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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
09:06, 29 July 2023InfoPaletteFocus S20.png (file)11 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
09:06, 29 July 2023InfoPaletteMulti S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
09:06, 29 July 2023InfoPaletteMenu S20.png (file)12 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
09:05, 29 July 2023InfoPaletteObjectName S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Object name entry box in S20 Info Palette)1
09:05, 29 July 2023InfoPalettePos S20.png (file)12 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
09:04, 29 July 2023InfoPaletteRot S20.png (file)10 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
09:04, 29 July 2023InfoPaletteLayer S20.png (file)11 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
09:04, 29 July 2023InfoPaletteLayersMulti S20.png (file)13 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
09:04, 29 July 2023InfoPaletteLayerSetBindingSet S20.png (file)14 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
23:52, 28 July 2023InfoPalette S20.png (file)18 KBPware (Updated for the latest release of S20)2
21:04, 28 July 2023FineAdjustSplineSegmentRotate S20.png (file)112 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)3
21:03, 28 July 2023FineAdjustSplineSegmentPitch S20.png (file)101 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)3
20:56, 28 July 2023FineAdjustSplineSegmentZMove S20.png (file)106 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)3
20:56, 28 July 2023FineAdjustSplineSegmentXYMove S20.png (file)115 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)3
20:55, 28 July 2023FineAdjustSplineSegmentStraight S20.png (file)105 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
20:47, 28 July 2023FineAdjustSplineSegment S20.png (file)152 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
20:43, 28 July 2023FineAdjustSplineEndPoint S20.png (file)160 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)2
20:38, 28 July 2023FineAdjustZMove S20.png (file)78 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)4
20:33, 28 July 2023FreeMoveRollingStock S20.png (file)271 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
20:31, 28 July 2023SelectedSplinesGradient S20.png (file)229 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)3
20:25, 28 July 2023FreeMoveSplineSegmentSelectedMoved S20.png (file)172 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
20:21, 28 July 2023FreeMoveSplineSegmentsAllSelectedMoved S20.png (file)196 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
20:11, 28 July 2023TrackSegmentContextIcon S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)3
20:07, 28 July 2023SplineEndpointContextIcon S20.png (file)5 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)1
20:02, 28 July 2023SplineJunction S20.png (file)149 KBPware (Update for the latest release of S20 July 2023)3
19:51, 28 July 2023TriggerFineAdjust S20.png (file)279 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)3
19:50, 28 July 2023TriggerAdjust S20.png (file)277 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
19:49, 28 July 2023TrackmarkFineAdjust S20.png (file)235 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)4
19:48, 28 July 2023TrackmarkAdjust S20.png (file)247 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)3
19:48, 28 July 2023TrackmarkAdd S20.png (file)252 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
19:47, 28 July 2023Tools S20.png (file)52 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)18
19:47, 28 July 2023SplineSegmentEndpoint S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)1
19:46, 28 July 2023SplineSegmentDualContextIcons S20.png (file)7 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)1
19:46, 28 July 2023SplineContextIcons S20.png (file)4 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)3
19:45, 28 July 2023SelectedSplinesHeight S20.png (file)275 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
19:45, 28 July 2023SelectedSplinesGradientUShape S20.png (file)104 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
19:44, 28 July 2023SelectedSplinesGradientSmoothPaint S20.png (file)165 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
19:44, 28 July 2023SelectedSplines S20.png (file)225 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)3
19:43, 28 July 2023S20 MarqueeDrawnArea.png (file)7 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)3
19:43, 28 July 2023RotationAxisYaw S20.png (file)75 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)5
19:42, 28 July 2023RotationAxisRoll S20.png (file)78 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)5
19:42, 28 July 2023RotationAxisPitch S20.png (file)74 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)8
19:41, 28 July 2023RotationAxis S20.png (file)84 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)4
18:16, 28 July 2023PrioritymarkFineAdjust S20.png (file)226 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)3
18:15, 28 July 2023PrioritymarkAdjust S20.png (file)261 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
18:14, 28 July 2023PlacementTrackJunction S20.png (file)140 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
18:14, 28 July 2023PlacementTrack4 S20.png (file)117 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
18:13, 28 July 2023PlacementTrack2 S20.png (file)115 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2
18:13, 28 July 2023PlacementRollingStockObject S20.png (file)100 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)3
18:12, 28 July 2023PlacementRollingStockCollision S20.png (file)296 KBPware (Updated for latest Trainz Plus update July 2023)2

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