Build Numbers

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Build Number

A unique Build Number is created for each Trainz build produced, both for internal development builds and public (retail, beta) builds. Build numbers are generated sequentially, but because an update to an older product can occur after the release of a new product, it is not correct to assume that a higher number means a newer product.

Each build of Trainz also has a "Trainz-build" number which provides a broad idea of capabilities and content compatibility. Many builds may share the same "Trainz-build" number and are therefore considered compatible with each other, despite minor differences.

Currently Supported Releases

TRS22 - Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 and Trainz Plus

Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 & Trainz+

The following builds exist for TRS22 and Trainz Plus. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number.

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 115628 auto-patch to 116492 Beta release version (Windows)
Build 115635 Standard Edition version (MAC)
Build 115985 Standard Edition version (Windows)
Build 116492 auto-patch to 117118 Early Access (Windows)
Build 117118 auto-patch to 117300 Pre-Release (Windows)
Build 117300 auto-patch to 117442 Retail (Windows)
Build 117442 auto-patch to 117504 Beta (Windows)
Build 117504 auto-patch to 117537 Retail (Windows)
Build 117537 auto-patch to 117655 Retail (Windows)
Build 117654 auto-patch to 119463 Release Candidate TRS22 (Mac)
Build 117655 auto-patch to 119451 Release Candidate TRS22 (Windows)
Build 117660 auto-patch to 119449 Release Candidate TRS22 (Steam Windows)
Build 117661 auto-patch to 119442 Release Candidate Trainz+ (Steam Windows)
Build 117669 auto-patch to 119450 Release Candidate Trainz+ (Windows)
Build 117688 auto-patch to 119458 Release Candidate Trainz+ (Mac)
Build 117703 auto-patch to 119447 Release Candidate TRS22 (Steam Mac)
Build 117706 auto-patch to 119455 Release Candidate Trainz+ (Steam Mac)
Build 117744 auto-patch to 119444 Release Candidate TRS22 (Mac App Store)
Build 119117 auto-patch to 119458 Beta Trainz+ (Mac)
Build 119119 auto-patch to 119451 Beta TRS22 (Windows)
Build 119380 auto-patch to 119450 Beta Trainz+ (Windows)
Build 119442 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Windows)
Build 119444 Retail TRS22 SP1 (Mac App Store)
Build 119447 Retail TRS22 SP1 (Steam Mac)
Build 119449 Retail TRS22 SP1 (Steam Windows)
Build 119450 Retail Trainz+ (Windows)
Build 119451 Retail TRS22 SP1 (Windows)
Build 119455 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Mac)
Build 119458 Retail Trainz+ (Mac)
Build 119463 Retail TRS22 SP1 (Mac)
Build 121895 TRS22 Beta (Windows)
Build 122411 Retail Trainz+ (Windows)
Build 122418 Retail TRS22 SP2/TRS22 PE (Windows)
Build 122419 Retail TRS22 SP2/TRS22 PE (Mac)
Build 122427 Retail TRS22 SP2/TRS22 PE (Steam Windows)
Build 122428 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Windows)
Build 122431 Retail Trainz+ (Mac)
Build 122432 Retail TRS22 SP2/TRS22 PE (Steam Mac)
Build 122433 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Mac)
Build 122478 Retail TRS22 SP2 (Mac App Store)
Build 123792 Retail TRS22 SP3/TRS22 PE (Steam Mac)
Build 123794 Retail Trainz+ (Windows)
Build 123797 Retail TRS22 SP3/TRS22 PE (Mac)
Build 123798 Retail TRS22 SP3 (Mac App Store)
Build 123799 Retail TRS22 SP3/TRS22 PE (Steam Windows)
Build 123800 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Windows)
Build 123801 Retail TRS22 SP3/TRS22 PE (Windows)
Build 123844 Retail Trainz+ (Mac)
Build 123845 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Mac)
Build 126273 Retail TRS22 SP4 (Windows)
Build 126274 Retail TRS22 SP4/TRS22 PE (Steam Mac)
Build 126280 Retail Trainz+ (Windows)
Build 126286 Retail TRS22 SP4/TRS22 PE (Mac)
Build 126290 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Windows)
Build 126293 Retail Trainz+ (Mac)
Build 126295 Retail TRS22 SP4/TRS22 PE (Steam Windows)
Build 126297 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Mac)
Build 126300 Retail TRS22 SP4 (Mac App Store)
Build 128485 Retail TRS22 SP5/TRS22 PE (Mac)
Build 128486 Retail Trainz+ (Windows)
Build 128487 Retail TRS22 SP5 (Windows)
Build 128490 Retail Trainz+ (Mac)
Build 128492 Retail TRS22 SP5/TRS22 PE (Steam Mac)
Build 128493 Retail TRS22 SP5/TRS22 PE (Steam Windows)
Build 128495 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Mac)
Build 128497 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Windows)
Build 128503 Retail TRS22 SP5 (Mac App Store)
Build 129335 Retail TRS22 SP5 HF/TRS22 PE (Windows)
Build 129339 Retail TRS22 SP5 HF/TRS22 PE (Mac)
Build 129343 Retail Trainz+ (Windows)
Build 129383 Retail TRS22 SP5 HF/TRS22 PE (Steam Mac)
Build 129384 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Windows)
Build 129388 Retail TRS22 SP5 HF/TRS22 PE (Steam Windows)
Build 129392 Retail Trainz+ (Steam Mac)
Build 129393 Retail Trainz+ (Mac)
Build 129410 Retail TRS22 SP5 HF (Mac App Store)

