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Revision as of 15:39, 11 November 2008

Incubator is an Auran-led community project to unlock the power of some of the more advanced TrainzScript features and provide significant new technologies to Trainz scripters and Trainz users.


Projects are added to the Incubator by Auran when a particular need is identified. Community members may volunteer to lead or contribute to an existing project. The official project status will be updated on this page by Auran. Each project is run by the project lead and all official communication with Auran shall be through that person. Project leads should be moderately advanced programmers with a working knowledge of the TrainzScript environment.

Auran believes that the projects listed here are of significant long-term benefit to the Trainz community, and are either directly useful or are 'stepping-stone' technologies that will simplify the creation of useful scripts. Auran provides the rough specifications for each project, but the implementation is at the discretion of the project lead. Auran will provide information, technical assistance, localisation and testing access. In return, there is an expectation that the project leads will work with Auran to provide a polished user experience.


Application for project leadership implies that you agree with the stated goals of the project and are willing to work with Auran to achieve those goals in a timely fashion. Completed Incubator projects will be included in Trainz releases or on the Download Station, using Auran profile IDs. If a project lead deviates heavily from the stated project goals or appears unable to achieve release quality in a reasonable timeframe, they may be replaced at Auran's discretion.


The current incubator projects are presented here in priority order.

Project lead: User:Pguy
Dependencies: none.
Status: Implementation.
Brief: A library which allows "data bundles", stored as soups, to be tagged with type information. Rules may register as "data handlers" for a given data type, which means that they will perform certain functions on behalf of the DataBundleHelper when dealing with that data type.
Project lead: User:Pguy
Dependencies: Incubator/DataBundleHelper
Status: Implementation.
Brief: When the "open" action is performed on a Consist data bundle, this rule will display a small movable GUI which gives a consist summary and provides a "place consist" toggle button.
Project lead: User:Pguy
Dependencies: Incubator/DataBundleHelper, Incubator/ConsistDataHandler
Status: Implementation.
Brief: Allows the user to Drive a route with no session active. Consist placement, initial settings, etc. are controlled through a GUI presented by this script.
Project lead: none.
Dependencies: Auran
Status: Planning.
Brief: Allows the user to specify a set of 'addon' rules which are automatically loaded into every Driver session.
Project lead: none.
Dependencies: none.
Status: Planning.
Brief: A variation on the iTrainz Chat channel functionality. This rule automatically joins the player to a map-specific chat channel ("The Lobby") with a transparent HUD-style gui.
Project lead: none.
Dependencies: none.
Status: TBD.
Brief: Allows specified session variables to be "shared" between multiple players on a single session, providing an element of simple network gameplay.
Project lead: none.
Dependencies: none.
Status: TBD.
Brief: Allows specified session variables to persist between multiple plays of a given session.
Project lead: none.
Dependencies: none.
Status: TBD.
Brief: Displays a small HUD with a minimap. Provides setup options for the session creator to configure the minimap behavior, and includes an interface and simple rules to mark specific targets on the minimap.
Project lead: none.
Dependencies: Auran
Status: TBD.
Brief: A helper library which produces formatted HTML given a live stream of various chat events.
Project lead: none.
Dependencies: none.
Status: TBD.
Brief: A helper library responsible for positioning Driver HUDs. This implements the default positioning behavior and allows user settings and other rules to override the defaults.
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