How to Manage Filters and Picklists

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The information in this Wiki Page applies to Trainz Plus and TRS22. It describes how to use, create and edit Search Filters and Picklists.

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BlueDot10x10.png Search Filters provide a way of sifting through the many thousands of installed assets to locate the ones that you want
BlueDot10x10.png Picklists provide organised lists of commonly used assets that can be grouped together according to any "theme" or common purpose
BlueDot10x10.png Search Filters and Picklists can be saved and edited


Using Existing Search Filters and Picklists

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 In Surveyor Classic 

BlueDot10x10.png Surveyor Classic, sometimes referred to as Surveyor 1.0, is supplied in all versions of Trainz
Steps: To use existing filters and Picklists in Surveyor Classic:-
DotPoint1.JPG from the Surveyor Classic screen press  Ctrl  +  Shift  +  F  to open the Search Filter
FilterSearchWindow S10.png

NotePad.PNG Your copy of Trainz has some Search Filters and a Picklist supplied as "built in"
DotPoint2.JPG select from the following methods to search the assets:-
Ablue.png Search Filter:-


DotPoint1Blue.png  Left Click  on the Down Arrowhead icon to the right of the title Content Search Filter at the top of the window
ContentFiltersDefaultList S10.png
NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG The first time you open this filter list it will only show the default (installed) Search Filters. If you have saved your own Search Filters (see PageLink.PNG Creating Search Filters) then they will also appear in the list.
DotPoint.JPG The results of content filter searches are NOT shown in this window but in the assets lists of the relevant Tool Flyouts - such as the  F3  Objects flyout or the  F4  Tracks flyouts. You must open a flyout to see the search results
DotPoint2Blue.png  Left Click  on the the name of the filter to be used. The filter will be applied as soon as it has been selected and the relevant results will appear in the asset list of any open Tool Flyout


Bblue.png Picklist Search:-


DotPoint1Blue.png  Left Click  on the Down Arrowhead at the end of the Pick list box
DotPoint2Blue.png select ( Left Click ) the  Change pick list >  option
PickListMenus S10.png
PencilTips.PNG The menu options:-
BlueDot10x10.png  Sort Ascending  and
BlueDot10x10.png  Sort Descending  will sort the contents of the open picklist alphabetically
BlueDot10x10.png  Display thumbnail view  will display the assets as thumbnails
DotPoint3Blue.png select ( Left Click ) on the Picklist to be loaded
NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG The first time you open the Picklists it will only show a single item, the Default Picklist. If you have saved your own Picklists (see PageLink.PNG Creating Search Filters) then they will also appear in the list.
DotPoint.JPG The contents of the selected Picklist are shown in the Picklist Section of this Search Filter window and NOT in the Tool Flyouts

 In Surveyor 2.0 

Using Existing Search Filters and Picklists
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BlueDot10x10.png Surveyor 2.0 is available in Trainz Plus and TRS22 Platinum only
BlueDot10x10.png All Search Filter and Picklist tasks use the Filter Palette and Assets Palette in Surveyor 2.0
BlueDot10x10.png The Search Filters used in Surveyor 2.0 are created using Content Manager

PalettesIcon S20.png The Filter Palette and the Assets Palette must be visible on the screen. If they are not then open the SurveyorWindowIcon.png Window Menu at the top of the screen or refer to the Trainz Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use S20 Palettes

FilterPaletteOpenSelections S20.png
Steps: To use existing filters and Picklists in Surveyor 2.0:-
DotPoint1.JPG In the Filter Palette  Left Click  on the Asset Type drop down box (showing Ground Textures in the image on the left) or on the double arrowhead as shown on its right to open up its lists of filters.

The currently selected Asset Type (e.g. Ground Textures), Search Filter or Picklist will have a BulletTick.png in front of its name in the drop down list.

FilterListSurveyorColourCoded S20.png
DotPoint2.JPG to select and open a specific Asset Type, Search Filter or Picklist  Left Click  on its name.
The list shows all the:-
DotPoint.JPG Asset Types will list all the installed assets sorted by their Asset Type. These Types are built into Trainz and cannot be altered
DotPointBlueSquare.png Search Filters both built in (such as the Faulty and Open for Editing filters) and any that you have created and saved in the middle section
DotPointGreenSquare.png Picklists both built in (the Default Picklist) and any that you have created and saved in the lower section

The Assets Palette list display will change to show those assets that match the selected Asset Type, Search Filter or Picklist.
FilterNamesOz S20.png For example, selecting the saved Picklist Oz Houses will list all the assets that have been added to that particular Picklist. Likewise, selecting the saved Search Filter Updates Available will display all the assets that have a positive match with the filter settings

PencilTips.PNG The assets found by the Search Filter or in the Picklist can be narrowed down further by entering a text string in the Search box. For example typing house (UPPER/lower case is not important) will restrict the list to only showing those assets containing the text string "house" in their names or descriptions

PencilTips.PNG The Thumbnail icon AssetsPaletteListToggleViewIcon S20.png next to the Search text box will toggle the list of assets between text and thumbnail views. The thumbnail view works best when the Assets Palette is undocked and resized. See the Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use S20 Palettes for more information

 In Content Manager 

Using Existing Search Filters and Picklists
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BlueDot10x10.png Content Manager is the asset management program that is supplied with all versions of Trainz
Steps: To use existing filters and Picklists in Content Manager:-
DotPoint1.JPG from the Trainz Launcher select  Manage Content 
DotPoint2.JPG in Content Manager open the Filter drop down box
FilterEditMenu S20.png

The list shows all the:-
DotPoint.JPG Search Filters both built in (such as the Faulty and Open for Editing filters) and any that you have created and saved are in the upper section
DotPoint.JPG Picklists both built in (the Default Picklist) and any that you have created and saved are in the lower section

NotePad.PNG Notes:

The Search Filters in Content Manager do not include a separate list of Asset Types (e.g. Track Objects, Scenery Splines) like those found in the Surveyor 2.0 Assets Palette search options. However, you can perform searches of Asset Types by:-
DotPoint.JPG constructing Custom filters using the Category data field, OR
DotPoint.JPG sorting data using the Type column
DotPoint3.JPG to use a filter or Picklist  Left Click  on its name in the list.

