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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
19:02, 25 January 2023InfoPaletteFocusUseHeight.png (file)29 KBPware (Info Palette Focus Z setting with Use Height for Brush option open in S20)1
19:58, 24 January 2023ScrapbookEntryCM S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Pinned scrapbook in Content Manager)1
19:42, 24 January 2023ScrapbookNewNamedPinned S20.png (file)54 KBPware (Named and pinned scrapbook in S20)1
19:05, 24 January 2023ScrapbookNew S20.png (file)60 KBPware (Scrapbook Palette showing a newly created scrapbook in S20)1
07:49, 24 January 2023FreeMoveMultiSelect S20.png (file)192 KBPware (A group of different object types selected with the Free Move Tool in S20)1
07:48, 24 January 2023FreeMoveMultiGroup S20.png (file)187 KBPware (A group of different object types prior to selection in S20)1
12:10, 23 January 2023AssetsPaletteFilterSelection S20.png (file)7 KBPware (Assets Palette filter selection for spline objects in S20)1
09:15, 22 January 2023AssetFilterNameHighlighted S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Asset name in the Assets Filter list highlighted in grey)1
20:24, 21 January 2023MainMenuSetGroundTexture.png (file)17 KBPware (Main Menu option for setting default ground texture)1
08:44, 20 January 2023InfoPaletteBindingDropBox S20.png (file)21 KBPware (The drop down list for selecting the Binding Layer in the Info Palette in S20)1
16:41, 19 January 2023InfoPaletteLayerDropBoxList S20.png (file)20 KBPware (Layer list for Info Palette Layer drop down box in S20)1
16:03, 19 January 2023InfoPaletteLayerSelectBtnOff S20.png (file)1 KBPware (Select Layer Button Off in Info Palette in S20)1
16:02, 19 January 2023InfoPaletteLayerSelectBtnOn S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Select Layer Button On in Info Palette in S20)1
06:47, 19 January 2023AssetsPaletteLockedUnlockedLayers S20.png (file)6 KBPware (Assets Palette in S20 showing locked and unlocked layers)1
06:39, 19 January 2023InfoPaletteLockedLayerBtn S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Info Palette Lock Layer button in S20)1
06:38, 19 January 2023InfoPaletteUnlockedLayerBtn S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Info Palette Unlock Layer button in S20)1
17:18, 18 January 2023InfoPalettePosMenu S20.png (file)10 KBPware (The Info Palette with the asset Z menu opened in S20)1
15:21, 18 January 2023InfoPaletteFocusMenu S20.png (file)10 KBPware (Sub menu for the Z focus in the Info Palette of S20)1
08:47, 17 January 2023MarqueeEditMenu S20.png (file)16 KBPware (The main edit menu showing the Marquee options in S20)1
06:28, 17 January 2023BrushToolsPresets S20.png (file)15 KBPware (Effect Layers in the Brush Tools in S20)1
19:48, 16 January 2023FineAdjustMultiRotate S20.png (file)139 KBPware (Added arrow)2
19:48, 16 January 2023FineAdjustMultiPitch S20.png (file)142 KBPware (Added arrows)2
16:23, 16 January 2023FineAdjustMultiSelect S20.png (file)126 KBPware (A group of mesh objects selected by the Fine Adjustment Tool in S20)1
16:21, 16 January 2023FineAdjustMultiGroup S20.png (file)121 KBPware (A group of mesh objects)1
19:48, 15 January 2023BulletTick.png (file)857 BPware (Small graphic tick icon)1
16:10, 15 January 2023FineAdjustRotateMove S20.png (file)74 KBPware (Scenery mesh object rotated along the Fine Adjustment Tool blue arc in S20)2
15:55, 15 January 2023FineAdjustPitchMove S20.png.png (file)74 KBPware (Scenery Mesh Object after a Fine Adjustment Tool pitch rotation in S20)1
08:10, 14 January 2023FineAdjust3DFrame S20.png (file)5 KBPware (The 3D frame used by the Fine Adjustment Tool in S20)1
19:23, 13 January 2023DotPoint11.JPG (file)10 KBPware (Dot Point 11 - red square)1
19:22, 13 January 2023DotPoint10.JPG (file)12 KBPware (Dot Point 10 - red square)1
19:22, 13 January 2023DotPoint9.JPG (file)11 KBPware (Dot Point 9 - red square)1
15:36, 13 January 2023FineAdjustmentTools S20.png (file)10 KBPware (Selecting the Fine Adjustment Tool in S20)1
15:30, 13 January 2023FreeMoveTools S20.png (file)11 KBPware (Selecting the Free Move Tool in S20)1
15:24, 13 January 2023EyedropperTools S20.png (file)10 KBPware (Selecting the Placement Tool in S20)1
15:08, 13 January 2023PlacementTools S20.png (file)11 KBPware (Selecting the Placement Tool in S20)1
09:09, 13 January 2023AssetFilterNameSelected S20.png (file)2 KBPware (Asset name highlighted in the Asset Palette filter list)1
21:14, 11 January 2023SplineEndPointContextIcon S20.png (file)963 BPware (Spline End Point Context Icon in S20)1
08:17, 11 January 2023FilterSelectWoodenBarn S20.png (file)15 KBPware (Item selected in the Asset Filter List in S20)1
08:13, 11 January 2023FilterSelectSearchBarn S20.png (file)8 KBPware (Text search for "Barn" in Asset Palette S20)1
08:12, 11 January 2023FilterSelectSceneryObject S20.png (file)4 KBPware (Asset Filter for Scenery Objects in S20)1
19:31, 10 January 2023PlacementSplineTools S20.png (file)13 KBPware (Placement Tool Options for splines in S20)1
15:32, 10 January 2023PlacementTrack3 S20.png (file)121 KBPware (Track laying in S20 - step 3)1
15:23, 10 January 2023PlacementTrack1 S20.png (file)113 KBPware (Text size increased)2
20:07, 9 January 2023FreeMoveMeshObjectSetAboveGround S20.png (file)44 KBPware (Mesh object set above ground height in S20)1
16:16, 9 January 2023FreeMoveSplineSegments S20.png (file)208 KBPware (A fence spline with multiple segments)1
20:35, 8 January 2023AssestFilteredScene3.png (file)160 KBPware (Example Scene 3 of asset visibility filter S20)1
20:35, 8 January 2023AssestFilteredScene2.png (file)186 KBPware (Example Scene 2 of asset visibility filter S20)1
20:34, 8 January 2023AssestFilteredScene1.png (file)297 KBPware (Example Scene 1 of asset visibility filter S20)1
20:34, 8 January 2023AssetFilterScene3 S20.png (file)10 KBPware (Example 3 of asset visibility filter S20)1
20:34, 8 January 2023AssetFilterScene2 S20.png (file)11 KBPware (Example 2 of asset visibility filter S20)1

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