This document is a work in progress |
TRAINZ A New Era (TANE) SP3. List of Trainz Driver Commands. All commands are the Copyright of N3V Games
This page is always under construction. As new commands appear they will be added to this list.
Only commands supplied with TANE or on the DLS are covered in this document.
This document will be modified (or a separate document created) for TRS19 after it is officially released (the current release is a beta version).
The driver commands listed in this page are all accessible in Trainz Surveyor from the Edit Session option in the Main Menu and are accessed by the Driver Command Rule and the Driver Setup Rule. Those commands that are identified as DLS Command must be downloaded and installed from the Trainz DLS first. |
Description Key:
- <kuid number> is for the command version at the time of writing. This number will change if the command is updated.
- DLS Command must be downloaded and installed from the DLS.
- Base Command and Built-in Command are installed with TANE.
- Obsolete Command is no longer required (explanation given).
- Legacy Command has been replaced by another command (new command will be identified).
Instructs the AI driver to load the commodity or commodities waiting at an industry enabled asset into the rolling stock assets that have been configured to receive them. This may involve the AI driver moving the train forward a few wagons at a time until the entire length of the train has passed through the loading area. The Load command is also used for loading (and unloading) passengers at passenger enabled stations. |
Command Properties:
- If the industry where the loading is taking place uses up all the available commodities before all the wagons are fully loaded, then any following wagons will not be loaded until the commodity is available again but the AI driver will not stop to wait.
- With passenger enabled stations the Load command will first execute an Unload command to unload some of the passengers.
Load At
Combines the Drive To and Load commands. Instructs the AI driver to drive to an industry (or passenger enabled station) and load the commodity or commodities waiting there into the rolling stock assets that have been configured to receive them. This may involve the AI driver moving the train forward a few wagons at a time until the entire length of the train has passed through the loading area. All signals and speed signs are obeyed during the "Drive To" operation. |
- <kuid2:75377:84:1> Load At
- DLS Command by stagecoach
Command Properties:
Select <name of industry> or industry enabled passenger station from session list
if applicable <name/number of track or platform> for industries and stations that have identified active platforms, tracks or loading bays
- The AI driver will select the shortest available path to the destination.
- If the AI driver is blocked (e.g. by another train, a locked signal or switch) it will not attempt to find an alternative path to the destination. This can lead to the train stopping and waiting indefinately until the blockage is removed.
- If the industry where the loading is taking place uses up all the available commodities before all the wagons are fully loaded, then any following wagons will not be loaded until the commodity is available again but the AI driver will not stop to wait.
- With passenger enabled stations the Load command will first execute an Unload command to unload some of the passengers.
Instructs the AI driver to unload the commodity or commodities loaded in rolling stock assets to the industry enabled asset if it has been configured and is able to receive them. This may involve the AI driver moving the train forward a few wagons at a time until the entire length of the train has passed through the loading area. The Unload command is also used for unloading passengers at passenger enabled stations. |
Command Properties:
- If the industry where the unloading is taking place reaches its maximum capacity before all the wagons are fully unloaded, then any following wagons will not be unloaded until capacity is available again but the AI driver will not stop to wait.
- With passenger enabled stations the Unload command will unload a set number of passengers, specifically:-
- Terminal stations = 100% of loaded passengers
- Large stations = 50%
- Standard stations = 25%
- Small stations = 10%
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Drive To
Instructs the AI driver to Drive, via the shortest available path, to the designated Industry (including Passenger Stations). Switches ahead of the train that are not locked against the AI will be set to allow the train to proceed and reset after the train has cleared the switch. The AI driver will NOT attempt to find a way around blockages when calculating the shortest path to the industry. All signals and speed signs are obeyed. |
Command Properties:
Select <name of industry> or industry enabled passenger station from session list
if applicable <name/number of track or platform> for industries and stations that have identified active platforms, tracks or loading bays
- If the AI driver is blocked (e.g. by another train, a locked signal or switch) it will not attempt to find an alternative path to the destination. This can lead to the train stopping and waiting indefinately until the blockage is removed.
Drive To Trackmark
Instructs the AI driver to Drive, via the shortest available path, to the designated Trackmark. Switches ahead of the train that are not locked against the AI will be set to allow the train to proceed and reset after the train has cleared the switch. The AI driver will NOT attempt to find a way around blockages when calculating the shortest path to the trackmark. All signals and speed signs are obeyed. |
- <kuid:-3:11149> Drive To Trackmark
Command Properties:
Select <name of trackmark> from session list
- If the AI driver is blocked (e.g. by another train, a locked signal or switch) it will not attempt to find an alternative path to the destination. This can lead to the train stopping and waiting indefinately until the blockage is removed.
Drive Via Trackmark
Instructs the AI driver to Drive, via the shortest available path, to and through the designated Trackmark. If there are no further commands then the AI will halt after passing the trackmark. Switches ahead of the train that are not locked against the AI will be set to allow the train to proceed and reset after the train has cleared the switch. The AI driver will NOT attempt to find a way around blockages when calculating the shortest path to the trackmark. All signals and speed signs are obeyed. |
- <kuid:-3:11209> Drive Via Trackmark
Command Properties:
Select <name of trackmark> from session list
- This command is used to direct the AI along a set route to a final destination which is not normally the trackmark identified in this command.
- If the AI driver is blocked (e.g. by another train, a locked signal or switch) it will not attempt to find an alternative path to the designated trackmark. This can lead to the train stopping and waiting indefinately until the blockage is removed.
Navigate To
Instructs the AI driver to Navigate, via the shortest available path, to the designated Industry (including Passenger Station). Switches ahead of the train that are not locked against the AI will be set to allow the train to proceed and reset after the train has cleared the switch. The AI driver will attempt to find a way around blockages when calculating the shortest path to the industry. All signals and speed signs are obeyed. |
- <kuid:-3:10058> Navigate To
Command Properties:
Select <name of industry> or industry enabled passenger station from session list
if applicable <name/number of track or platform> for industries and stations that have identified active platforms, tracks or loading bays
- If the AI driver is blocked (e.g. by another train, a locked signal or switch) it will attempt to find an alternative path to the destination. This can lead to the train traveling backwards and down the wrong track.
Navigate To Trackmark
Instructs the AI driver to Navigate, via the shortest available path, to the designated Trackmark. Switches ahead of the train that are not locked against the AI will be set to allow the train to proceed and reset after the train has cleared the switch. The AI driver will attempt to find a way around blockages when calculating the shortest path to the trackmark. All signals and speed signs are obeyed. |
- <kuid:-3:10149> Navigate To Trackmark
Command Properties:
Select <name of trackmark> from session list
- If the AI driver is blocked (e.g. by another train, a locked signal or switch) it will attempt to find an alternative path to the destination. This can lead to the train traveling backwards and down the wrong track.
Navigate Via Trackmark
Instructs the AI driver to Drive, via the shortest available path, to and through the designated Trackmark. If there are no further commands then the AI will halt after passing the trackmark. Switches ahead of the train that are not locked against the AI will be set to allow the train to proceed and reset after the train has cleared the switch. The AI driver will attempt to find a way around blockages when calculating the shortest path to the trackmark. All signals and speed signs are obeyed. |
- <kuid:-3:11209> Drive Via Trackmark
Command Properties:
Select <name of trackmark> from session list
- If the AI driver is blocked (e.g. by another train, a locked signal or switch) it will attempt to find an alternative path to the designated trackmark. This can lead to the train traveling backwards and down the wrong track.
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