For example:-

DotPoint.JPG selecting the built-in Search Filter named Faulty will list all installed assets that have a fault such as "missing dependencies". If no assets appear then, congratulations, you have no faulty assets😀
FilterSelected S20.png
PencilTips.PNG Picklists and Filters can be refined further by entering a text string in the Search box on the right of the Content Manager window. For example typing QLD (UPPER/lower case is not important) will restrict the selected Picklist or Filter to only showing those assets containing the text string "QLD" in their names
PickListSearch CM.png
DotPoint.JPG selecting a Picklist will list all the installed assets that you have added to that Picklist

Creating New Search Filters and Picklists

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PencilTips.PNG Picklists that you create can be saved from Content Manager as text (.txt) files. They can also be loaded into Content Manager from text files.
Refer to the Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Backup a Picklist for the details.

 In Surveyor Classic 

Creating New Search Filters and Picklists
BlueDot10x10.png Surveyor Classic, sometimes referred to as Surveyor 1.0, is supplied in all versions of Trainz
BlueDot10x10.png Search Filters created in Surveyor Classic can only be used in Surveyor Classic
BlueDot10x10.png Picklists created in Surveyor Classic can be used and edited in Surveyor 2.0 and Content Manager

Steps: To create filters and Picklists in Surveyor Classic:-
DotPoint1.JPG from the Surveyor Classic screen press  Ctrl  +  Shift  +  F  to open the Search Filter
FilterSearchWindow S10.png
NotePad.PNG Notes:

New searches and Picklists are created by:-
DotPoint.JPG entering a text string (e.g. house) in the text box at the top of the window. The search results will be shown in the relevant individual Tool Flyouts - such as the  F3  Objects flyout or the  F4  Tracks flyouts. This type of search cannot be saved as a new filter
DotPoint.JPG using the Search Filter (the  +  button). The search results will be shown in the relevant individual Tool Flyouts - such as the  F3  Objects flyout or the  F4  Tracks flyouts. This type of search can be saved as a new filter
DotPoint.JPG creating and saving a Picklist. The Picklist contents will be shown in the bottom section of this Search Filter window

DotPoint2.JPG select from the following methods to create the new search filter or Picklist:-
Ablue.png Simple Text Filter:-
DotPoint1Blue.png  Left Click  in the text box near the top of the Search Filter
DotPoint2Blue.png type any text string (UPPER/lower case does matter)
TextSearchFilter Surveyor.png
The filter will be applied as soon as you start typing and the relevant results will appear in the asset list of any open Tool Flyout


Bblue.png Search Filter:-
DotPoint1Blue.png  Left Click  on the  +  button
This search uses filters and text boxes in exactly the same way as Content Manager. It includes the logic operators AND OR and NOT
DotPoint2Blue.png  Left Click  on the first box and select a filter type from the drop down menu
DotPoint3Blue.png  Left Click  on the second box and select a search value from another drop down box or enter a text string. For example:-
FilterSearchCategory01 S10.png
DotPoint4Blue.png each click on the  +  button will add another line to the search filters
The filter will be applied as soon as you enter a filter line and the relevant results will appear in the asset list of any open Tool Flyout
FilterSearchCategory02 S10.png

Use the:-

BulletCross.png to delete a filter line
BulletMove.png to drag a filter line up or down
FilterSearchCategory02Result S10.png

PencilTips.PNG Tips and techniques used in constructing content searches can be found at PageLink.PNG Search Logic
DotPoint5Blue.png Save and Clear Options
DotPointBlueSquare.png the  Clear  button will clear (delete all the added lines) and reset the filter
DotPointBlueSquare.png the  Save  button will save your filter. You will be asked to enter a name for the new Search Filter
FilterListSave S10.png

 Left Click  on the:-

BulletTick.png icon to accept the name and save the new filter, OR
BulletCross.png icon (either one) to cancel the save
NotePad.PNG Search Filters saved in Surveyor Classic will only appear in Surveyor Classic. They will not be accessable in Content Manager or in Surveyor 2.0


Cblue.png Picklist:-
DotPoint1Blue.png  Left Click  on the down arrowhead at the end of the Pick list box
DotPoint2Blue.png select ( Left Click ) the  Create pick list  option
PickListMenusCreate S10.png
NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG Picklists created and saved here can be accessed and edited in Surveyor 2.0 and Content Manager
DotPoint.JPG Once you have created the new picklist you can add assets to it - see PageLink.PNG Editing Search Filters and Picklists below for the details

PencilTips.PNG The menu options:-
BlueDot10x10.png  Sort Ascending  and
BlueDot10x10.png  Sort Descending  will sort the contents of the open picklist alphabetically
BlueDot10x10.png  Display thumbnail view  will display the assets as thumbnails
DotPoint3Blue.png enter a name for the new Picklist
PickListCreate S10.png

 Left Click  on the:-

BulletTick.png icon to accept the name and save the empty Picklist, OR
BulletCross.png icon (either one) to cancel the save

 In Surveyor 2.0 

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Creating New Search Filters

BlueDot10x10.png Surveyor 2.0 is available in Trainz Plus and TRS22 Platinum only

Search Filters created here in Surveyor 2.0 CANNOT be saved as separate filters.

