DE/T:ANE Neue Funktionen

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Trainz: A New Era bringt eine Bandbreite an neuen Funktionen mit sich, auf die Trainz-Freunde schon viele Jahre gewartet haben. Diese Seite führt euch in einige dieser Funktionen ein:

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Prozedurale, animierte Weichen

With the new "T:ANE" procedural track, when you create a junction including all the additional elements such as frogs, blades and sleepers in real time just by laying track like you are used to. Older track can also be replaced simply using the "Replace Assets" feature. Information for Content Creators can be found at: How_To/Build_Procedural_Track_for_T:ANE


To add "tilt" to your track, use the Track Properties dialog and adjust each of the parameters.

Weather & PFX Collision

Smoke will collide with scenery objects and "supported" spline objects such as tunnels and bridges. Rain and snow now collide with the terrain and do not enter tunnels.

Cabin Sway

Adjust track condition and car suspension to increase or decrease the amount of pitch and roll with each car at various speeds.

Future wishlist:

  • the train cabin usually has rigid connection to traincar body, so here should be the sway of driver's head relative to cabin...

Bewegung von Zügen

Schienenstöße/-unebenheiten hinzufügen

(i) Load your test route in Surveyor

(ii) Under Track Tab > Trackside Objects find Invisible Track Bump

(iii) Place a few bumps along your track and place a loco and wagons at the head of your track.

(iv) Click on Quickdrive, Save and enter Driver

(v) Start your loco and watch using external camera for visual bumps

Gleiszustand anpassen

(i) Load your test route in Surveyor, and open the Track Tab

(ii) Click on the Properties tool (?) and click on the track. Adjust the default track condition from 50 to 1. Repeat for various track segments.

Note: You may want to place objects or paint the terrain next to where you change the track condition to see where you "should" notice the effect.

Create your own "Bump"assets

(i) Open Content Manager and using the Custom filter, search for Invisible Track Bump (asset will be available on DLS soon)

(ii) R-Click > Duplicate to clone the asset, then select the new asset and R-Click > Edit Config File text

(ii) Rename the line:

username "Invisible Track Bump" to

username "Invisible Track Bump 1"

(iii) Change the line: track-bump-angles 1,0 to

track-bump-angles 0,1

(iv) Close and save the config file

(v) R-Click > Submit Edits

Note: Close Trainz and re-open (Start Trainz) after creating your bump assets for the changes to take effect.

Try out your new Bump 1 asset

(i) Place your new bump onto the track in Surveyor, run your test drive over the bump in Driver and see what happens differently with your new asset.

Hint: Rock and _ _ _ _

(ii) Create more assets following the same process trying different values other than 0 and 1.

Federung von Schienenfahrzeugen anpassen

(i) Im Content Manager das Fahrzeug anzeichen lassen, dann Rechtsklick > Edit Config file Text

(i) Die folgenden Zeilen zu dem öffnenden Dokument hinzufügen

suspension-stiffness 0.1

suspension-damping 0.1

suspension-pitch-limit 10

suspension-roll-limit 25

Diese Zeilen bedeuten:

suspension-stiffness - Die Steifigkeit der Federung, von 0 bis 1, wobei 0 schlaff ist und 1 völlig starr. Standardwert ist 0.75
suspension-damping - Grad der Dämpfung der Federung, wobei 0-1 unter-gedämpft ist (schwingt zurück und vor bis zum Ruhezustand), 1 ist passend gedämpft (gleicht sich so schnell wie möglich wieder aus), >1 ist überdämpft (gleicht sich eher langsam wieder aus). Standardwert ist 0.3.
suspension-pitch-limit - maximum pitch angle of the vehicle, in degrees. Defaults to 0.5
suspension-roll-limit - maximum roll angle of the vehicle, in degrees. Defaults to 4
Note: random jolt movement will only occur on below average track (condition scalar >.5). As with other movement it also gets worse at high speed


Funktion kommt in Kürze hinzu (not available in day 1 release version)

New Graphics Features

  • Full world shadows
  • Per-pixel HDR lighting
  • A range of Post-processing effects including:
    • Sun effects
    • Near and far depth of field blur
    • HDR Tonemapping
    • Bloom
    • Convolution
    • SSAO
    • Grayscale
    • Sepia
  • Water reflections
  • Water shaders

Other "Cool New Stuff"

  • Ctrl+Mousewheel in Driver and Surveyor to change your field of view
  • Shift-Mousewheel (or shift-arrow) in Driver and Surveyor to make finer adjustments to your camera
  • Ctrl-shift-drag for even finer object height adjustment
  • Shift +/- to adjust your draw distance without opening the Setting window
  • Lots more to come...

See Also

Personal tools