CCG/Kind: Product

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Products are the commodities that TRS compatible rolling stock and industry assets process. TRS released products fall under one of four product-categories... Liquid Load, Bulk load, Container or Passenger.

This document description is not only to give you the list of products and product categories, but to also give you a better understanding of how the products are used. As product-categories are fundamentally different to products, so too are they dealt with differently. A rolling stock item may be able to pick up anything that falls under a product-category or be limited to one or a few products only.

For example, passenger cars can only take passengers, where-as a gondola may be set up to take any bulk load available.


In TRS, products can be displayed in a few ways:

An animated load representation.

This technique is used for bulk-category loads such as coal or woodchip products both in industry and rolling stock assets and for liquid loads through indicators adjacent to storage tanks. The animation is non-looping.

Say we have an industry bulk load animation with the frames running from 0 to 30. Empty will be at frame 0 and full will be at frame 30.

Texture swapping is possible for some rolling stock bulk loading assets. Details of how the texture swapping is set up is available on Page 375.

Mesh attachment representation.

This technique is used for container-category loads such.20ft and 40ft Containers, General Goods, Lumber and Logs all use this technique. If a piece of rolling stock has the potential to carry several product types (such as a flat car), it is possible to set up the loads to be mutually exclusive through it's config. That is, if it has capacity of one load, it cannot load any other product types.

'View details' Driver information window display

This (of course) can be used for all rolling stock items, but specifically, it is the means to see the load of rolling stock that cannot otherwise visually display it's load. i.e.. Tank Cars and enclosed Box Cars.

Box cars can be setup to take General Goods but are constructed without load attachments.

Note: Tank cars and tenders may use a separate animated `loader' mesh to visualise the loading of liquids. This is set up through the industry asset's script and the rolling stock item's config. For script reference please refer to the API Programmer's Reference Manual:

Refer to KIND TRAINCAR for links to in-game examples, descriptions and source files of the various types of product compatible rolling stock.


(kind product-category)

Container      <KUID:-3:10042>
Bulk Load      <KUID:-3:10040>
Liquid Load    <KUID:-3:10044>                                         
Passenger      <KUID:-3:10091>

Container Category Config.txt

kind product-category
kuid <KUID:-3:10042>
username Container"

Passenger Category Config.txt

kind product-category
kuid <KUID:-3:10091>
username "Passenger"

Bulk Load Category Config.txt

kind product-category
kuid <KUID:-3:10040>
username "Bulk Load"

Liquid Load Category Config.txt

kind product-category
kuid <KUID:-3:10044>
username "Liquid Load"


(kind product)

Product Category Container:

20ft Container    <KUID:-3:10014>
40ft Container    <KUID:-3:10041>
General Goods     <KUID:-3:10013>
Log               <KUID:-3:10001>
Lumber            <KUID:-3:10003>

Product Category Bulk Load:

Coal              <KUID:44179:60013>
Woodchips         <KUID:-3:10002>

Product Category Liquid Load:

Aviation Fuel     <KUID:-3:10045>
Crude Oil         <KUID:-3:10010>
Diesel Fuel       <KUID:-3:10011>
Petrol Fuel       <KUID:-3:10012>
Water             <KUID:-3:10004>

Product Category Passenger:

Passenger         <KUID:-3:10060>



kind product = The kind used in TRS

product-category = KUID of applicable category for this product

instance-type resource = Used when there is no mesh (or only one mesh) is referenced in the mesh table (i.e. Liquids, Bulk loads etc.).

instance-type instance = Used when more than one mesh is in the mesh table i.e: Passengers, General Goods. 200 max.`size' per Asset.

icon-texture = the in-game representation of the product when specifying the load type for a compatible rolling stock item (in Driver). The icon can alternatively be included in the thumbnail container - Trainz will look for the file and select by the 64x64 size.

mass = The physical mass of the product (or is that 'virtual' mass?)

         · For Containers and Passengers this is calculated in kilograms/unit
         · For Liquid and Bulk loads this is calculated in kilograms/litre

product-texture = The texture to be used with load `texture-replacement'. i.e. When a hopper loads woodchips instead of it's default load of coal. Refer to Load_Texture_Replacement.pdf for details.

allows-mixing 1 = Products with this tag may be combined in a single queue along with other products of the same category. Eg. Lumber and 20ft Container on a flatcar. By default, allows-mixing is set to 0. Therefore by default, a queue will only allow one product-category at a time.

- To look at allows-mixing from another angle, liquid products should never have allows-mixing enabled. Otherwise you have the potential to mix petrol with oil all within the same tanker, and I don't think cars like 2-stroke fuel too much!

We have placed Products and Product-Category files in the `scenarios' directory. (This location is not mandatory though).

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