TRS19 - Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019

Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019

The following builds exist for TRS19. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number. TRS19 Service Pack 2 (SP2), Build 110491, unifies all TRS19 customers onto the same build number with cross-compatibility for content, routes and sessions including multiplayer.

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 98569 auto-patch to 100331 MyTrainz release version
Build 98592 auto-patch to 100240 MyTrainz release version
Build 100240 - MyTrainz release version
Build 100331 - MyTrainz release version
Build 100332 - Steam release (Windows)
Build 100339 - Steam release (Mac)
Build 105096 - MyTrainz & Platinum SP1 (Windows)
Build 105170 - MyTrainz SP1 (Mac)
Build 105175 114863 SP1 Steam release (Windows)
Build 105497 - SP1 Steam release (Mac)
Build 105100 - Platinum (Windows)
Build 105113 - Platinum (Mac)
Build 110491 - SP2 Unified Build
Build 111951 - MyTrainz SP3 (Windows)
Build 111952 - SP3 Steam (Windows no Mac patch)
Build 111956 - SP3 Mac (Big Sur required)
Build 114800 auto-patch to 116678 MyTrainz & Platinum SP4 (Windows)
Build 114841 - SP4 Mac
Build 114863 - SP4 Steam (Windows)
Build 116678 - SP5 Platinum (Windows)
Build 117009 - SP5 hotfix 1 (Windows)
Build 117026 - SP5 Steam (Windows)

Trainz Plus

Trainz Plus

The following builds exist for Trainz_Plus. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number.

To install TrainzPlus, you must have an active Gold Membership or Trainz Plus Membership, and you will need to select the 'Trainz Plus' update stream. See this guide for further information:

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 100240 auto-patch to 100464 TRS19 MyTrainz Windows to Trainz Plus Update 1
Build 100331 auto-patch to 100438 TRS19 MyTrainz Mac to Trainz Plus Update 1
Build 100464 auto-patch to 103369 Trainz Plus Update 1 (Windows)
Build 100438 auto-patch to 103368 Trainz Plus Update 1 (Mac)
Build 103369 - Trainz Plus Update 2 (Windows)
Build 103368 - Trainz Plus Update 2 (Mac)
Build 105100 - Trainz Plus Update 3 (Windows)
Build 105113 - Trainz Plus Update 3 (Mac)
Build 110491 - SP2 Unified Build

Trainz Model Railroader Edition 2.1

Trainz Model Railroader 2

The following builds exist for Trainz Model Railroader Edition 2.1. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number.

Find out all the details via the STEAM store: Trainz Model Railroader Edition 2.1

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 128513 - Steam Windows Store release
Build 128514 - Steam Mac Store release

Legacy build versions

This section is being provided by the user community to make as complete a reference as possible, so is currently incomplete and may remain so.

TANE - Trainz: A New Era

Trainz: A New Era

The following builds exist for TANE. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number.


Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 74697 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 74702 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 74794 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 74885 auto-patch to 80345 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 75894 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 75938 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 75947 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 75971 auto-patch to 80345 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 76401 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 76425 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 76459 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 76536 auto-patch to 80345 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 76837 auto-patch to 80403 Online MyTrainz release Mac
Build 76794 auto-patch to 80403 Online MyTrainz release Mac
Build 78660 auto-patch to 80345 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 78667 auto-patch to 80349 Online MyTrainz release
Build 78628 auto-patch to 80350 Online MyTrainz release Mac
Build 80285 auto-patch to 80350 Online MyTrainz release Mac

TANE SP1 Hotfix 1

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 80341 auto-patch to 81172 Boxed Product Key Standard Edition
Build 80345 auto-patch to 81178 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 80349 auto-patch to 81190 Online MyTrainz release
Build 80413 auto-patch to 81197 Online MyTrainz release Mac

TANE SP1 Hotfix 2

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 81172 auto-patch to 81321 Boxed Product Key Standard Edition
Build 81178 auto-patch to 81324 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 81190 auto-patch to 81296 Online MyTrainz release
Build 81197 auto-patch to 81343 Online MyTrainz release Mac

TANE SP1 Hotfix 3

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 81321 auto-patch to 82848 Boxed Product Key Standard Edition
Build 81324 auto-patch to 82851 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 81296 auto-patch to 82718 Online MyTrainz release
Build 81343 auto-patch to 82867 Online MyTrainz release Mac

TANE SP1 Hotfix 4

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 82848 auto-patch to 84352 Boxed Product Key Standard Edition
Build 82851 auto-patch to 84356 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 82718 auto-patch to 84204 Online MyTrainz release
Build 82867 auto-patch to 84219 Online MyTrainz release Mac
Build 84615 auto-patch to 88404 Mac AppStore
Build 84473 auto-patch to 88460 Steam Windows
Build 84449 auto-patch to 88461 Steam Windows


Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 84352 auto-patch to 88343 Boxed Product Key Standard Edition
Build 84356 auto-patch to 88348 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 84204 auto-patch to 88364 Online MyTrainz release
Build 84219 auto-patch to 88395 Online MyTrainz release Mac
Build 88404 auto-patch to 90957 Mac AppStore
Build 88460 auto-patch to 90959 Steam Windows
Build 88461 auto-patch to 90969 Steam Windows

TANE SP2 Hotfix 1

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 88343 auto-patch to 90948 Boxed Product Key Standard Edition
Build 88348 auto-patch to 90955 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 88364 auto-patch to 90945 Online MyTrainz release
Build 88395 auto-patch to 90946 Online MyTrainz release Mac
Build 90957 auto-patch to 95083 Mac AppStore
Build 90959 auto-patch to 94812 Steam Windows
Build 90969 auto-patch to 95086 Steam Windows


Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 90948 auto-patch to 94808 Boxed Product Key Standard Edition
Build 94808 - Boxed Product Key Standard Edition
Build 90955 auto-patch to 94829 Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 94829 - Boxed Product Key Deluxe Edition
Build 90945 auto-patch to 94916 Online MyTrainz release
Build 94916 - Online MyTrainz release
Build 90946 auto-patch to 95078 Online MyTrainz release Mac
Build 95078 - Online MyTrainz release Mac
Build 95083 - Mac AppStore
Build 94812 - Steam Windows
Build 90969 - Steam Windows


More TANE SP4 information coming soon!

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 105766 - Online MyTrainz release
Build 105765 - Online MyTrainz release Mac

TS12 - Trainz Simulator 12

Trainz Simulator 12

The following builds exist for TS12. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number.

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 46957 auto-patch to 48054 Planet Auran release version
Build 47059 auto-patch to 48054 Minor revision
Build 47103 - Steam release
Build 47452 auto-patch to 48054 Just Trainz release version
Build 47772 auto-patch to 48054 Just Trainz release version (minor revision)
Build 48054 manual patch to 48249 Minor revision
Build 48249 manual patch to 49922 Minor revision
Build 49849 - Czech Release
Build 49922 - Minor revision, added support for Aerotrain DLC
Build 50027 - German Release
Build 50406 - French Release
Build 51054 - Dutch Release
Build 52143 - Russian, Japanese, Polish Release
Build 57720 - TS12 SP1 English
Build 57825 - TS12 SP1 Hotfix 1 English
Build 57898 - TS12 SP1 Hotfix 2 English
Build 58414 - TS12 SP1 Hotfix 3 English
Build 61297 - TS12 SP1 Steam English
Build 61388 - TS12 SP1 Hotfix 4 English

Trainz Simulator Mac

Trainz MAC

The following builds exist for Trainz Simulator Mac. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number.

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 47652 - Planet Auran Digital Store release
Build 47770 - Third-party Digital Store release
Build 48159 - Feral retail release

TS2010 - Trainz 2010

Trainz 2010: Engineers Edition

The following builds exist for TS2010. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number.

