"mesh-table" container (interior version)
The "mesh-table" container is a top-level config.txt file entry used by various Content Types. Refer to the "mesh-table" Container documentation for the standard tags - this document only describes the extensions available within the mesh table when it is used in a cab interior asset.
Contents |
Standard Mesh Names
There are a number of standard mesh names that the trainz default cab script uses for it's controls. For a Diesel or Electric cab:
speedo_needle -- speedometer speedo_needle2 -- speedometer bplocomain_needle -- loco main reservoir pressure gauge bptrainbrakecylinder_needle -- locomotive brake cylinder pressure gauge bptrainbrakecylinder_needle2 -- locomotive brake cylinder pressure gauge no3pipe_needle -- brake pressure gauge (currently loco brake cylinder -- but maybe intended for something else?) bptrainbrakecylinder2_needle -- brake pressure gauge (source unknown) bptrainbrakepipe_needle -- train brake pipe pressure gauge bptrainbrakepipe_needle2 -- train brake pipe pressure gauge bploco_equaliser -- brake equaliser pressure gauge flow_needle -- brake flow rate gauge ampmeter_needle -- traction ammeter gauge ampmeter2_needle -- traction ammeter gauge throttle_lever -- throttle lever control reverser_lever -- reverser lever control trainbrake_lever -- self-lapping train brake control trainbrakelap_lever -- non self-lapping train brake control independantbrake_lever -- locomotive independent brake control. Note the typo in the control name. dynamicbrake_lever -- dynamic brake control wheelslip_light -- wheelslip indicator horn -- horn control light_switch -- light control pantograph_lever -- pantograph control throttle_brake_lever -- combined throttle/self-lapping brake lever
For a Steam cab:
speedo_needle -- speedometer bplocomain_needle -- loco main reservoir pressure gauge bptrainbrakecylinder_needle -- locomotive brake cylinder pressure gauge no3pipe_needle -- brake pressure gauge (currently loco brake cylinder -- but maybe intended for something else?) bptrainbrakecylinder2_needle -- brake pressure gauge (source unknown) bptrainbrakepipe_needle -- train brake pipe pressure gauge bploco_equaliser -- brake equaliser pressure gauge flow_needle -- brake flow rate gauge trainbrake_lever -- self-lapping train brake control trainbrakelap_lever -- non self-lapping train brake control independantbrake_lever -- locomotive independent brake control. Note the typo in the control name. horn -- horn control light_switch -- light control waterglass_left -- boiler water level waterglass_right -- boiler water level firebox -- the interior of the firebox (to show fire temperature) boiler_needle -- boiler pressure boiler_needle1 -- boiler pressure steam_chest_needle -- steam chest pressure regulator -- regulator (throttle) control reverser -- cutoff (reverser) control water_injector_0 -- primary water injector control water_injector_1 -- secondary water injector control blower -- steam blower control fire_plates -- the firebox door sanding_lever -- locomotive sander control blowdown_lever -- blowdown control (releases water out of the boiler)
Supported Tags
Each mesh subcontainer supports the following tags. Each tag is shown here with its default value. Standard tags inherited from the normal mesh table are omitted for brevity.
tooltip-text "" limits 0,1 angles 0,0 kind "" mousemode "" mousespeed 1 notches invert 0 notchheight onlight "" value 0.0 font "swiss" fontsize 12 fontcolor 1.0,1.0,1.0
- Type: String
- Desc: This text will be used in the tooltip that appears when the mouse cursor hovers over a cab control.
- Type: Decimal Pair
- Desc: Specifies the minimum and maximum values for a cab control or needle at it's two endpoints of movement.
- Type: Decimal Pair
- Desc: Specifies the minimum and maximum extents of movement for a control or needle. For control types that rotate, these values are in radians.
- Type: Selection
- Desc: The type of control this mesh table element represents.
Options are:
animated-lever animated-dial collision-proxy digital-dial-spd digital-dial-prs firebox lever light needle pulllever pullrope switch
animated-lever Operates like a standard lever, only uses a named animation instead of the angles tag for movement.
animated-dial Operates like a standard needle, only uses a named animation to represent the gauge readout instead of the angles tag.
collision-proxy This element type defines a volume within the cab where the mouse pointer will be considered to be over the cab control. Generally used in conjunction with an animated-lever.
digital-dial-spd Digital readout for a speedometer, and using speed units.
digital-dial-prs Digital readout for a pressure gauge, using pressure units.
firebox The animated firebox in a steam locomotive.
lever A standard lever, often used for throttle and brake controls. Requires the user to click hold and move the mouse to move the lever between it's notches. This control will stay at any notch position when let go.
light A light glow / overlay - this mesh is hidden when the light is off and shown when the light is on.
needle An analogue gauge needle. Can be used to implement many different types of gauges.
pulllever Like a lever, only sprung to return to it's initial position when the user lets go of the control. Useful for horns.
pullrope Like a pulllever, only with linear (not rotational) movement.
switch This control requires only a single click to move between it's two endpoints. It is better suited than a lever to small switches and buttons.
- Type: String
- Desc: If set to "exact", will require the mouse to be positioned over the geometry of the control precisely to activate it. Otherwise a bounding volume is used. This is useful for large controls which would otherwise block access to smaller controls.
