CCG/Example: Product (Coal Product)

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Product (Coal Product)

Directory Structure

A typical asset of this kind has the following File\Directory Structure:

CCG coal texture dir.jpg

Required Files

config.txt - The config file for the asset.

thumb.jpg - The thumbnail image for this asset. A 240x180 jpeg.

coal.tga, coal.texture.txt - The texture file used when an item of rollingstock is carrying a load of coal. This texture is applied to the surface of the "load" in the rollingstock item, for example the load in the back of a coal hopper car.

See the section on Texture.txt files on Page 96 for more information.

coal_icon.tga, icon_texture.texture.txt - The product icon images (64x64 TGA).

Config.txt File Listing

kuid                    <kuid:171456:100038>
trainz-build            2.5
category-class          "IB"
category-region         "00"
category-era            "1850s"
username                "testCoal"
kind                    "product"
allows-mixing           1
instance-type           "resource"
icon-texture            "icon_texture.texture"
mass                    0.86
product-category        <kuid:-3:10040>
product-texture         "coal.texture"
      image	         "coal.jpg"
      width             240
      height            180

Download this asset

This asset is available for download from the TRS2006 website at:

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