"track-sound" container

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The "track-sound" container is a top-level config.txt file entry used by KIND Track and KIND Traincar. It assists in calculating which sound to play for a given train and track combination. A track may define interaction with a number of train bogeys, and a train vehicle may define interaction with a number of tracks.

When a supported asset is loaded into the game environment, its track-sound entries are scanned. These entries are then available to match any assets according to the criteria specified in the track-sound entry. While it is recommended that track-sound entries relate only to their parent asset, this is not strictly enforced. If no matching track-sound entry can be found for a given query, the default track sound <KUID:-3:10194> is used.



Supported Tags

The "track-sound" container is a list of subcontainers with no standalone tags. Each track-sound subcontainer should have a unique name. Each track-sound subcontainer supports the following tags. Each tag is shown here with its default value.

track <NULL>
track-parent <NULL>
bogey <NULL>
track-sound <NULL>
priority 0


Type: KIND Track
Compulsory: No
Desc: May specify a KIND Track asset, in which case this entry only affects vehicles which are on the specified track. If omitted, the type of track is not checked.


Type: KIND Track | KIND SceneryWithTrack
Compulsory: No
Desc: May specify a KIND Track or KIND SceneryWithTrack asset, in which case this entry only affects vehicles which are on track belonging to the specified parent asset. If omitted, the parent is not checked.


Type: KIND Bogey
Compulsory: No
Desc: May specify a KIND Bogey asset, in which case this entry only affects the specified bogey. If omitted, the type of bogey is not checked.


Type: KIND Tracksound
Compulsory: Yes from 3.4
Desc: Specifies the KIND Tracksound asset which should be used if this entry is selected as the best match.


Type: Integer
Compulsory: Yes from 3.4
Desc: An integer which indicates whether this entry should be selected in favor of other matching entries. This should be used to fine-tune minor conflicts, not to attempt to force an asset to override every other possible match. Lower numbers denote better matches.
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