Build Number Patches available Build description Trainz-build*
version No.
Build 41491 manual patch to 41615 TS2010 GM, English Online Release Ver: 3.2
Build 41615 manual patch to 43434 TS2010 SP1 Ver: 3.2
Build 41622 manual patch to 43434 English Online Release
Build 42203 manual patch to 43434 TS2010 SP2 English, Swedish DVD Retail Release Ver: 3.2
Build 42534 - French Retail
Build 42763 - German Retail
Build 42831 - Dutch Retail
Build 42953 - Russian Retail
Build 43030 - Czech, Polish Retail
Build 43233 - Spanish Retail
Build 43434 - TS2010 SP3 Ver: 3.3
Build 44088 - TS2010 SP3 Minor revision
Build 45467 auto patch to 46170 TS2010 SP4 (including Trainz Multiplayer Beta) Ver: 3.4
Build 45607 auto patch to 46170 TS2010 SP4 patch 1 (including Trainz Multiplayer Beta)
Build 46170 manual patch to 49938 TS2010 SP4 patch 2 (including Trainz Multiplayer Beta)
Build 49933 - TS2010 SP3 Minor revision, added support for Aerotrain DLC Ver: 3.3
Build 49938 - TS2010 SP4 patch 3 (including Trainz
Multiplayer Beta), added support for Aerotrain DLC
Ver: 3.4

* The tag trainz-build assigned value will reflect the tech-level assigned the release or that under which an asset is first made; the version is now listed on the title bar of the Content Manager screen, and that of individual items is one of the column listings. The trainz-build version is also list on the DLS web page.

TS2009 - Trainz 2009

Trainz 2009: World Builder Edition

The following builds exist for TS2009. Where patches are available, these are noted beside the build number.

Build Number Patches available Build description
Build 37625 auto-patch to 40040 English Online Release
Build 38017 auto-patch to 40040 TS2009 SP1
Build 38411 auto-patch to 40040 English Retail
Build 38599 auto-patch to 40040 TS2009 SP1 hotfix
Build 38610 PROTECTED Steam English Retail
Build 38808 auto-patch to 41590 French Retail
Build 38824 - Dutch Retail
Build 38869 PROTECTED UK Retail
Build 39176 - German Retail
Build 39413 auto-patch to 40040 Czech, Polish, Hungarian Retail
Build 39561 - Spanish Retail
Build 39979 auto-patch to 40040 TS2009 SP2
Build 40040
-auto-patch Common version-
TS2009 SP2 + hotfix
Build 40357 - Cabon City English Online Release
Build 40542 - Russian Retail
Build 40702 - Cabon City English Online Release
Build 40702 - Treez English Online Release
Build 40762 - Murchison English Online Release
Build 40837 - S&C English Online Release
Build 40895 - Spanish pre-SP3
Build 41497 - Dutch, German pre-SP3
Build 41546 - Italian Retail
Build 41590 - French pre-SP3
Build 41844
-auto-patch Common version-
TS2009 SP3
Build 44653
-auto-patch Common version-
TS2009 SP4
TADDaemon ("Trainz Asset Database Daemon") introduced

Content Builds

Auran's newer patch technology developed for TRS2009 has the capability of updating the base Trainz version and installed add-on content independently. The following is a list of released content build versions for add-on content since the advent of TRS2009's technology. Legacy versions (Trainz UTC, Trainz TCC discussed below)

Content Build Number Content Patches available Build description
Content Build 40355 - Cabon City English Online Release
Content Build 40400 - Cabon City English Online Release
Content Build 40563 - Treez English Online Release
Content Build 40761 - Murchison English Online Release
Content Build 40836 - S&C English Online Release
Content Build 49210 - Duchess Online Release
Content Build 49474 - Duchess Steam Release
Content Build 49631 - Coronation Scot Online Release
Content Build 49694 - Coronation Scot Steam Release

Trainz Classics

Trainz Classics was series of releases each featuring a single route. New code features were added to each version to support that route.

Build Number
Trainz Retail Release Name
Patches available
Build description*
  2.7 Build 3337
Trainz Classics
  English Retail. Released July 9th, 2007 as a bundle with both TC1 and TC2 content included. Released as Trainz Railwayz (bundled with an updated TRS2006) in North America.
  2.7 Build 3422
  French Retail. Includes both TC1/TC2 and also the French 2007 content in a single build. (Build 3422 is Edition Gold or Collector)
  2.8 Build 3529
Trainz Classics 3
  TC3 English Retail, released on July 23, 2008.

