SAR Scenario East-West Express

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Revision as of 21:05, 27 February 2021 by Pware (Talk | contribs)

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 Vintage East-West Express: Terowie to Quorn Passenger 
Between 1917 and 1932 the Terowie-Peterborough-Quorn Line was a vital part of the Transcontinental Railway between Sydney, NSW on the east coast and Perth, WA on the west coast.

The South Australian Railways provided an express passenger service, the East-West Express, that ran between Terowie and Port Augusta via Quorn. At Terowie it connected with broad gauge services from Adelaide. At Peterborough it connected with narrow gauge services from Broken Hill where there was a standard gauge connection from Sydney. At Quorn it connected with narrow gauge services from the Central Australian Line. At Port Augusta it connected with standard gauge services to Kalgoolie, where there was a narrow gauge connection to Perth.

Passengers making the entire trip from Sydney to Perth would change trains 5 times - Parkes NSW, Broken Hill NSW, Peterborough SA, Port Augusta SA and Kalgoolie WA. They would change track gauges 3 times - standard to narrow at Broken Hill, narrow to standard at Port Augusta and standard to narrow at Kalgoolie. They would have to navigate through 5 different rail systems - NSWGR, Silverton Tramway, SAR, Commonwealth Railways and WAGR. Plus take a taxi between two stations in Broken Hill. The entire journey from coast to coast would take 6 days, if all the connections were made.

Today passengers can board a luxury train, the Indian Pacific, in Sydney and travel the entire distance to Perth in 3 days without leaving the train.

East West Express
 Duration:  3 hours
 Loco:  SAR T 197 at Terowie Station Sidings

Other Unrostered Locos:

  • SAR T 23 on Peterborough Depot Siding 1
  • SAR T 231 at Terowie Depot
  • SAR T 233 on Peterborough Depot Loco Road 1
  • SAR 407 on Peterborough Depot Repair Shop Road 4
 Consist:  Attached to SAR T 197. 3 Kuranda BL1 coaches

Location Index

Location Index
Each location in the layout has a detailed set of track diagrams that provide a variety of information. The  Getting Started  guide below gives a summary of the information that is available.

To display the data click any Line Index graphic, or go to the bottom of the page for all the session links (all links will open in this window).
Getting Started:
  1. The first step is to pause the session by pressing the P key.
  2. Next locate your loco. Either:-
    1. Open the Finder Tool (press CTRL-F) and type, in the name field, the name of the loco. For example SAR T 197 (or just T 197 should be enough). Click the tick icon, OR
    2. Open the Driver List (bottom left of the screen) and select the loco from there - click the drivers Eye icon to jump to the loco.
  3. Take a few moments to get your bearings. Use the Location Index (this link will open in this window) and click on Terowie to load its location details and track plans. The Tab PH Grey.png tab will give you the EIT Paths that are available if you wish to use them. The Tab TM Grey.png tab will give you the location and names of the invisible TM Track Marks for Drive To commands. The Tab IN Grey.png tab will show the names and locations of all active industries and their commodities. The Tab SW Grey.png tab will give the names and locations of all junction switches as well as some switch sets you may want to use.
  4. Each location page has a direct link to the next location page, in all directions, so you can explore along the route.
  5. When you are ready to start, reload the Peterborough Base Session page (click the Scenarios button on your current location page) and select this Scenario again or just use the Back button on your browser - whichever is quicker.
  6. Switch back to TRS19 Driver and press the P key to start the session.


  1. Shunt the train into the narrow gauge platform at Terowie  Station .
  2. Proceed according to the timetable.

Strip Map
Terowie dep 08:05   Carrieton arr 09:57 (coal)
Peterborough dep 08:30     dep 10:07
Orroroo dep 09:14   Hammond dep 10:35
Eurelia arr 09:38 (water)   Bruce dep 10:49
  dep 09:42   Quorn arr 11:15
Driving Notes:
  • The approaches to all locations are protected by invisible signals to prevent the AI Half Speed Slowdown Problem when approaching a signal at stop.
  • Enhanced Interlocking Towers with set paths are available for your optional use at Terowie (departure), Paterborough (arrival and departure), Orroroo (arrival and departure), Carrieton (arrival and departure) and at Quorn (arrival). Click Location Index for details.
  • Trackmarks and industries have been provided for AI Drive To Trackmark, Drive via Trackmark and Drive to  Industry  commands. Click Location Index for details.
  • Manual (no AI) driving is possible. For those locations without home or approach semaphore signals, a Caution warning sign has been placed at the location of the Main Approach Dn and Main Approach Up trackmarks. Click Location Index for details.

Links: All links will open in this window
Session Scenarios List
Location Index
Location List
Rolling Stock
Rolling Stock
Active Industries

This page was created by Trainz user pware in February 2021 and was last updated as shown below.