File list

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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

File list
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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
20:44, 19 March 2024SAR Oodla Wirra Basic.png (file)15 KBPware (Corrections)12
16:41, 19 March 2024SAR Ucolta Industry V2.png (file)14 KBPware (V2)1
16:40, 19 March 2024SAR Ucolta Industry V1.png (file)14 KBPware (Original V1)1
16:40, 19 March 2024SAR Ucolta TM V2.png (file)14 KBPware (V2)1
16:40, 19 March 2024SAR Ucolta TM V1.png (file)14 KBPware (Original V1)1
16:17, 19 March 2024SAR Oodla Wirra TM V2.png (file)15 KBPware (V2)1
21:18, 18 March 2024SAR Nackara TM.png (file)15 KBPware (correction)10
21:15, 18 March 2024SAR Nackara Industry.png (file)14 KBPware (Correction)6
07:20, 18 March 2024SAR Oodla Wirra Industry.png (file)14 KBPware (Update)5
07:20, 18 March 2024SAR Ucolta TM.png (file)14 KBPware (Update)8
07:19, 18 March 2024SAR Ucolta Industry.png (file)14 KBPware (Update)5
07:17, 18 March 2024SAR Paratoo TM.png (file)18 KBPware (Update)11
07:17, 18 March 2024SAR Paratoo Industry.png (file)17 KBPware (Update)5
07:17, 18 March 2024SAR Yongala TM V2.png (file)16 KBPware (Update)2
07:16, 18 March 2024SAR Yongala Industry V2.png (file)15 KBPware (Update)2
07:05, 18 March 2024SAR Booleroo Centre Industry V2.png (file)20 KBPware (Updated)5
06:58, 18 March 2024SAR Booleroo Centre TM V2.png (file)24 KBPware (Update)4
09:35, 10 March 2024BrushToolsLoadedEffectLayers S20.png (file)20 KBPware (Update)2
10:57, 3 March 2024Connect Arrow 2.png (file)893 BPware (Timetable connection arrow right up)1
10:47, 3 March 2024Connect Arrow 1.png (file)833 BPware (Timetable connection arrow down right)1
16:45, 22 February 2024Shadows Ambient Minimal.png (file)509 KBPware (Shadow effect using Ambient and Sun colours)1
16:44, 22 February 2024Shadows Ambient Maximal.png (file)553 KBPware (Shadow effect using Ambient and Sun colours)1
16:44, 22 February 2024Shadows Sun Minimal.png (file)451 KBPware (Shadow effect using Ambient and Sun colours)1
16:43, 22 February 2024Shadows Sun Maximal.png (file)529 KBPware (Shadow effect using Ambient and Sun colours)1
16:36, 22 February 2024Shadows Initial.png (file)511 KBPware (Shadow effects - initial values for Ambient and Sun colours)1
14:42, 16 February 2024MarkerTriggerRadius S20.png (file)466 KBPware (Update)2
20:57, 5 February 2024ContextMenuSplineObject S20.png (file)10 KBPware (Update - Properties is now Details)2
02:39, 2 February 2024NewEffectLayerLoadPreset S20.png (file)30 KBPware (Loading a Preset Effect Layer into S20)1
15:00, 1 February 2024ColorEffectLayerNoTint.png (file)247 KBPware (Cricket pitch scene with no colour effect layer appliedtear)1
15:00, 1 February 2024ColorEffectLayerTint.png (file)243 KBPware (Cricket pitch scene with colour effect layer applied to simulate wear and tear)1
15:31, 30 January 2024NewEffectLayerNameType S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Correction)3
06:45, 29 January 2024EditEffectLayerClutter S20.png (file)34 KBPware (Update)2
22:03, 28 January 2024BrushToolsWaterLayer S20.png (file)9 KBPware (Reverted to version as of 05:09, 31 May 2023)7
21:21, 28 January 2024BrushToolsWaterEffect S20.png (file)19 KBPware (Reverted to version as of 04:47, 6 February 2023)4
16:44, 28 January 2024EditEffectLayerWater S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Edit Water Effect Layer tools)1
16:44, 28 January 2024EditEffectLayerColor S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Edit Color Effect Layer tools)1
16:43, 28 January 2024EditEffectLayerTurfFX S20.png (file)38 KBPware (Edit TurfFX Effect Layer tools)1
11:39, 26 January 2024BrushToolsColorLayerPicker S20.png (file)9 KBPware (Colour picker for the S20 Color Effect Layer)1
11:20, 26 January 2024BrushToolsColorLayer S20.png (file)13 KBPware (Tool Options Palette for the Color Effect Layer in S20)1
20:05, 20 January 2024ObjectsUsingSameName.png (file)8 KBPware (Multiple objects with the same name in the Find Object window)1
20:31, 6 January 2024SAR Scenario Peterborough-Orroro-Quorn Strip Map.png (file)21 KBPware (Strip map of the SAR Peterborough-Orroroo-Quorn line V2)1
20:28, 6 January 2024SAR Scenario Peterborough-Orroro-Quorn Strip Map.png.png (file)21 KBPware (Strip map of the SAR Peterborough-Quorn line V2)1
10:50, 30 December 2023PlusIcon.png (file)1 KBPware (Edit Effect Layers add new layer icon)1
10:49, 30 December 2023PickerIcon.png (file)1 KBPware (Edit Effect Layers picker icon)1
10:49, 30 December 2023DeleteIcon.png (file)1 KBPware (Edit Effect Layers delete layer icon)1
10:48, 30 December 2023EditSwitchIcon.png (file)1 KBPware (Edit Effect Layers edit switch (two way) icon)1
10:48, 30 December 2023SavePresetIcon.png (file)1 KBPware (Edit Effect Layers save as a preset icon)1
09:13, 29 December 2023InfoLayerSetNew.png (file)17 KBPware (Assigning an object to a new layer using the Info Palette S20)1
08:31, 29 December 2023LayersPalette S20 ActiveLayer3.png (file)12 KBPware (Layers Palette S20 showing a list of route layers)1
18:44, 28 December 2023HeadingUp.png (file)2 KBPware (Wiki page nav button to top of section)1

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