Use Content Manager to save Search Filters in Surveyor 2.0 - see PageLink.PNG In Content Manager below for the details

PalettesIcon S20.png The Filter Palette and the Assets Palette must be visible on the screen. If they are not then open the SurveyorWindowIcon.png Window Menu at the top of the screen or refer to the Trainz Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use S20 Palettes

 Choose any combinations of the following 3 steps 
Optional Step: DotPoint1Blue.png
   Filter Actions:  At the top of the Filter Palette is a Filter Action drop-down menu that controls how the search filters are applied to your visible Trainz World
This step is designed for use with selection tasks. It can be combined with Step DotPoint2Blue.png and/or Step DotPoint3Blue.png below to narrow the selection process
The Filter Actions drop down list controls how the filters are applied. To open the list  Left Click  on the drop down box or on the double arrows on its right.
FilterPaletteOpenActions S20.png The top drop down box will provide four actions:-
BulletTick.png Filter Disabled
BulletTick.png Filter List
BulletTick.png Filter Selection
BulletTick.png Filter Visibility

FilterPaletteActions S20.png

These actions will affect the display and selection of objects in your Trainz World
Filter Actions:
 Filter Disabled  this action is used in the Bulk Replace Filtered Assets feature. It disables the Filter Palette so that it has no effect on the assets listed by the Assets Palette during the selection of a replacement asset.
 Filter List  this action is the default setting for the Filter Palette. It has no effect on the operation of the tools in the Tool Palette or on the objects displayed on the screen in your Trainz World. The filtered list of assets shown in the Filter Toggles and in the Assets Palette will be the result of the search performed by the Filter Selections and other settings.
 Filter Selection  this action will restrict the selected tool (e.g. the Placement Tool or the Free Move Tool) to only working on those objects that are in the filtered list shown in the Assets Palette. Objects that are not in the filtered list will still be visible in your Trainz World but they cannot be selected.
 Filter Visibility  this action will hide all objects in your Trainz World that are not in the filtered list. The only exceptions are Ground Textures and Effect Layers which will be visible but, unless they are also in the filtered list, they cannot be selected.

Optional Step: DotPoint2Blue.png
   Filter Selection:  In the Filter Palette the row of Asset Icons and the Drop Down Menu below them identify the type of assets that will be shown in the filtered list
 This step and Step DotPoint3Blue.png are suited for searching tasks 

This option can be selected by a  Left Click  on a icon that represents the different types of assets or by selecting the type of asset from the drop down list.
Options: Choose from:-

Ablue.png  Left Click  on an asset selection icon
Filter Icons
GroundTextureFilter S20.png all ground textures
SceneryMeshFilter S20.png all non-spline scenery assets
ScenerySplineFilter S20.png all spline scenery assets
TrackSplineFilter S20.png all track spline assets
TrackMeshFilter S20.png all track (non spline) assets (signals, etc)
TrainFilter S20.png all rolling stock assets
PresetFilter S20.png all Effect Layer presets
Bblue.png Left Click the Content Drop-down Box

Filter List
Then select the asset type you want
Scenery Objects

Optional Step: DotPoint3Blue.png
   Text Selection:  In the Assets Palette the Search box allows you to enter a string of text characters that will be used to search the asset names and their descriptions for a match. Those assets that return a positive match, together with a positive asset type, if one has been set, will be shown in the filtered list
 This step and Step DotPoint2Blue.png are suited for searching tasks 

AssetsPaletteSearchBox S20.png
PencilTips.PNG The Search box will accept a <kuid> code or a list of <kuid> codes seperated by commas. This list can be created by Content Manager by selecting the assets followed by the List Assets in New Window option. Copy the asset <kuid> list into your clipboard and paste it into the Assets Palette search box

For Example: To search for all Scenery Objects that have the text string "barn" in their name or description:-

Filtered list
DotPoint1.JPG In the Filter Palette  Left Click  the SceneryMeshFilter S20.png icon OR select the  Scenery Objects  option from the  Content  drop down box
DotPoint2.JPG In the Assets Palette  Search  box type the text barn (UPPER/lower case is not important) and press the  Enter  key
This will list all the Scenery Objects containing the text "barn" in their name or description
DotPoint3.JPG  Left Click  on the required item in the list (e.g. "Dairy Barn")

PencilTips.PNG You can enter a search text string without selecting an asset type. The filter will search through all assets types to find matches with your entered search string.

Steps: To search all content:-
DotPoint1.JPG in the Filter Palette Content Drop Down box select the option  All Content 
DotPoint2.JPG in the Assets Palette  Search  box enter your search text and press the  Enter  key

Creating New Picklists

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BlueDot10x10.png New Picklists are created in Surveyor 2.0 by selecting an asset in the Assets Palette or by selecting an existing object in the route and using the Info Palette

PalettesIcon S20.png The Filter Palette, Assets Palette and Info Palette must be visible on the screen. If they are not then open the SurveyorWindowIcon.png Window Menu at the top of the screen or refer to the Trainz Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use S20 Palettes

Steps: To create new Picklists in Surveyor 2.0:-
DotPoint1.JPG using the Filter Palette and the Assets Palette locate and select an asset that will be added to the new (yet to be created) Picklist. You cannot create an empty Picklist
Options: Choose one of two methods:-
Ablue.png Using the Filter Palette and Assets Palette
Steps: To create a Picklist from the Assets Palette:-
NotePad.PNG Use this method if the object you want to add to the new Picklist is not already in the route or is not present in the Surveyor scene in front of you.
DotPoint1Blue.png Using both the Filter Palette and the Assets Palette locate the asset in the list of assets - you can use additional filters to help narrow the search.

