File list

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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

File list
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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
15:00, 10 February 2020DotPoint4Blue.png (file)5 KBPware (Simple blue dot with the number 4 - alpha channel)1
14:59, 10 February 2020DotPoint3Blue.png (file)7 KBPware (Simple blue dot with the number 3 - alpha channel)1
14:58, 10 February 2020DotPoint2Blue.png (file)6 KBPware (Simple blue dot with the number 2 - alpha channel)1
14:58, 10 February 2020DotPoint1Blue.png (file)4 KBPware (Simple blue dot with the number 1 - alpha channel)1
11:31, 10 February 2020DotPoint2Blue.JPG (file)8 KBPware (Improved background dot)2
11:29, 10 February 2020DotPoint3Blue.JPG (file)9 KBPware (Improved background dot)2
11:28, 10 February 2020DotPoint4Blue.JPG (file)7 KBPware (Improved background dot)2
11:27, 10 February 2020DotPoint5Blue.JPG (file)8 KBPware (Improved background dot)2
11:26, 10 February 2020DotPoint6Blue.JPG (file)9 KBPware (Improved background dot)2
11:24, 10 February 2020DotPoint7Blue.JPG (file)8 KBPware (Improved background dot)2
12:34, 9 February 2020DriverSetupWait.png (file)54 KBPware (Session Editor showing duplicated Driver Setup Rules separated by a Wait Rule with a 1 second delay)1
22:16, 7 February 2020DotPoint7.JPG (file)10 KBPware (Simple red square "dot point" with the number 7)1
22:15, 7 February 2020DotPoint6.JPG (file)11 KBPware (Simple red square "dot point" with the number 6)1
22:15, 7 February 2020DotPoint5.JPG (file)11 KBPware (Simple red square "dot point" with the number 5)1
15:40, 7 February 2020DotPoint4.JPG (file)6 KBPware (Simple red square "dot point" with the number 4)1
15:39, 7 February 2020DotPoint3.JPG (file)8 KBPware (Realigned digit)2
15:38, 7 February 2020DotPoint2.JPG (file)7 KBPware (Realigned digit)2
15:53, 6 February 2020DataFolderSize.png (file)23 KBPware (Highlighting added)2
15:42, 6 February 2020DataFolderProperties.png (file)17 KBPware (Selecting the Properties of a folder in Windows File Explorer)1
15:30, 6 February 2020DataFolderTRS19.png (file)14 KBPware (Local Data Folder location information)1
20:11, 24 January 2020RestoreFromCDP.png (file)58 KBPware (Redesigned arrow and added label)2
23:01, 20 January 2020BackupsOfflineFolder.png (file)4 KBPware (Sample backup plan - showing the contents of the offline backup folder)1
22:59, 20 January 2020BackupsOnlineFolderToday.png (file)16 KBPware (Sample backup plan - saving today's backups)1
22:52, 20 January 2020BackupsOnlineFolder.png (file)3 KBPware (Sample backup plan - setting up the folder on the main drive)1
12:53, 20 January 2020ExportToCDP.png (file)3 KBPware (Menu selection Export to CDP)1
12:52, 20 January 2020FilterRouteSelfInstalled.png (file)3 KBPware (Filter Routes by Self Installed)1
12:52, 20 January 2020FilterToday.png (file)1 KBPware (Search filter Today)1
19:46, 19 January 2020LauncherSettingsDailyBackups7.png (file)5 KBPware (Daily backups to keep data entry set to "7")1
19:46, 19 January 2020LauncherSettingsDailyBackups3.png (file)5 KBPware (Daily backups to keep data entry set to "3")1
19:45, 19 January 2020LauncherSettingsDailyBackups0.png (file)5 KBPware (Daily backups to keep data entry set to "0")1
19:44, 19 January 2020LauncherSettingsTabs.png (file)6 KBPware (Tabs from the Launcher Trainz Settings option - with Dev selected)1
12:53, 18 January 2020SessionEditMenuRestartRules.png (file)6 KBPware (Session Editor button for Restart All Rules in Trainz Plus and TRS19 Platinum)1
21:56, 16 January 2020BlkBar400.png (file)560 BPware (Black bar 400 x 2 px)1
21:55, 16 January 2020BlackBar200.png (file)553 BPware (Black bar 200 x 1 px)1
08:45, 15 January 2020PickListDelete.png (file)5 KBPware (Screenshot of Picklist editor showing Delete option)1
08:09, 10 January 2020CMD RandomWait.png (file)18 KBPware (Icon for driver command WaitForRandom)1
21:43, 6 January 2020MergeDummy2.png (file)19 KBPware (Update of merge method to resolve issues, image 2)2
09:52, 5 January 2020MergeDummy1.png (file)25 KBPware (Graphic showing first step in modified merge operation to avoid spikes and other uncommon issues that can occur)1
13:16, 28 December 2019CMD GuardsWhistleNear.png (file)12 KBPware (Icon for the driver command Guards Whistle Near)1
15:33, 19 December 2019Uncheckicon.png (file)932 BPware (Simple uncheck (cross) icon)1
15:32, 19 December 2019Checkicon.png (file)781 BPware (Simple green tick icon)1
15:30, 19 December 2019Checkicon.tga (file)1 KBPware (Simple green tick icon)1
07:48, 10 December 2019NextUp.png (file)8 KBPware (Button link for the next item up)1
07:47, 10 December 2019NextDown.png (file)8 KBPware (Button link for the next item down)1
15:55, 4 December 2019CommandsWiki.png (file)26 KBPware (Icon for links to Driver Commands List wiki page)1
22:25, 1 December 2019SAR Strip Map Key.png (file)4 KBPware (Simplification)2
16:35, 26 November 2019Link W-Z.png (file)12 KBPware (Link icon button)1
16:30, 26 November 2019Link U-V.png (file)11 KBPware (Link icon button)1
16:27, 26 November 2019Link T.png (file)8 KBPware (Link icon button)1
16:18, 26 November 2019Link Sh-Sz.png (file)12 KBPware (Link icon button)1

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