KIND Behavior

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KIND Behavior assets are a configurable behavior module that forms part of a gameplay session. Within the Surveyor user interface, these are known as "Session Rules". For an introduction to using session rules see the Session Rules Overview. A list of all documented rules can be found here.


KIND Hierarchy

Parent Classes

Child Classes

  • none.

Supported Tags

Each Behavior asset supports the following tags. Each tag is shown here with its default value.

  • none.

Example Config.txt

Sample config.txt file for a library asset:

 username               "testBehavior"
 kind                   "behavior"
 kuid                   <kuid:171456:100035>
 script                 "behavior"
 class                  "DisplayHTMLRule"
 trainz-build           2.9
 category-class         "YH"
 category-region        "00"
 category-era           "2000s"
 description            "Test Behavior asset, displays an Html file."
 icon-texture           "html_type.tga"
   html_description     "Display page <a href=live://property/page>$0</a> of html asset <a href=live://property/asset>$1</a> in a new in-game window."
   description          "Display a page from a HTML asset in a browser window."
   description_info     "Display page $0 of html asset $1 in a new in-game window."
   display-name-page    "HTML page name"
   display-desc-page    "Name of HTML page without the .html extension"
   display-name-asset   "HTML asset"
   display-desc-asset   "HTML asset where the page can be found"
   click_to_select      "click to select"
     image					"thumb.jpg"
     width					240
     height					180


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