TRS2006 & etc.

TRS2006 had a relatively large number of separate builds as Auran worked out methods for international names handling in various languages, plus went into partnership with various 3rd party distributors giving a host of releases in various markets but only one series of related Service Packs.

Build Number
Trainz Retail Release Name
Patches available
Build description*
  2.5 Build 2761
TRS2006 GM
  Original release for Australia and USA. Content Creator Plus and Content Manager Plus first introduced.
  2.5 Other Builds: UK release - 2773; French - 2883;
Dutch - 2967;German - 2970; Spanish - 3007
German - was also called Pro Train Perfect or PTP
  2.5 Build 3096
build 3104
Trainz Driver Edition (TDE)
('demo version')
UK release date of Trainz Driver was 24 February 2005.
 • TDE did not have CMP nor Surveyor, but did include Railyard
  2.6 build 3092
TRS2006 SP1
TRS2006 - Australia and North American markets
  2.6 Other SP1 Builds: United Kingdom-SP1= build 3099; Spanish-SP1= build 3118
  2.6 Build 3335
TRS2006 SP1
Vista support. Released in September 2007. Used for bundle packs - Trainz Railwayz (North American release bundled with TC1) and Trainz Complete Collection (bundled with TRS2004 SP4, UTC and Trainz Routes 1 to 4).
  2.6 Build ????
  French retail, equivalent to TRS2006+SP1, with some additional French content.
  2.6 Build ????
  German retail, equivalent to TRS2006+SP1, with a lot of additional German content.


TRS2004 had a relatively large number of separate builds as Auran worked out methods for international names handling in various languages, plus went through a related succession of Service Packs.

Build Number
Trainz Retail Release Name
Patches available
Build description*
2.0 Build 668 Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 International version (Australia and USA). Released in September 2003.
2.0 Build 686 Trainz Railway Simulator 2004 Just Trains version (UK). Requires disk in drive.
2.1 Build ???? Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 SP1 International (USA/Australia) release
2.1 Build ???? Trainz Railway Simulator 2004 SP1 Just Trains release (UK). Requires disk in drive.
2.2 Build ???? Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 "Passenger Edition" (SP2) International (USA/Australia) release
2.2 Build 2285 Trainz Railway Simulator 2004 "Passenger Edition" (SP2) Just Trains release (UK). Requires disk in drive.
2.3 Build ???? Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 SP3 International (USA/Australia) release
2.3 Build ???? Trainz Railway Simulator 2004 SP3
2.3 Build ???? TRS2004 Deluxe Trainz 2004: Deluxe Edition. Includes SP3 and additional content. Different regions received different additional content.
2.4 Build 2365 Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 SP4 International (USA/Australia) release
2.4 Build 2370 Trainz Railway Simulator 2004 SP4 Just Trains release (UK). Requires disk in drive.
2.4 Build 2370 Trainz Railway Simulator 2004 SP4 Included in Trainz Collection, but without the requirement for a disk in the drive.

Ultimate Trainz Collection

Ultimate Trainz Collection

Ultimate Trainz Collection, released regionally in 2002, included PaintShed, GMax 1.1, and other accessories.

Build Number
Trainz Retail Release Name
Patches available
Build description*
1.5 Build 0377
Trainz UTC 3 CD set
Ultimate Trainz Collection,
released 26 November 2002 w/expanded content
1.6 Build 0404
Trainz UTC SP1
Ultimate Trainz Collection SP1
1.6 Build 0033
1st released as part of
Ultimate Trainz Collection SP1

Trainz 1.x

Trainz 1.3
Build Number
Trainz Retail Release Name
Patches available
Build description*
0.9 Build 0009
Trainz Beta
wholly replaced
by Trainz 1.0
released in November 2000 for testing purposes to Model Railroaders.
1.0 Build 0010
Trainz 1.0
'Trainz Community Edition',
released in December 2001
1.0 Build 0019?
Trainz 1.0, non-English
Trainz Community Edition 2
1.1 Build ????
released in 2002 (April ?)
1.2 Build 0???
'Trainz Retail Edition' was released in June 2002
aimed at the North American markets.
1.3 Build 0263
aka Trainz 1.3
Trainz SP3
First with TrainzScript.exe, and Scenarios, November 2002
1.0 Build 0277
Trainz 1.0, non-English
Trainz Community Edition 2

Notes and references

* Name usages matching information posted on Trainz and the Trainz Wikibook Version and Build Numbers pages.

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