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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:40, 7 March 2021IT CancelEnhancedPath.png (file)12 KBPware (The IT Cancel Enhanced Path command in the Driver Commands menu)1
12:25, 7 March 2021GS MtoB Path.png (file)21 KBPware (resized)2
11:31, 7 March 2021Gladstone Map MtoB.png (file)15 KBPware (Path set by Gladstone EIT Goods Loop to Broken Hill)1
10:34, 7 March 2021GS to PTB Paths 1.png (file)30 KBPware (Selecting the Goods Loop to Broken Hill EIT path)1
10:36, 6 March 2021Driver Command Control.png (file)79 KBPware (Image of driver command area or Driver screen)1
19:08, 4 March 2021PriorityMiniMap.png (file)25 KBPware (Priority tracks shown in MiniView)1
08:54, 2 March 2021SAR Orroroo Grain.png (file)198 KBPware (Screenshot for SAR scenario Orroroo Grain)1
08:25, 2 March 2021SAR Scenario Peterborough-Orroroo Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for SAR Orroroo Grain scenario)1
20:03, 28 February 2021SAR Peterborough Yards.png (file)32 KBPware (Update)5
08:21, 26 February 2021YellowSiding2 Label.png (file)1 KBPware (Yellow siding icon)1
08:21, 26 February 2021YellowSiding3 Label.png (file)1 KBPware (Yellow siding icon)1
08:20, 26 February 2021YellowSiding4 Label.png (file)1 KBPware (Yellow siding icon)1
08:20, 26 February 2021YellowSiding5 Label.png (file)1 KBPware (Yellow siding icon)1
07:08, 26 February 2021SAR Quorn.png (file)25 KBPware (Update)18
07:07, 26 February 2021SAR Quorn Basic.png (file)31 KBPware (Update)14
07:06, 26 February 2021SAR Quorn TM.png (file)28 KBPware (Update)11
06:55, 26 February 2021YellowSiding Label.png (file)1 KBPware (Small icon for a siding (yellow))1
06:55, 26 February 2021YellowSiding1 Label.png (file)1 KBPware (Small icon for a siding (yellow))1
21:33, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Quorn Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for SAR Quorn Shunter scenario)1
21:19, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Terowie Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip Map for SAR Terowie Shunter scenario)1
21:16, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Gladstone Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for SAR Gladstone Shunter scenario)1
20:45, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Peterborough Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for SAR Peterborough Shunter scenario)1
19:05, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Gladstone-Paratoo-Terowie Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for the Paratoo to Gladstone/Terowie fast freight scenario)1
17:55, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Peterborough-Paratoo Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for SAR Peterborough-Paratoo mixed scenario)1
15:34, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Peterborough-Quorn Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for SAR Quorn-Peterborough Local Freight scenario)1
15:06, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Gladstone-Paratoo Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for he SAR Paratoo-Gladstone scenario)1
13:20, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Gladstone-Terowie Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map of SAR Gladstone-Terowie scenario)1
12:59, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Terowie-Quorn Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for SAR East-West Express scenario)1
11:33, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Gladstone-Peterborough Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Strip map for SAR Peterborough Depot Fuel run scenario)1
10:58, 25 February 2021SAR Scenario Wilmington Freight Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Update)2
13:41, 24 February 2021Passenger Icon off.png (file)9 KBPware (Update)2
19:53, 22 February 2021SAR Quorn Shunter.png (file)148 KBPware (Quorn Shunter scenario for Peterborough Base Session)1
08:51, 19 February 2021Scenario Index.png (file)2 KBPware (confusion correction (I hope))5
13:21, 18 February 2021SAR T 250 Paratoo Through Freight.png (file)182 KBPware (resized image)2
11:12, 18 February 2021SAR T 258 Fuel Run.png (file)212 KBPware (Resized image)2
11:10, 18 February 2021SAR T 232 Quorn Local.png (file)247 KBPware (Resized image)3
11:09, 18 February 2021SAR T 202 Paratoo Mixed.png (file)181 KBPware (Resized image)3
11:09, 18 February 2021SAR T 200 Gladstone Passenger.png (file)239 KBPware (Resized image)2
11:08, 18 February 2021SAR T 197 East-West.png (file)244 KBPware (Resized image)2
11:07, 18 February 2021SAR Quorn Oil Run.png (file)183 KBPware (Resized image)2
11:07, 18 February 2021SAR Peterborough Shunter.png (file)178 KBPware (Resized image)2
11:06, 18 February 2021SAR Gladstone Shunter.png (file)188 KBPware (Resized image)3
11:05, 18 February 2021SAR Gladstone Empty Ore.png (file)193 KBPware (Resized image)2
11:05, 18 February 2021SAR 406 Paratoo Loaded Ore.png (file)151 KBPware (Resized image)2
10:44, 18 February 2021SAR Nth Division Strip Map.png (file)15 KBPware (Map update)4
14:40, 17 February 2021SAR Industries.png (file)21 KBPware (Small graphic for SAR Peterborough Industries)1
14:36, 17 February 2021SAR Industriies.png (file)21 KBPware (Small graphic for SAR Peterborough Industries)1
14:35, 17 February 2021SAR Scenarios.png (file)32 KBPware (Small graphic for SAR Peterborough Scenarios)1
11:25, 15 February 2021SAR Terowie Yards.png (file)11 KBPware (Map corrections and updates)2
20:23, 7 February 2021SAR Caltowie.png (file)15 KBPware (Map update)17

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