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N3V Games uses Autodesk 3DS Max for internal modeling needs. At the current time, this is the only N3V-supported tool for creating models for the Trainz environment. Details on exporters can be found here. N3V does not support any other 3D modelling software or exporters at the current time. Third-party programmers looking to write exporters should investigate the Trainz Mesh Importer tool. Community members have also created exporters for the Blender and SketchUp modeling tools.


Introduction to Trainz modeling

Best Practices

The following guides describe best practices for modeling in various scenarios, including a discussion of techniques, polygon counts, etc.

Modeling Resources








Modern Content

Trainz is a long-running project and some content (both user-created, and supplied by N3V Games) is built to outdated standards. If you're new to content creation in Trainz, or have recently upgraded from an older version of the product, you should take some time to familiarise yourself with the capabilities of the product and the expectations placed on any new content. All content built for current versions of Trainz should comply with the following:

  • 3D models require normal maps.
  • Ground textures require normal maps and should have a texture resolution such as 1024x1024 or higher.
  • Models should have high polygon detail, with LOD fallbacks for older cards and distant objects.


TC & TS2009 Example Meshes - 3D Studio Max files provided to demonstrate features and techniques used by the Trainz team during TS2009 developement.

Related Links

Content Types - Using your models to build one of the supported Trainz content types, such as locomotives, scenery, and track.

ACS Coupling System - How to create models that use working couplings

Updating Steam Locos to TC3 Standards - Changing older models to use the new features introduced in TC3

Getting Started with Normal Mapping - Creating a simple model using normal mapping.

Material Types - Material types supported by Trainz.

Max Exporters - 3D Studio Max exporters.

Exporting with 3D Studio Max - Material setup and exporting with 3DS Max.

New Vs Old Exporter - Comparison and FAQ between the new and old 3D Studio Max exporters.

Trainz Mesh Importer - Trainz Mesh Importer a tool to assist importing models and animations from 3rd party applications.

.texture.txt Files - What goes into a .texture.txt file

Attachment Points - Information on attachment points