For example to locate a scenery asset named Dairy Barn:-

Select either:-
DotPointBlueSquare.png the Scenery Objects icon (it looks like a tree) from the row of icons, OR
DotPointBlueSquare.png from the drop down list below the row of icons, select the option  Scenery Objects 

... and type the text barn (UPPER/lower case is not important) into the search text entry box. This will filter all the assets to only show those that are Scenery (non-spline) Objects and have the text "barn" in their names or descriptions.

NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG the text strings dairy and dairy barn would also work but if you are not 100% confident of its actual name then a more general text entry would be a better option
DotPoint.JPG if you have identified the asset or multiple assets in Content Manager then their <kuid> codes can be copied into the search box but you can add assets to a new Picklist directly from Content Manager - see PageLink.PNG Creating a New Picklist in Content Manager
FilterSelectDairyBarn S20.png
DotPoint2Blue.png From the displayed list of assets:-
DotPointBlueSquare.png  Right Click  on the asset to be added to the Picklist, OR
DotPointBlueSquare.png To select multiple assets:-
BlueDot10x10.png  Shift  +  Left Click  on the first and last in a sequence of multiple assets to be added. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets, OR
BlueDot10x10.png  Ctrl  +  Left Click  on any number of individual assets to be added. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets
Either way, a popout menu will appear.
PickListFromAssets S20.png
DotPoint3Blue.png select ( Left Click  on) the option  Add to Picklist >  from the popout menu
DotPoint4Blue.png then select the option  New Picklist  from the next popout menu

PencilTips.PNG The Thumbnail icon AssetsPaletteListToggleViewIcon S20.png next to the Search box will toggle the list of assets between text and thumbnail views. But the thumbnail view works best when the Assets Palette is undocked and resized. See the Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use S20 Palettes for more information


Bblue.png Using an Object that is Visible in your Trainz World
Steps: To create a Picklist from an existing object:-
NotePad.PNG Use this method if the object you want to add to the new Picklist is already in the route and is present in the Surveyor scene in front of you.
DotPoint1Blue.png using either the Free Move Tool or the Fine Adjustment Tool  Left Click  on the object in the Trainz World to highlight it
DotPoint2Blue.png In the Info Palette  Left Click  on the Down Arrowhead next to the asset name (Aussie Farm Shed 36 in the image below)
InfoPaletteMenu S20.png

DotPoint3Blue.png select the options  Add to Picklist >  and  New Picklist...  from the popout menus

PencilTips.PNG An alternative method is to select an object in the Trainz World using the Free Move Tool or the Fine Adjustment Tool while holding down the  Alt  key. This will select the object in the Assets Palette and you can then use steps DotPoint2Blue.png to DotPoint4Blue.png in Method Ablue.png above
DotPoint3.JPG enter a name for the new Picklist and
PickListSave S20.png  Left Click  on:-
DotPoint.JPG the  OK  button to accept the name and save the new Picklist. The Picklist will be created and the selected asset will be added, OR
DotPoint.JPG the  Cancel  button to cancel the save

 In Content Manager 

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BlueDot10x10.png Content Manager is the asset management program that is supplied with all versions of Trainz

Creating New Search Filters

BlueDot10x10.png Search Filters created here can be used in Surveyor 2.0 asset searches
Steps: To create filters and Picklists in Content Manager:-
DotPoint1.JPG from the Trainz Launcher select  Manage Content 
DotPoint2.JPG the Default preset Filter is named Installed which shows all the assets installed in your copy of Trainz.  Left Click  on the Filter drop down menu box.

FilterCreateCM01 S20.png
DotPoint3.JPG select the  Custom...  option. This will load and open the preset Custom filter

FilterCreateCM06 S20.png

Each row in the filter contains two boxes
DotPoint.JPG the first box is a drop down menu that selects the data field to be searched
DotPoint.JPG the second box is either a drop down menu or a text entry box that identifies the contents that is to be found in the selected data field
DotPoint4.JPG edit/add/delete the filter rows and their contents as required.
For Example:
DotPoint.JPG Edit Filter Rows:-
Each Data Field box has a drop down menu.  Left Click  on the box to open its menu and select a field to use in the filter
FilterCreateCM03 S20.png
Each Contents box has either:-
RedDot10x10.png a drop down menu.  Left Click  on the box to open its menu and select an option to use, OR
RedDot10x10.png a text entry box. Enter a text string to be used as the search key for that data field. The box can be left empty - in which case it will serve no purpose
DotPoint.JPG Add/Delete Filter Rows:-
At the end of each Filter Row is a pair of buttons FilterCreateCM04 S20.png.  Left Click :-
the CMFilterDeleteBtn.png button to Delete this filter row, OR
the CMFilterAddBtn.png button to add a new filter row below this button
A sample filter created using these features could look like:-
FilterCreateCM02 S20.png