- Type: Decimal List
- Desc: Specifies the positions of the notches for this control. A typical 8 notch throttle would be 0.0,0.125,0.25,0.375,0.5,0.625,0.75,0.875,1.0.
- Type: Boolean
- Desc: Invert mouse movement for this control. If the control moves the wrong way compared to the mouse, change this setting.
- Type: Integer List
- Desc: Specifies the importance of the notches for this control. Drawn graphically in the overlay as a longer bar for more important notches. Useful for a combined brake and throttle controller, or any other control where you want to mark a specific position. Should have the same number of values as the 'notches' list. 0 is for the most important notches, and has the longest bar. 1 has a smaller bar, approximately half the length. 2 is about 1/4 the length of 0, and so on.
- Type: String
- Desc: Specify the name of a light kind mesh which is enabled when this switch/lever is in the on position, and disabled when it is in the off position.
- Type: Decimal
- Desc:
- Type: String
- Desc: Font name to use for the readout of a digital control. Options are:
swiss (Default option. Renders with arial in PC builds.) times_new_roman verdana century_gothic cordia courier helvetica arial comic_sans sans_serif impact console tohoma (renders using the Tahoma font on PC builds.) garamond
These roughly correspond with Windows font names. Beware - not all fonts are available on all platforms, and where a font is not available, a different font may be substituted.
- Type: Decimal
- Desc: Font size for the readout of a digital control. Default is 12.
- Type: Decimal Triplet
- Desc: RGB font color for the readout of a digital control. Colors are specified within the range 0.0 to 1.0, with 0.0 being black and 1.0 being full intensity. Default is 1.0,1.0,1.0 - white.
Cab Interior Mesh-Table Example
The following is an example of a mesh-table which implements a number of cab controls
mesh-table { default { mesh "interior.im" auto-create 1 } wheelslip_light { kind "light" mesh "wheelslip_light.im" auto-create 0 } bptrainbrakepipe_needle2 { kind "digital-dial-prs" mesh "brakeneedle.im" att "a.brakepipe2" limits 0,55 font "arial" fontsize 0.007 fontcolor 80,240,120 auto-create 1 } speedo_needle2 { kind "digital-dial-spd" mesh "brakeneedle.im" att "a.digispeedo" limits 0,55 font "arial" fontsize 0.01 fontcolor 0,0,0 auto-create 1 } throttle_lever { kind "lever" mesh "throttle.im" att "a.throttle" limits 0,8 angles 0,1.69 notches 0,0.125,0.25,0.375,0.5,0.625,0.75,0.875,1 notchheight 1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1 radius 0.35 mousespeed -1 auto-create 1 } dynamicbrake_lever { kind "lever" mesh "dynamic_handle.im" att "a.dynamic" limits 0,2 angles 0,-1.69 notches 0,1 notchheight 0.1,1 mousespeed -1 radius 0.35 auto-create 1 } trainbrakelap_lever { kind "lever" auto-create 1 mesh "trainbrake_handle.im" att "a.trainbrake_handle" limits 0,4 angles 0,-2 notches 0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1 notchheight 2,2,2,2,2 mousespeed 1 } independantbrake_lever { kind "lever" mesh "indy_handle.im" att "a.ind" limits 0,32 angles 0.94,0 notches 0,0.5,1 notchheight 1,1,1 radius 0.35 mousespeed 1 auto-create 1 } flow_needle { kind "needle" mesh "flowneedle.im" att "a.bpflow" limits 0,1050 auto-create 1 } bplocomain_needle { kind "needle" mesh "brakeneedlered.im" att "a.mainres" limits 0,1240 auto-create 1 } bploco_equaliser { kind "needle" mesh "brakeneedle.im" att "a.eqres" limits 0,1240 auto-create 1 } bptrainbrakecylinder_needle { kind "needle" mesh "brakeneedlered.im" att "a.brakecyl" limits -50,1390 auto-create 1 } bptrainbrakepipe_needle { kind "needle" mesh "brakeneedle.im" att "a.brakepipe" limits 0,1240 auto-create 1 } speedo_needle { kind "needle" mesh "speedo_pointer.im" att "a.speedo" limits 0,43 auto-create 1 } ampmeter_needle { kind "needle" mesh "needleamps.im" att "a.ampmeter" limits 0,1700 angles 0,3.02058 auto-create 1 } reverser_lever { kind "lever" mesh "reverser_handle.im" att "a.throttle01" limits 0,2 angles -0.55,0.55 notches 0,0.5,1 notchheight 1,1,1 mousespeed -1 auto-create 1 } light_switch { kind "lever" att "a.hdlt" mesh "hdltswtch.im" limits 0,1 angles 0,2 notches 0,1 notchheight 0.1,0.1 mousespeed -1 auto-create 1 } horn { kind "pulllever" mesh "horn.im" att "a.horn" auto-create 1 angles 0,-0.55 limits 0,1 mousespeed -1 radius -0.02 notches 0,1 notchheight 0,0 } pantograph_lever { kind "lever" mesh "pantograph_lever.im" att "a.pantograph_lever" limits 0,3 angles 1.4,0 notches 0,0.5,0.75,1.0 notchheight 0,0,1,1 mousespeed -1 onlight "line_power" } line_power { kind "light" mesh "line_power.im" att "a.line_power" } }