SAR Scenario Coffee Pot Special V2

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  25   The "Coffee Pot" Special 
A scenario in the SAR Peterborough Base Session v2.0
A passenger excursion in the SAR SMC (Steam Motor Coach) on the Pichi Richi Railway from Quorn to Woolshed Flat, stopping at Summit. Bottom
 The Historical Bit 

Affectionately known as the "Coffee Pot", SMC 1 consists of an engine unit and a passenger coach. The coach is attached to the loco by a pivot beneath the firebox and the loco cab floor is part of the coach frame. SMC 1 was one of only two units built. SMC 2 went to the SAR South Eastern Narrow Gauge Division.

SMC 1 spent its entire working life (1905 - 1932) based at Quorn where it ran a weekly mail and parcel service to Hawker. It was also used on weekend passenger charters, mainly for football clubs, as far as Port Augusta and Orroroo. In 1932 it was placed into storage and then static display at the railway station in Alice Springs. In 1984 it was returned to Quorn and fully restored to operating condition. SMC 1 is the only known working example of its type in the world. It is currently used for passenger excursions on the Pichi Richi Railway between Quorn and Woolshed Flat.

 When, Where and With What 

Coffee Pot Special
 Era:  Present
 Duration:  Woolshed Flat: 50 minutes including a stop at Summit
Return: 40 minutes plus a 1hr 20min lunch stop at Woolshed Flat
 Loco:  SAR SMC 1 at  Quorn Loco Depot 

 Similar/Related Scenarios 

 2   Vintage East-West Express  4   Gladstone-Terowie Passenger Runs  9   Paratoo Mixed Passenger Freight
 16   Gladstone-Wilmington Rail Motor  17   Peterborough-Quorn Passenger Runs  

Location Index

Each location in the layout has a detailed set of track diagrams that provide a variety of useful information

The  Getting Started  guide below gives a summary of what is available.

To display this information click any Location Index graphic, or go to the bottom of the page for all the session links (all links will open in this window).
Getting Started:
  1. If you have already closed the opening message window then the first step is to pause the session by pressing the  P  key.
  2. If you decide to set the session clock to a different starting time then follow the instructions shown in the Orders section
  3. Next locate your loco. Either:-
    • Open the Finder Tool (press  Ctrl   F ) and type, in the Name field, the name of the loco, in this case SAR SMC 1 (or just SMC should be enough), then click the tick icon, OR
    • Open the Driver List (bottom left of the screen) and then scroll through the list to find either:-
    • the loco name (SAR SMC 1) OR
    • the driver icon (named Driver 1) - this is a non-animated icon
    then click the drivers Eye icon Driver Eye.png to take control of the loco.
  4. Take a few moments to get your bearings. Click Quorn Data (this link will open in this window) to show the location details and track plans for Quorn. In each location details page:-
    • the Tab HM White.png tab gives an overall summary of each location with a "potted" history (where available).
    • the Tab TM Grey.png tab reveals the invisible TM Track Marks for Drive To commands.
    • the Tab IN Grey.png tab lists all active industries and their commodities.
    • the Tab SW Grey.png tab describes the names, locations and settings of all junction switches as well as some switch sets you may want to use.
  5. Each location details page has direct links to the adjacent locations so you can explore along the route.
  6. When you are ready to start, reload the Peterborough Base Session page (click the Scenarios button on your current location page) and select this Scenario again or just use the Back button on your browser - whichever is quicker.
  7. Switch back to Trainz Driver Mode
  8. Close the opening message window and, if Pause is shown on the screen, press the  P  key to start the session.

Tutorial A tutorial on using these scenarios is provided in the link on the left. The link will open in this window

  1. Reverse the train from the depot  Loco Shed  into Quorn  Station .
  2. Proceed to Woolshed Flat stopping at Summit.
  3. After arriving at Woolshed Flat, turn the train on the WYE and reverse back to the "station area".
  4. Return to Quorn non-stop.
  5. Stable the train in the depot  Loco Shed  after turning on the turntable.
The Base Session has the clock set to start at Clock 0800.png
This can be changed to any required time. For the details see WikiLink.PNGSAR Scenario Session Time Change
 Coffee Pot Special Timetable 
Train №
 Sa Su
Train №
 Sa Su
plus public holidays when required
Quorn Depot CEFJØWX dep  11:50 Woolshed Flat dep  16:00  
Station   dep  12:00 Old Willow     a  
Summit arr  12:15 Summit arr  16:15a  
dep  12:25 dep     ..  
Old Willow         a Quorn Station arr  16:30  
Woolshed Flat ΔWX arr  12:40w Depot      cwS  
bold time = arrive/depart time plain time = timing point
Service Symbols:
L Load U Unload A Attach wagons D Detach wagons
S Stable loco a on request stop c coal (if required) w water (if required)
Location Symbols:
Δ = Turning Triangle C = Loco Coal Loader E = Engine Depot F = Fixed Signals
J = Junction Ø = Loco Turntable W = Loco Water Tank X = Crossing Loop
Driving Notes:

A summary of the facilities and product loads at all locations along the line is provided in the link SAR Port Augusta-Hawker Line

  • The line to Woolshed Flat is not signalled beyond Quorn Yard. Train Order Working is in operation on the line.
  • You have been issued with orders and the authorisation for Quorn to Woolshed Flat and return.
  • The approaches to all locations are protected by invisible signals to prevent the AI Half Speed Slowdown Problem when approaching a signal at stop.
  • Trackmarks and industries have been provided for AI Drive To Trackmark, Drive via Trackmark and Drive to  Industry  commands. Click Location Index for details.
  • Manual (no AI) driving is possible. As a visual driving aid, a Caution warning sign has been placed at the location of the Main Approach Dn and Main Approach Up trackmarks. Click Location Index for details.
  • If driving manually in yards, you are responsible for correctly setting any catch points.
Strip Map
Route Key

Woolshed Flat Strip Map

Links: All links will open in this window
Scenario Index
Location Index
Location Index
Drive Tutorial
Rolling Stock
Rolling Stock List
Loco Roster
Loco Roster
Active Industries
Top ArrowRightBtn.png

This page was created by Trainz user pware in May 2024 and was last updated as shown below.

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