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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
10:30, 4 March 2025CMD DoorControl.png (file)9 KBPware (Icon for Passenger Door Control driver command)1
15:36, 21 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep03c S20.png (file)14 KBPware (Train details of a rolling stock consist that is not designed to carry products)1
15:24, 21 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep03d S20.png (file)1 KBPware (Loading options for a consist wagon giving only one choice in S20)1
07:27, 21 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep03b S20.png (file)9 KBPware (Dialogue window showing the list of installed commodities)1
09:09, 11 February 2025DriverPaletteCommandStatusList2 S20.png (file)13 KBPware (Driver commands for a driver under the control of the TLR or assigned to the Automatic Scheduler)1
09:08, 11 February 2025DriverPaletteCommandStatusList S20.png (file)20 KBPware (Minor update)2
08:36, 11 February 2025DriverPaletteFocusOnDriver2 S20.png (file)1 KBPware (Focus on Driver icon greyed out in Driver Control Centre in S20)1
12:42, 9 February 2025ManageIndustriesCoalMine1a S20.png (file)9 KBPware (Minor correction)2
12:42, 9 February 2025ManageIndustriesCoalMine1b S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Minor correction)2
19:44, 8 February 2025ManageIndustriesLegacyMenu04 S20.png (file)64 KBPware (Edited Legacy Product Properties Window showing Processes tab)1
13:13, 8 February 2025ManageIndustriesLegacyMenu06 S20.png (file)63 KBPware (A successful legacy industry repair in the Industry Properties Window in S20 )1
13:07, 8 February 2025ManageIndustriesLegacySave S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Industry Properties Window Save Changes/Cancel button in S20)1
03:07, 8 February 2025ManageIndustriesLegacy02 S20.png (file)28 KBPware (Legacy industry properties window shown in S20)1
22:11, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesLegacyMenu01 S20.png (file)30 KBPware (The Script Properties section of the Industry Properties Window showing a legacy industry configuration window in S20)1
22:04, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesEmptyScript S20.png (file)7 KBPware (Empty Script area of Industry Properties Window in S20)1
19:48, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesStationPeakProp S20.png (file)1 KBPware (Peak passenger options for Industry Properties Window)1
19:47, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesStationArriveProp S20.png (file)3 KBPware (Station type options for Industry Properties Window)1
19:46, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesStation2trk S20.png (file)29 KBPware (Industry properties window for a two platform passenger station)1
16:21, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesNoProcess S20.png (file)14 KBPware (Industry Properties Window with no product processes)1
16:20, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesNoCommod S20.png (file)10 KBPware (Industry Properties Window showing an industry with no commodities allocated)1
16:19, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesNoProperties S20.png (file)4 KBPware (Industry Properties Window for a (possibly) misidentified industry asset )1
08:35, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesStockyard1b S20.png (file)18 KBPware (Produce and consume bars for a dual input/output industry in S20)1
08:11, 7 February 2025ManageIndustriesStockyard1 S20.png (file)29 KBPware (Industry Properties Window showing dual input/output processes)1
20:02, 6 February 2025ManageIndustriesLogging1 S20.png (file)32 KBPware (Logging industry with one input and one output in the Industry Properties Window in S20)1
14:42, 6 February 2025ManageIndustriesCoalMine1 S20.png (file)20 KBPware (Example of an industry producing a single product showing its Industry Property Window in S20)1
08:44, 5 February 2025ManageIndustriesContextNoEdit S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Edit Details option greyed out in a Context Menu in S20)1
07:48, 5 February 2025ManageIndustriesContext S20.png (file)79 KBPware (Industry Context Menu in S20)1
07:28, 5 February 2025DispatchManagerAwaitingCoalPickup S20.png (file)1 KBPware (Typical industry status label from Dispatch Manager in S20)1
07:22, 5 February 2025DispatchManagerLeviDelivering S20.png (file)1 KBPware (Typical status label from Dispatch Manager in S20)1
22:15, 4 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep10 S20.png (file)212 KBPware (Loaded bulk wagons after start of a session)1
22:14, 4 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep09 S20.png (file)200 KBPware (Empty bulk wagons at start of session with Paused message displayed)1
16:18, 4 February 2025ConsistManagerSettingsOptions S20.png (file)22 KBPware (Consist Properties Window with sub option menus shown in S20)1
09:21, 4 February 2025ManageConsistsContext S20.png (file)106 KBPware (Open context menu of a selected consist in S20)1
19:30, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep07 S20.png (file)235 KBPware (A bulk load copied to all identical wagons in a consist S20)1
16:48, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep05a S20.png (file)9 KBPware (Commodity Levels removing an item from the display S20)1
16:23, 3 February 2025LoadNotPermittedQueues1b S20.png (file)3 KBPware (Load Not Permitted ... Configure Queues in Commodity Levels set Loading Point S20)1
16:22, 3 February 2025LoadNotPermittedQueues1a S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Load Not Permitted ... Configure Queues in Commodity Levels S20)1
09:55, 3 February 2025CopyCommodities S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Copy Commodities to other wagons icon in S20)1
09:41, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep05 S20.png (file)19 KBPware (Commodity level bar with pointer and left-right adjustment arrow added S20)1
09:12, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep03a S20.png (file)55 KBPware (List of product icons to be loaded into a wagon with one item showing its tooltip under the pointer S20)1
09:11, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep04 S20.png (file)8 KBPware (List of products to be loaded into a wagon with the pointer on the first item S20)1
08:16, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep02 S20.png (file)10 KBPware (Cropped to reduce its size)2
07:26, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonNoAdd S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Add button greyed out in the Consist Properties window in S20)1
07:05, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep03 S20.png (file)48 KBPware (The consist properties windows in S20 with the Add and Supported Products links identified)1
07:02, 3 February 2025LoadBulkWagonStep01 S20.png (file)153 KBPware (Selecting a bulk load wagon for loading in Surveyor S20)1
09:16, 31 January 2025DispatchManagerCommandStatusTLR S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Driver Dispatch Manager Command Status showing a driver under TLR control in S20)1
09:15, 31 January 2025DispatchManagerCommandStatusManual S20.png (file)11 KBPware (Driver Dispatch Manager Command Status showing a driver under player control in S20)1
07:20, 29 January 2025DispatchManagerShowDriverLevi S20.png (file)34 KBPware (Update)2
15:52, 28 January 2025DispatchManagerDriverSettingsOptions S20.png (file)30 KBPware (Driver settings options in Dispatch Manager in S20)1
06:57, 28 January 2025DispatchManagerShowLumberDrivers S20.png (file)7 KBPware (Dispatch Manager display filtered on search "Lumber" and Drivers category in S20)1

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