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KIND Mesh provides the basis for many mesh-based assets. It may be used to create attachments, and acts as the basis for various standalone mesh-based objects.

This page describes trainz-build 4.6.


KIND Hierarchy

Parent Classes

Child Classes

Supported Tags

The KIND Mesh config.txt file supports the following tags. Each tag is show here with its default value.

preview-mesh-kuid <NULL>
preview-scale 1.0


visibility-radius (varies)
maximum-lod-distance 0


An alternative mesh asset to use when representing this asset for in-game 3D asset pickers. If not specified, the game defaults to displaying the asset itself. TBD: Unclear why you'd want to do this for a modern LOD-capable asset.


A scaling factor used to influence the way that this mesh is represented for in-game 3D asset pickers. This can be useful if the default display scale results in the asset being zoomed too far in or out for practical viewing.


The "mesh-table-lod-transition-distances" tag (float array) determines the distances in meters at which each mesh-table LOD level ends. This means that there is effectively one more mesh-table LOD than entries in this array. With an empty array, no mesh-table LOD is used. With three values in the array, four mesh-table LOD indices are used (ie. 0, 1, 2, 3). For small objects, it may be appropriate to not provide any meshes for the final mesh-table LOD index.

This is used in conjunction with the "lod-level" tag in the "mesh-table" Container. Note that mesh-table LOD is an entirely separate concept from LM.txt file format LOD. You should not attempt to configure the LM.txt transition distances using this tag. It is, however, possible to combine the effects.


The "mesh-table" Container provides details about the meshes which comprise this asset.


The "Season-selector" container provides details about the seasons which influence this asset.


The radius of this mesh (in meters), for visibility and collision purposes. This defaults to a value calculated from the mesh file, however for various reasons including the effects of animation and the use of external render plugins such as SpeedTree, it is sometimes necessary to override the generated value.


Bool value, defaults to 1 and is not compulsory. Defines whether or not this mesh object should be used for collision detection against particles (e.g. smoke, steam). Disabling it for objects that are unlikely to interact with particles is a good idea.


If specified, controls the distance (meters) at which the maximum mesh-table LOD is reached. Only valid if a mesh-detail-level-count is specified. If configured greater than the user's current scenery draw distance setting, the draw distance acts as the maximum limit instead.


Attach sample files here
