden) palettes have no ticks next to their names
DotPoint2Blue.png To reveal a hidden Palette, simply Left Click on its name OR on the BulletNoTick.png icon next to its name
DotPoint.JPG if the Assets Palette has no tick (BulletNoTick.png) then Left Click on its name OR on the BulletNoTick.png. This will add the BulletTick.png and it will appear docked on the screen
DotPoint.JPG if the Assets Palette name has a tick (BulletTick.png) but is not visible on the screen then check the Minimised section at the bottom of the list below the horizontal dividing line. If its name appears there then it has been Minimised. Left Click on its name in the Minimised section (NOT in the Palettes section) to restore it to its normal size on the screen

PickListFind S20.png
NotePad.PNG Notes:

The Assets Palette has a Selection List.

Left Click on the data box (showing Ground Textures in the image) or on the double arrowhead as shown on the left. This will open up its list of contents.

PickLists01 S20.png
All the:-
DotPoint.JPG Object Types (textures, scenery, splines, trains, etc) - these are search filters that are built into the palette to assist you in locating specific types of assets
DotPoint.JPG Saved Filters - these are the Search Filters that are used with Content Manager. They consist of:-
RedDot10x10.png Those that are built into Content Manager:-
All Content (appears in the Object Types)
Download Station Faulty
Installed Locally Modified
My Content Open for Editing
Routes & Sessions Today
Custom... (create your own filter)
RedDot10x10.png Plus any filters that you have created and saved yourself using Content Manager - for example Updates Available
DotPoint.JPG Picklists - standard and saved. In the image shown left only one Picklist, the standard Default Picklist, is present. Any other saved picklists will be listed below this

Creating a New Picklist

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BlueDot10x10.png New Picklists are created by selecting an asset in the Assets Palette or by selecting an existing object in the route
A new Picklist is created by first identifying an asset or object that will be added to the new (yet to be created) Picklist. You cannot create an empty Picklist.
Options: Choose one of two methods:-
Ablue.png Steps: Using the Asset List in the Assets Palette
Steps: To create a Picklist from the Assets Palette:-
Use this method if the object you want to add to the new Picklist is not already in the route or is not present in the Surveyor scene in front of you.
DotPoint1.JPG Find the asset in the Asset Palette list of assets - you may use the filters to help narrow the search.

For example to locate a scenery asset named Wooden Barn:-

Select the Scenery Objects icon (it looks like a tree) and type the text barn (Upper/lower case is not important) into the search text entry box. This will filter all the assets to only show those that are Scenery (non-spline) Objects and have the text "barn" in their names or descriptions. FilterSelectSearchBarn S20.png
DotPoint2.JPG From the list of assets find and Right Click on the particular asset that you want to use to create a new Picklist
PickListFromAssets S20.png
DotPoint3.JPG select the option  Add to Picklist  from the popout menu
Bblue.png Steps: Using an Existing Object
Steps: To create a Picklist from an existing object:-
Use this method if the object you want to add to the new Picklist is already in the route and is present in the Surveyor scene in front of you.
DotPoint1.JPG using either the Free Move Tool or the Fine Adjustment Tool Left Click on the object to highlight it
DotPoint2.JPG In the Info Palette Left Click on the Down Arrowhead next to the asset name (Aussie Farm Shed 36 in the image below)
NotePad.PNG Notes:

If the Info Palette is not shown on the screen then refer to the Notes: Showing a Hidden Palette in the section above
InfoPaletteMenu S20.png
DotPoint3.JPG select the option  Add to Picklist  from the popout menu

In both Options Ablue.png and Bblue.png a new popout menu will appear.
PickListNewList S20.png
NotePad.PNG If you already have created Picklists then their names will appear between the  Default Picklist  and the  New Picklist...  options
DotPoint4.JPG Left Click on the  New Picklist...  option
DotPoint5.JPG Enter a name for the new Picklist (make it brief but informative) and Left Click on the  OK  button
PickListCreateNew S20.png

To Remove Assets from a Picklist

Steps: To remove assets from a Picklist:-
DotPoint1.JPG select the Picklist in the Assets Palette
DotPoint2.JPG select the asset(s) in the Picklist (you can select multiple assets):-

Options: Choose one of:-

Ablue.png Right Click on the asset to select a single asset, OR
Bblue.png  Shift  +  Left Click  on the first and last in a sequence of multiple assets to be removed. Then Right Click on one of the highlighted assets, OR
Cblue.png  Ctrl  +  Left Click  on any number of individual assets to be removed. Then Right Click on one of the highlighted assets
DotPoint3.JPG select the option  Remove from Picklist 
NotePad.PNG Removing the last item from a Picklist will delete the Picklist

Using Content Manager (CM)

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DotPoint1.JPG Select the Assets:
DotPoint1Blue.png From the Trainz Launcher select  Manage Content  to open Content Manager
DotPoint2Blue.png (optional step) in Content Manager select a filter or create a custom filter to show the assets you want to add to a Picklist
DotPoint3Blue.png hold down either the  Ctrl  key OR the  Shift  key while you Left Click on each asset that is to be added to the Picklist
PickList CM01.png
NotePad.PNG Only assets that are currently installed on your system can be added to a Picklist. They can be built-in, base, payware, packaged or installed from the DLS

DotPoint2.JPG Add the Assets to the Picklist:
DotPoint1Blue.png Right Click on any one of the highlighted assets
DotPoint2Blue.png Left Click the option  Add to Picklist  from the popup menu
DotPoint3Blue.png select either:-
Ablue.png Left Click on an existing Picklist name (if any are present) to add the assets to that Picklist, OR
Bblue.png Left Click the option  New Picklist  to create a new list
PickList CM02.png
NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG In T:ANE, TRS19 SP3 and Trainz Plus SP3 the Default Picklist should only be used for temporary assets that are used in the current project because this list cannot be backed up or moved to another installation of Trainz
DotPoint.JPG This limitation has been removed in TRS19 SP4, Trainz Plus SP4 and TRS22

DotPoint3.JPG Enter Picklist Name (for New Picklist Option Only):
DotPoint1Blue.png type a name for the new Picklist
DotPoint2Blue.png Left Click the  OK  button

PickList CM03.png

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This page was created by Trainz user pware in January 2019 and was last updated as shown below.

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