"Queues" container

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The "queues" Container is a top-level config.txt file entry used by various Content Types.

The "queues" Container is a list of queue subcontainers (Queues) with no standalone tags. Queues are used by certain asset types (such as KIND Industry and KIND Traincar) to 'hold' KIND Product instances. Queues can make use of animated meshes or custom attachments to visually represent the amount of product they hold in game. Each queue subcontainer uses the following format.

Instances of queue subcontainers are represented in TrainzScript via Class ProductQueue.


Supported Tags

Each queue subcontainer supports the following tags. Each tag is shown here with its default value.

 size                  0
 product-kuid          <KUID:0:0>
 initial-count         0
 passenger-queue       0
 per-hour              120
 animated-mesh         ""
 custom-attachments    ""


Type: Positive Integer
Desc: The maximum size of the queue, in other words this is the maximum amount of product the queue can 'hold'.


Type: KUID
Desc: Used in conjuntion with the 'initial-count' tag, product-kuid specifies the initial KIND Product type in the queue.


Type: Positive Integer
Desc: Used in conjuntion with the 'product-kuid' tag, initial-count specifies the initial amount of product in the queue.


Type: Boolean
Desc: Specifies that the queue can hold passengers.


Type: Positive Integer
Desc: This flag is used for passenger stations and sets the base number of passengers that will accumulate over the period of one hour.


Type: String
Desc: Specifies the name of an animated mesh from the mesh table. This mesh is used to visually represent the amount of product in the queue while in game and should animate from empty to full.


Type: String
Desc: Specifies that this queue has custom attachment points. Custom attachments are used in game to visually represent the amount of product in the queue. An 'attachment-points' container is used to list the custom attachments.


Type: String Container
Desc: The 'attachment-points' container lists all of the mesh attachment points used to visually represent the amount of product in the queue. When the queue is empty the meshes attached on these points will be invisible, as the queue fills they will be progressively shown. The number of attachment points cannot exceed the total queue size.


Type: KUID Container
Desc: Lists the KUIDs of all of the various KIND Product assets that can accumulate in the queue.


Type: KUID Container
Desc: Lists the KUIDs of all of the KIND Product-category assets that can accumulate in the queue. Allowing a product category means that all products of this category are allowed, they therefore do not need to be specified in the 'allowed-products' container.


Type: String Container
Desc: Sets a number of queues that this queue conlicts with. If any of the conflicting queues have product in them, then product cannot be added to this queue.
