KIND Scenery

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KIND Scenery provides the basis for all surveyor-placeable assets.

A basic scenery asset that supports night lighting, smoke (particle) effects, sound and animation. It is height adjustable and forms the majority of map objects used.


KIND Hierarchy

Parent Classes

Child Classes

Supported Tags

Each scenery asset supports the following tags. Each tag is shown here with its default value.

 backdrop              0
 collate-meshes        0
 random-color-low-hsb  0,0,100
 random-color-high-hsb 0,0,100
 nightmode             "none"
 rgb                   0,0.5,0
 snapmode              0
 snapgrid              0
 dighole               0,0
 floating              0
 height-range          0,0
 autoname              0
 rotate                1
 rotate-yz-range       0,0
 surveyor-only         0
 icon-texture          ""
 rotstep               1
 rollstep              1


Type: Boolean
Desc: If true then this signifies that the asset is a "backdrop". Backdrops are used to create the illusion of distant terrain in a route. To achieve this a backdrop has a much greater draw distance than other scenery assets so that it is visible from much farther away. Also, backdrops are not z-sorted, meaning that they will always appear 'behind' other scenery regardless of their actual position in the world. For this reason, backdrop objects should never be placed near the track.


Type: Boolean
Desc: The 'collate-meshes' tag allowed for rapid rendering (a primitive form of stitching) in older versions of Trainz. There were significant limitations on how they could be used. The tag allowed the ability to add random color variation to scenery objects via the 'random-color-low-hsb' and 'random-color-high-hsb' tags. Collated mesh coloring is not currently supported in TS2009 but is expected to be revived in future Trainz versions.


Type: Color (HSB)
Desc: This value requires 'collate-meshes' to be turned on and specifies the low point of the random color variation of an asset. Random color variations are specified as hue-saturation-brightness colors to allow meaningful interpolation between values.


Type: Color (HSB)
Desc: This value requires 'collate-meshes' to be turned on and specifies the high point of the random color variation of an asset. Random color variations are specified as hue-saturation-brightness colors to allow meaningful interpolation between values.


Type: Selection
Desc: Specifies how/when to use a night mesh specified in the mesh table. Requires a 'default-night' mesh to be added to the mesh-table. May be one of the following values:
  • home - switches on night effect at dusk and off sometime during the night
  • lamp - switches the night effect on from dusk to dawn
  • constant - lights are on day and night
  • none - no lights (default)


Type: Color (RGB, 0 to 1)
Desc: Specifies the color that this object will appear on the Minimap. Defaults to (0, 0.5, 0).


Type: Boolean
Desc: If true then this objects position will be constrained to a grid location on the ground. When placed or moved in Surveyor the object will 'snap' to the nearest grid location, the size of the grid is set using the snapgrid tag.


Type: Integer
Desc: This tag specifies the size, in meters, of the snap grid for the 'snapmode' tag, default 10 meters.


Type: Integer Pair
Desc: This tag allows objects to be sunk into the terrain by specifying a hole size to dig at the objects location. The ground underneath the object will not be drawn where there is a hole. This value is specified as an integer pair in 10 meter grid squares (ie. 5,2 = 50 x 20m) regardless of the actual terrain grid size. Note that the size of a hole cannot exceed 64 (where "dighole = a,b", a * b <= 64). Also note that the hole position will be snapped to the terrain grid so the asset should generally have the 'snapgrid' tag specified. Typical usage for the 'dighole' tag is to allow for turntable pits.


Type: SoundScript Container
Desc: Details sounds that a scenery object produces. Sound should be used sparingly - objects that appear in large numbers throughout a scene should not contain a soundscript, to prevent an unnecessary performance hit.


Type: Smoke Container
Desc: A smoke container is effectively a PFX (particle effects) emitter that allows your scenery object to produce smoke and similar effects. Smoke tags take the form smokeX where X is a number. There is no maximum number of smoke tags but they must be numbered sequentially (i.e. smoke0,smoke1,smoke2,etc).


Type: Decimal
Desc: If specified the 'floating' tag specifies a vertical offset, in meters, for the assets position. This allows you to create an asset which 'floats' a certain distance of the ground.


Type: Decimal Pair
Desc: Allows you to specify a range, in meters, for Surveyors height adjustment tool, this is handy when creating assets that may be placed on uneven ground.


Type: Boolean
Desc: Will cause the object to be automatically named when placed in Surveyor. Objects are auto-named with their localised asset name followed by a number (eg. "Tree 10").


Type: Boolean
Desc: Used to allow rotation to be disabled for an asset. If added and set to false the object rotation tool in Surveyor will not work for this asset. Rotation is enabled if this tag is not supplied.


Type: Decimal Pair
Desc: Allows the object to be rotated along it's x-y range in Surveyor and sets the maximum rotation amount, in degrees. X-Y rotation is performed in Surveyor by holding 'shift' while using the object rotate tool.


Type: Boolean
Desc: Enables the creation of Surveyor only objects. Surveyor only objects will not exist in Driver.


Type: Image File
Desc: Specifies an icon texture for the asset. Icons are used as thumbnails in various asset lists in Surveyor and can alternatively be specified using a thumbnail container.


Type: Queues Container
Desc: A queue container is used by certain asset types (such as industries and rolling stock) to 'hold' product. Queue containers can make use of animated meshes or custom attachments to visually represent the amount of product they hold in game.


Type: Decimal
Desc: Specifies the amount of each rotation step (in degrees) when rotating an asset in Surveyor


Type: Decimal
Desc: Specifies the amount of each x-y rotation step (in degrees) when rotating an asset in Surveyor


Type: Decal Container
Desc: Specifies a decal to attach to the scenery object. Decals are effectively textures attached to the asset that are drawn on the ground rather than the asset itself. Decals are ideal for the creation of object shadows, or adding ground detail such as cracks, oil stains, etc. Decals should be used sparingly, as there is a runtime cost to creating and updating decals.

Example Config.txt

Sample config.txt file for a scenery asset, with the Standard Tags excluded for brevity:

kind scenery
nightmode home
    anim anim.kin
    auto-create 1
    animation-loop-speed 1
        kind name
        fontsize 0.15
        fontcolor 30,30,30
        att a.name0
        name name
        kind corona
        att a.coronawhite
        frequency 1
        directional 0
        texture-kuid <KUID:-3:10111>
    night-mesh-base default
  mesh radar/
  anim radar/radar.kin
  att a.radar
  att-parent default
  animation-loop-speed 1.0


Attach sample files here?
