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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

File list
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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
09:33, 26 July 2024FilterPaletteTrackObjectsSelected S20.png (file)12 KBPware (Filter Palette showing Track Objects icon selected in S20)1
09:09, 26 July 2024AssetsPaletteSplineSearchBarbedWire S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Assets palette with "barbed wire" entered in the search box)1
09:08, 26 July 2024FilterSelectScenerySplines S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Filter Palette with Scenery Splines selected in drop down list in S20)1
09:06, 26 July 2024FilterPaletteScenerySplinesSelected S20.png (file)12 KBPware (Filter Palette with Scenery Splines icon selected in S20)1
08:14, 26 July 2024AssetsPaletteMeshSearchWoodenBarn S20.png (file)5 KBPware (Assets Palette text search for "wooden barn" in S20)1
08:04, 26 July 2024FilterPaletteNoIconSelected S20.png (file)11 KBPware (Filter Palette with no icon selected in S20. Mouse pointer is on content drop down box)1
07:56, 26 July 2024FilterPaletteSceneryObjectsSelected S20.png (file)12 KBPware (Filter Palette with Scenery Objects icon selected in S20)1
16:41, 25 July 2024LayersPaletteEffectLayerRemove S20.png (file)9 KBPware (Delete Layer option from the Layers Palette S20)1
11:08, 25 July 2024MarqueeContextMenu S20.png (file)44 KBPware (Updated to show Filter option)4
10:59, 25 July 2024ContextMenuMeshObject S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Updated to include Filter option)3
10:59, 25 July 2024ContextMenuTrackObject S20.png (file)7 KBPware (Updated to include Filter option)3
10:58, 25 July 2024ContextMenuSplineSegment S20.png (file)7 KBPware (Updated to include Filter option)3
10:56, 25 July 2024ContextMenuSplineEndPoint S20.png (file)9 KBPware (Context Menu for a spline endpoint updated to include Filter option)1
10:44, 25 July 2024SplineSegmentContextIcon S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Reverted to version as of 10:09, 28 July 2023)4
10:43, 25 July 2024ContextMenuRollingStock S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Update)3
21:33, 24 July 2024AssetsPalettePresetsSelected S20.png (file)7 KBPware (Assets Palette showing presets list in S20)1
21:28, 24 July 2024FilterPalettePresetsSelected S20.png (file)5 KBPware (Filter Palette showing the Presets selected)1
13:59, 24 July 2024FilterPaletteDefault S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Default settings for the Filter Palette S20)1
08:03, 24 July 2024FilterPaletteToggleListOpen S20.png (file)16 KBPware (Minor correction)2
10:47, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 12 S20.png (file)3 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 7: the Bulk Replace progress bar)1
10:46, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 11 S20.png (file)4 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 7: Select the Bulk Replace menu option)1
10:44, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 10 S20.png (file)9 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 6: Select the replacement asset)1
10:41, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 8 S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 5: Disable the Filter Action)1
10:39, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 7 S20.png (file)12 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 4: Toggle ON the assets to be replaced)1
10:38, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 6 S20.png (file)12 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 4: Highlight the assets to be replaced)1
10:36, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 4 S20.png (file)35 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 3: Toggle OFF all the assets)1
10:35, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 2 S20.png (file)46 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 2: Refining the search)1
10:34, 23 July 2024FilterPaletteBulkReplaceExample 1 S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Example of using the Bulk Replace tool in S20. Step 1: Setting the asset type)1
17:42, 22 July 2024FilterPaletteSearchBox S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Filter Palette showing the Filter Toggle Search Box)1
13:19, 22 July 2024FilterPaletteClickToggleListOpen S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Filter Palette where to click to open the Filter Toggles S20)1
23:07, 20 July 2024SAR PortAugusta-Hawker Strip Map.png (file)14 KBPware (Correction)4
23:00, 20 July 2024Sheds Label.png (file)5 KBPware (Car Sheds label with white border)2
22:39, 20 July 2024CMEditPickList S20.png (file)12 KBPware (Popout menu for selected asset in Content Manager S20)1
17:20, 20 July 2024AssetsPaletteSearchBox S20.png (file)2 KBPware (The Assets Palette Search box in S20)1
14:02, 20 July 2024FilterSelectDairyBarn S20.png (file)18 KBPware (Selecting a Scenery Asset from the combined Filter and Assets Palettes in S20)1
10:21, 20 July 2024DotPointGreenSquare.png (file)5 KBPware (Green Square 25x25)1
10:20, 20 July 2024FilterListSurveyorColourCoded S20.png (file)20 KBPware (Filter Palette Selection list colour coded S20)1
09:29, 20 July 2024PalettesWindowsMenu S20.png (file)25 KBPware (Update)3
08:40, 20 July 2024WindowsMenu S20.png (file)21 KBPware (Updated)3
20:36, 19 July 2024FilterAssetsPaletteSceneryFenceSplines S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Search Filter for scenery splines containing the term "fence" in their name or description.)1
20:27, 19 July 2024FilterAssetsPaletteScenerySplines S20.png (file)17 KBPware (Docked Filter and Assets Palettes for a scenery spline search in S20)1
20:07, 19 July 2024FilterPaletteAssetsEnabled S20.png (file)4 KBPware (Filter Palette Filter Selection set to Scenery Splines with 4374 assets found. S20.)1
17:22, 19 July 2024FilterPaletteOpenSelectionIcons S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Selecting an Asset Type icon in the Filter Palette S20)1
17:21, 19 July 2024FilterPaletteOpenSelections S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Opening the Asset Type selection list in the Filter Palette S20)1
16:59, 19 July 2024FilterPaletteActions S20.png (file)2 KBPware (The 4 Filter Palette Actions in S20)1
16:58, 19 July 2024FilterPaletteOpenActions S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Opening the Filter Actions from the Filter Palette in S20)1
16:57, 19 July 2024FilterPalette S20.png (file)17 KBPware (The new Filter Palette in S20 with labels)1
21:01, 18 July 2024AssetsPaletteGroundThumbnailAsset S20.png (file)13 KBPware (Ground texture thumbnail as shown in Asset Palette)1
21:00, 18 July 2024AssetsPaletteGroundThumbnailJPG S20.png (file)64 KBPware (Ground texture thumbnail as supplied in config.txt file)1
18:56, 18 July 2024AssetsPaletteRoadsignThumbnail S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Individual thumbnail in Assets Palette from the asset 3D mesh)1

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