PencilTips.PNG Tips and techniques used in constructing content searches can be found at PageLink.PNG Search Logic
DotPoint5.JPG Save the new Search Filter.  Left Click  on the Save button above the filter lines, then:-
FilterCreateCM07 S20.png
DotPoint.JPG enter a name for your new filter
DotPoint.JPG and either:-
 Left Click  on the OK button to save the filter, OR
 Left Click  on the Cancel button to cancel the save

PencilTips.PNG Search Logic

There are some techniques and "know-how" that can improve the usefulness of your searches:-

DotPoint1Blue.png Multi-line filters force the search to match the assets with ALL the filter lines. For example:-
SearchLogic01 CM.png Will search all assets to locate and display only those that meet the following requirements:-
BlueDot10x10.png be on the Download Station AND
BlueDot10x10.png not already installed AND
BlueDot10x10.png classified as Flora AND
BlueDot10x10.png have Tree in their name
DotPoint2Blue.png The logic operators AND and OR provide some decision making abilities to a search. For example:-
SearchLogic02 CM.png Will search all assets to locate and display only those that meet the following requirements:-
BlueDot10x10.png are installed AND
BlueDot10x10.png either:-
BlueDot10x10.png modified on the date shown OR
BlueDot10x10.png installed on the date shown
DotPoint3Blue.png The logic operator AND NOT adds a different decision making ability. For example:-
SearchLogic03 CM.png Will search all assets to locate and display only those that meet the following requirements:-
BlueDot10x10.png assets are in the Picklist named Animals AND

The AND NOT reverses the result of the next filter line, which, by itself would only include

BlueDot10x10.png assets with a build version number of 3.5 or greater
The result of filter DotPoint3Blue.png is that only assets that are in the Picklist "Animals" and have a build version BELOW 3.5 would be shown. Without the AND NOT filter line the result would be that only assets that are in the Picklist "Animals" and have a build version 3.5 AND ABOVE would be shown.

Creating New Picklists

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BlueDot10x10.png New Picklists are created in Content Manager by using a Search Filter to display the assets that you want to add to the new Picklist
Steps: To create Picklists in Content Manager:-
DotPoint1.JPG from the Trainz Launcher select  Manage Content 
DotPoint2.JPG select an existing Search Filter or Picklist or create a new one that will display at least some of the assets that you want to add to the Picklist. You can change your selected filter or Picklist at any time during the process
DotPoint3.JPG From the displayed list of assets:-
DotPoint.JPG  Right Click  on the asset to be added to the Picklist, OR
  To select multiple assets:-
DotPoint.JPG  Shift  +  Left Click  on the first and last in a sequence of multiple assets to be added. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets, OR
DotPoint.JPG  Ctrl  +   Left Click   on any number of individual assets to be added. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets
A popout menu will appear.
DotPoint4.JPG select the options  Add to Picklist >  and  New Picklist... 
PickListAddNew CM.png
PencilTips.PNG Picklists that you create can be saved from Content Manager as text (.txt) files. They can also be loaded into Content Manager from text files.
Refer to the Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Backup a Picklist for the details.
DotPoint5.JPG enter a name for the new Picklist and
PickListCreate CM.png

 Left Click  on:-

DotPoint.JPG the  OK  button to accept the name and save the new Picklist. The Picklist will be created and the selected asset or assets will be added, OR
DotPoint.JPG the  Cancel  button to cancel the save

Editing Search Filters and Picklists

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 In Surveyor Classic 

Editing Search Filters

BlueDot10x10.png Surveyor Classic, sometimes referred to as Surveyor 1.0, is supplied in all versions of Trainz
Steps: To edit existing search filters in Surveyor Classic:-
from the Surveyor Classic screen press  Ctrl  +  Shift  +  F  to open the Search Filter
FilterSearchCategory02Saved S10.png

DotPoint2.JPG  Left Click  on the Down Arrowhead icon to the right of the title Search Filter at the top of the window to list all the filters
NotePad.PNG Notes:

The default (installed) Search Filters plus any that you have created and saved (for example Rail Workers) will appear in the menu list
DotPoint3.JPG To Delete a filter, select the last option  Delete a Filter  from the popout menu then select the name of the filter to be deleted
FilterDelete02 S10.png

 Left Click  on the:-

BulletTick.png icon to delete the selected Picklist, OR
BulletCross.png icon (either one) to cancel the delete operation
To Edit a filter  Left Click  on its name in the popup menu list to load it into the Search Filter. You then have the options of:-
Ablue.png Adding new filter lines -  Left Click  on the  +  button, OR
Bblue.png Deleting current filter lines -  Left Click  on the  x  icon of each line to be deleted
NotePad.PNG The  Clear  button will delete all the lines and reset the filter
Cblue.png Moving filter lines -  Left Click and Drag  BulletMove.png to drag a filter line up or down, OR
FilterSearchCategory02 S10.png
Dblue.png Altering the content of filter lines -  Left Click  on each data box to change its contents. Tips and techniques used in constructing content searches can be found at PageLink.PNG Search Logic.

