KIND Product

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Product data type tag

KIND Product defines a "product type" for use with Trainz interactive industries. Products are not directly placeable within the game, but KIND Industry, KIND Traincar may be configured to consume, produce, or contain the various product types. Individual product instances may be visible to the user in-game.

KIND Hierarchy

Parent Classes

Child Classes

  • none.

Supported Tags

The KIND Product config.txt file supports the following tags. Each tag is shown here with its default value.

kind "product"
instance-type "resource"
mass 0.9
product-category <NULLKUID>
product-texture ""
icon-texture ""
allows-mixing 1


Type: String
Compulsory: Yes from 3.4
Desc: Identifies the asset as Kind Product.


Type: Boolean
Compulsory: Yes from 3.4
Desc: If set to '1', this product type may be mixed with other products in a single product queue. This is appropriate for some classes of boxed goods, for example, but not appropriate for most gases, liquids, or solid bulk loads such as gravel or coal.


Type: String (image file name including path)
Compulsory: No
Desc: The icon-texture tag defines an icon which is used when referring to this product in-game, for example in a KIND Industry configuration panel.


Type: String
Compulsory: Yes from 3.4
Desc: This tag describes how products of this type are created (instanced) within a product queue and may be one of the following values:
resource This indicates that instances of this product type are uniform, and that the software can track this product with a total number rather than a description of each instance.
  • This is by far the most efficient 'instance-type' and should be used unless there is a very strong reason to use another type.
instance This indicates that each instance of this product is of a specific sub-type. The subtype is assigned randomly when the instance is first created, but is preserved as the instance is moved from queue to queue throughout the system.
  • Queues of this instance-type are currently limited to 254 instances for performance reasons.
unique This indicates that each instance of this product is a true gamescript object. The object is preserved as the instance is moved from queue to queue throughout the system.
  • Queues of this instance-type are currently limited to 4 instances for performance reasons.


Type: Float
Compulsory: Yes from 3.4
Desc: Determines the mass (in kilograms) of a single unit (or, single instance) of this product. This is used when calculating the mass of a loaded KIND Traincar instance.


Type: Kuid
Compulsory: Yes
Desc: Each product type may be assigned to a single KIND Product-category.


Type: String (image file name including path)
Compulsory: No
Desc: The product-texture tag allows the specification of a local texture file to use when this product is visible as a bulk load. (TBD: link to product queue description.)


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