Help:Edit Route

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The Edit Route window allows you to change region specific details for your route.




Route Name

The name of your route. You can change this name at any time if you wish.

Route Description

This is the description for your route, which will appear in the Routes menu, as well as the asset details in Help:Content_Manager, such as if you place the route onto the Download Station.

Working Scale

Changes the scale distance shown for Rulers. This will not change the scale/units for any other tools or functions.

Working Units

Changes the working units shown for Rulers between Metric and Imperial. This will not change the scale/units for any other tools or functions.

Draw Distance Cap

Allows you to set a maximum draw distance cap for your route. This can be useful if your route either has limited viewing distance, or if you need to limit the maximum draw distance to improve performance. This can still be overridden by the user if they wish to.


Selects the Region asset for your route. The region asset sets the default geographic location, which side of the road traffic appears on, and what type of cars appear on the roads.

Route Thumbnail

This is the thumbnail that will appear in the Routes menu, as well as the asset details in Help:Content_Manager. A thumbnail is required to place a route onto the Download Station.

Set Thumbnail

Use this button to create a new thumbnail for your route, using the current view in Surveyor.

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