 Save the edited filter 

NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG Search Filters saved in Surveyor Classic will only appear in Surveyor Classic. They will not be accessable in Content Manager or in Surveyor 2.0
DotPoint.JPG If you edit an existing filter you cannot use the same name when you save the new version, it must be given a different name. You can then use Step:  3  above to Delete the original version

Editing Picklists

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Steps: To edit existing Picklists in Surveyor Classic:-
DotPoint1.JPG from the Surveyor Classic screen press  Ctrl  +  Shift  +  F  to open the Search Filter
DotPoint2.JPG  Left Click  on the Down Arrowhead icon to the right of the title Pick list as shown in the image to list optins PickListsLoad S10.png
DotPoint3.JPG To Delete a Picklist, select the last option  Delete pick list  from the first popout menu then select the name of the Picklist to be deleted
PickListsDelete S10.png

 Left Click  on the:-

BulletTick.png icon to delete the selected Picklist, OR
BulletCross.png icon (either one) to cancel the delete operation
DotPoint4.JPG To Edit a Picklist  Left Click  on  Change pick list >  in the first popup menu and on its name (for example  Railroad Workers ) in the second popup menu to load it into the Search Filter window.
NotePad.PNG There is no need to save your edits. The picklist will be automatically updated after each change

You then have the options of:-

Ablue.png Adding a New Asset to the Picklist
DotPoint1Blue.png open the Tool Flyout containing the specific assets you want to add, for example the  F3  Objects Flyout or the  F4  Track Flyout
DotPoint2Blue.png select the asset to be added and  Left Click and Drag  it from the Flyout to the Picklist

PickListEditAdd S10.png

PencilTips.PNG An alternative method of adding assets to a Picklist is to use the Get Object tool in the Tool Flyouts

PickListEditGet01 S10.png

DotPoint1Blue.png  Right Click  on the Get Object tool. It will change to a Get to picklist tool with a clipboard icon
PickListEditGet02 S10.png
DotPoint2Blue.png  Left Click  on objects (you can click on more than one) in the Trainz World view to add each object to the Picklist
DotPoint3Blue.png when finished adding objects,  Right Click  again on the Get to picklist tool to change it back to the Get Object tool


Bblue.png Removing an Asset from the Picklist
PickListEditRemove S10.png
Simply  Left Click and Drag  out of the Picklist each asset that is to be removed. Drop the asset(s) anywhere in the Trainz World view

 In Surveyor 2.0 

Editing Search Filters and Picklists
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BlueDot10x10.png Surveyor 2.0 is available in Trainz Plus and TRS22 Platinum only
BlueDot10x10.png All Search Filter and Picklist tasks use the Filter Palette and Assets Palette in Surveyor 2.0
BlueDot10x10.png The Search Filters used in Surveyor 2.0 are created using Content Manager

PalettesIcon S20.png The Filter Palette and the Assets Palette must be visible on the screen. If they are not then open the SurveyorWindowIcon.png Window Menu at the top of the screen or refer to the Trainz Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use S20 Palettes

FilterPaletteOpenSelections S20.png
Steps: To access your Picklists and Search Filters
DotPoint1.JPG In the Filter Palette  Left Click  on the Asset Type data box (showing Ground Textures in the image on the left) or on the double arrowhead as shown on its right to open up its lists of filters.

FilterListSurveyorColourCoded S20.png
The drop down list shows all the:-
DotPoint.JPG Asset Types in the top section will list all the installed assets sorted by their Asset Type. These Types are built into Trainz and cannot be altered
DotPointBlueSquare.png Search Filters in the middle section will list all the Search Filters, both built in (such as Faulty and Open for Editing) and those that you have created and saved yourself
DotPointGreenSquare.png Picklists in the lower section will list all the Picklist, both built in (the Default Picklist) and those that you have created and saved yourself

At the bottom of the drop down list (you may have to scroll down to see it) is an option  Edit Filters and Picklists... . This option will allow you to select and edit a Picklist or Search Filter.

DotPoint2.JPG  Left Click  on the option  Edit Filters and Picklists... . This will open a new window that will list all the installed Picklists and Search Filters.
EditFilterPicklistWindow S20.png
DotPoint3.JPG  Right Click  on the column heading and select the options Insert Column and Filter TYpe

EditFilterPicklistWindowAddColumn S20.png

This will identify each list item as a Picklist or a Search Filter

DotPoint4.JPG  Right Click  on a Search Filter (or Picklist)
This will open a sub-menu. There will be one minor difference between the sub-menus for Search Filters and Picklists
Search Filter
FilterEditMenu02 S20.png
PickListEditMenu01 S20.png
NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG Picklists can only be created and their contents edited by using the Surveyor 2.0 Assets Palette
DotPoint.JPG You can Rename, Clone and Delete Picklists
The Edit option is greyed out for Picklists. The contents of Picklists cannot be edited by this method. See PageLink.PNG Editing Picklists below for the method used to edit their contents
The Editing options available are:-
 Add New Filter  will create a new Search Filter (even if it was a Picklist that was selected)
 List Assets in New Window  will open a Content Manager window which will display the results of applying the Search Filter or the contents of the Picklist
 Edit  will open a Filter Editor in the window to allow the selected Search Filter to be edited. See PageLink.PNG Editing Search Filters below for more details. This option cannot be selected for a Picklist
 Rename  will rename the selected Search Filter or Picklist. You will be asked to enter a new name
 Clone  will create a copy of the selected Search Filter or Picklist. The copy will have the same name as the original but with the text " - Copy" added at the end
 Delete  will delete the selected Search Filter or Picklist.  Warning:  You will NOT be asked to confirm the delete order

Editing Search Filters

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Steps: To edit the Search Filter instructions:-
Using the list of Search Filters and Picklist from opening the  Edit Filters and Picklists...  described above:-
DotPoint1.JPG  Right Click  on a Search Filter
DotPoint2.JPG  Left Click  on the  Edit  option
This will display Data Fields and Data Values for the the selected Search Filter
FilterEditMenu03 S20.png Filter lines can be:-
DotPoint.JPG Added
DotPoint.JPG Deleted
DotPoint.JPG Changed
A  Left Click  on the Save button will save the edited filter using the same name.

For Example:
DotPoint.JPG Edit Filter Rows:-
Each Data Field box has a drop down menu.  Left Click  on the box to open its menu and select a field to use in the filter
FilterCreateCM03 S20.png
Each Contents box has either:-
RedDot10x10.png a drop down menu.  Left Click  on the box to open its menu and select an option to use, OR
RedDot10x10.png a text entry box. Enter a text string to be used as the search key for that data field. The box can be left empty - in which case it will serve no purpose
DotPoint.JPG Add/Delete Filter Rows:-
At the end of each Filter Row is a pair of buttons FilterCreateCM04 S20.png.  Left Click :-
the CMFilterDeleteBtn.png button to Delete this filter row, OR
the CMFilterAddBtn.png button to add a new filter row below this button
A sample filter created using these features could look like:-
FilterCreateCM02 S20.png

PencilTips.PNG Tips and techniques used in constructing content searches can be found at PageLink.PNG Search Logic

Editing Picklists

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PalettesIcon S20.png The Filter Palette, Assets Palette and Info Palette must be visible on the screen. If they are not then open the SurveyorWindowIcon.png Window Menu at the top of the screen or refer to the Trainz Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use S20 Palettes

To ADD assets to a Picklist
DotPoint1.JPG select an asset or object that will be added to the Picklist by using one of two methods below:-
Ablue.png Using the Asset List in the Assets Palette
Steps: To add an asset from the Assets Palette to a Picklist:-
NotePad.PNG Use this method if the object you want to add to the new Picklist is not already in the route or is not present in the Surveyor scene in front of you.
DotPoint1Blue.png Find the asset in the Asset Palette list of assets - you can use the Search Filters or another Picklist to help narrow the search.
FilterSelectDairyBarn S20.png
For example: To display all scenery objects that have the text dairy barn in their names or descriptions, select one or both of:-
DotPointBlueSquare.png Scenery Object Type:-
BlueDot10x10.png the Scenery Objects icon (it looks like a tree) from the row of icons, OR
BlueDot10x10.png from the drop down list below the row of icons, select the option  Scenery Objects 
DotPointBlueSquare.png type a text string (e.g. dairy barn) (UPPER/lower case is not important) into the search text entry box.
DotPoint2Blue.png From the displayed list of assets:-
DotPointBlueSquare.png  Right Click  on the asset to be added to the Picklist, OR
  To select multiple assets:-
BlueDot10x10.png  Shift  +  Left Click  on the first and last in a sequence of multiple assets to be added. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets, OR
BlueDot10x10.png  Ctrl  +  Left Click  on any number of individual assets to be added. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets
A popout menu will appear.
PickListAddNew02 S20.png
DotPoint3Blue.png select ( Left Click  on) the option  Add to Picklist >  from the popout menu

A new popout menu will appear.
PickListAddNew03 S20.png DotPoint4Blue.png
select the name of the destination Picklist from the menu - you may have to scroll down the list to find it
NotePad.PNG There is no need to save your edits. The picklist will be automatically updated after each change


Bblue.png Using an Existing Object and the Info Palette
Steps: To create a Picklist from an existing object:-
NotePad.PNG Use this method if the object you want to add to the new Picklist is already in the route and is present in the Surveyor scene in front of you.
DotPoint1Blue.png using either the Free Move Tool or the Fine Adjustment Tool  Left Click  on the object in the Trainz World to highlight it
DotPoint2Blue.png In the Info Palette  Left Click  on the Down Arrowhead next to the asset name (Sign Station Oz 3b in the image below)
PickListAddNew04 S20.png

DotPoint3Blue.png select the options  Add to Picklist >  and the name of the destination Picklist from the popout menus

PencilTips.PNG An alternative method is to select an object in the Trainz World using the Free Move Tool or the Fine Adjustment Tool while holding down the  Alt  key. This will select the object in the Assets Palette and you can then use steps DotPoint2Blue.png to DotPoint4Blue.png in Method Ablue.png above

NotePad.PNG There is no need to save your edits. The picklist will be automatically updated after each change

To REMOVE assets from a Picklist

PalettesIcon S20.png The Filter Palette and the Assets Palette must be visible on the screen. If they are not then open the SurveyorWindowIcon.png Window Menu at the top of the screen or refer to the Trainz Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use S20 Palettes

Steps: To remove an asset from a Picklist (see Known Issue on the right):-
DotPoint1.JPG In the Filter Palette select the Picklist to be edited
DotPoint2.JPG In the Assets Palette  Right Click  on the asset to be removed, OR
To select multiple assets:-
DotPoint.JPG  Shift  +  Left Click  on the first and last in a sequence of multiple assets to be removed. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets, OR
DotPoint.JPG  Ctrl  +  Left Click  on any number of individual assets to be removed.
Bug.png Known Issue:
A bug has been reported that prevents this method from removing assets from a Picklist.
Workarounds: Two alternative solutions are available:-
  1. Use the method described in PageLink.PNG Editing Picklists in Content Manager below to remove assets from a Picklist
  2. Open the Filter Palette Toggle control,  Right Click  on the asset in the toggled list and select  Remove from Picklist 
DotPoint3.JPG Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets. A popout menu will appear
DotPoint4.JPG from the popout menu  Left Click  the option  Remove from Picklist . The asset will disappear from the Picklist
PickListRemoveObject S20.png
NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG Removing the last asset from a picklist will also delete the picklist
DotPoint.JPG There is no need to save your edits. The picklist will be automatically updated after each change

 In Content Manager 

Editing Search Filters and Picklists 
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BlueDot10x10.png Content Manager is the asset management program that is supplied with all versions of Trainz
Steps: To edit Search Filters and Picklists in Content Manager:-
DotPoint1.JPG from the Trainz Launcher select  Manage Content 
DotPoint2.JPG  Left Click  on the Filter drop down menu
FilterEdit01 CM.png
DotPoint3.JPG From the displayed list of Search Filters and Picklists, scroll down to the bottom and  Left Click  on the  Edit Filters and Picklists...  option

This will open a window listing all the Search Filters and Picklists

FilterEdit04 CM.png
DotPoint4.JPG  Right Click  on a Search Filter or Picklist
This will open a sub-menu. There will be one minor difference between the sub-menus for Search Filters and Picklists
Search Filter
FilterEditMenu02 S20.png
PickListEditMenu01 S20.png
The contents of Picklists cannot be edited by this method. See PageLink.PNG Editing Picklists below for the method used to edit their contents
The Editing options available are:-
 Add New Filter  will create a new Search Filter (even if it was a Picklist that was selected)
 List Assets in New Window  will open a new Content Manager window which will display the results of applying the Search Filter or the contents of the Picklist
 Edit  will open a Filter Editor in the window to allow the selected Search Filter to be edited. See PageLink.PNG Editing Search Filters below for more details. This option cannot be selected for a Picklist
 Rename  will rename the selected Search Filter or Picklist. You will be asked to enter a new name
 Clone  will create a copy of the selected Search Filter or Picklist. The copy will have the same name as the original but with the text " - Copy" added at the end
 Delete  will delete the selected Search Filter or Picklist.  Warning:  You will NOT be asked to confirm the delete order

Editing Search Filters

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Steps: To edit the Search Filter instructions:-
Using the list of Search Filters and Picklist from opening the  Edit Filters and Picklists...  described above:-
DotPoint1.JPG  Right Click  on a Search Filter
DotPoint2.JPG  Left Click  on the  Edit  option
This will display Data Fields and Data Values for the the selected Search Filter
FilterEditMenu03 S20.png Filter lines can be:-
DotPoint.JPG Added
DotPoint.JPG Deleted
DotPoint.JPG Changed
A  Left Click  on the Save button will save the edited filter using the same name.

For Example:
DotPoint.JPG Edit Filter Rows:-
Each Data Field box has a drop down menu.  Left Click  on the box to open its menu and select a field to use in the filter
FilterCreateCM03 S20.png
Each Contents box has either:-
RedDot10x10.png a drop down menu.  Left Click  on the box to open its menu and select an option to use, OR
RedDot10x10.png a text entry box. Enter a text string to be used as the search key for that data field. The box can be left empty - in which case it will serve no purpose
DotPoint.JPG Add/Delete Filter Rows:-
At the end of each Filter Row is a pair of buttons FilterCreateCM04 S20.png.  Left Click :-
the CMFilterDeleteBtn.png button to Delete this filter row, OR
the CMFilterAddBtn.png button to add a new filter row below this button
A sample filter created using these features could look like:-
FilterCreateCM02 S20.png

PencilTips.PNG Tips and techniques used in constructing content searches can be found at PageLink.PNG Search Logic

Editing Picklists

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BlueDot10x10.png Assets can be added to and removed from Picklists created in Surveyor Classic, Surveyor 2.0 and Content Manager

 Adding Assets 

DotPoint1.JPG from the Trainz Launcher select  Manage Content 
DotPoint2.JPG you can optionally use a Search Filter to narrow down the list of displayed assets to make the selection of new assets easier.  Left Click  on the  Filter  boz and select a suitable Search Filter or construct a Custom filter manually. You can change the filter at any time during the process. For example:-
PicklistAdd01 CM.png
DotPoint3.JPG  Right Click  on the asset to be added to the Picklist, OR
  To select multiple assets:-
DotPoint.JPG  Shift  +  Left Click  on the first and last in a sequence of multiple assets to be added. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets, OR
DotPoint.JPG  Ctrl  +  Left Click  on any number of individual assets to be added. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets
A popout menu will appear.

PicklistAdd02 CM.png
DotPoint4.JPG select the  Add to Picklist >  option
DotPoint5.JPG select the destination Picklist from the list
NotePad.PNG There is no need to save your edits. The picklist will be automatically updated after each change

 Removing Assets 

DotPoint1.JPG from the Trainz Launcher select  Manage Content 
DotPoint2.JPG  Left Click  on the  Filter  boz and select a Picklist to be edited
DotPoint3.JPG  Right Click  on the asset to be removed, OR
  To select multiple assets:-
DotPoint.JPG  Shift  +  Left Click  on the first and last in a sequence of multiple assets to be removed. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets, OR
DotPoint.JPG  Ctrl  +  Left Click  on any number of individual assets to be removed. Then  Right Click  on one of the selected assets
A popout menu will appear
CMEditPickList S20.png
DotPoint4.JPG from the popout menu  Left Click  the option  Remove from Picklist . The asset will disappear from the Picklist

NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG Removing the last asset from a picklist will also delete the picklist
DotPoint.JPG There is no need to save your edits. The picklist will be automatically updated after each change

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