How to Use Track Priority Markers

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The information in this Wiki Page applies to TANE, TRS19, Trainz Plus and TRS22.

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BlueDot10x10.png Track Priority Marks are purple coloured track markers that are invisible in Driver but visible in Surveyor. They are used to direct specific trains under AI control through the track section where they are placed
BlueDot10x10.png They only work on AI controlled trains. They have no effect on manually controlled trains
BlueDot10x10.png The direction that the marker is pointing has NO EFFECT on its operation
BlueDot10x10.png Track Priority Marks are used with Priority Levels that are assigned to each train

What are Track Priority Markers?

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BlueDot10x10.png Track Priority Markers are track markers that are invisible in Driver but visible in Surveyor
BlueDot10x10.png They match the Priority Level assigned to AI consists with the level assigned to the marker on the track to decide if the consist is allowed to use that section of track
BlueDot10x10.png Priority Levels have no set meanings but can be assigned to specific AI trains to force them through selected sections of track (the sections are defined as the track between consecutive junctions)

Priority Marks are used to assign different levels of Priority to track sections. Trains under AI control that have:-
DotPoint.JPG the same Priority Level as the track will, under normal conditions, be directed along that track
DotPoint.JPG a different Priority Level as the track will, under normal conditions, be directed away from that track
assuming that there are no conflicting driver commands or movements

PencilTips.PNG A better way of thinking about the meaning of Priority is to use the word Preference instead of "Priority". Preference indicates a choice between different paths while Priority is often mistakenly taken to mean importance

Route or Session?

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BlueDot10x10.png Priority Marks can be placed in a Route Layer or in a Session Layer

NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG Placing Priority Marks in a Route layer (e.g. in the same layer as the track) means that they will be available in all Sessions created using that particular Route
DotPoint.JPG Placing Priority Marks in a Session layer means that they will only be available in that Session. This can be useful if two or more Sessions are being created and you want to use different Priority Marks in each Session

LinkWiki.PNG Information on Route and Session layers can be found at:-

Adding a Track Priority Marker

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NotePad.PNG Notes:

A Priority Marker has one important property:-

DotPoint.JPG its Priority Level (1, 2 or 3) which is used to decide which consists can move along the track containing the marker

...and one lesser property:-

DotPoint.JPG its Trigger Effect Radius
PencilTips.PNG The direction that a Priority Marker is pointing has NO EFFECT on its operation. Likewise, its name is not required for any operation but can be useful for locating it in a route

In Surveyor Classic (S10)

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Adding a Priority Marker (S10)

Steps: To add a Priority Marker:-
DotPoint1.JPG Open the Tracks Tool Flyout or press the  F4  key
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click on the Trackmark button or press the  V  key
DotPoint3.JPG Left Click on the Track Priority Marker
DotPoint4.JPG Left Click the  +  Add button - it may already be selected - or press the  A  key
DotPoint5.JPG Left Click on the track location where the priority marker is to be placed
This will place the Track Priority Marker on the track and open its properties window.
DotPoint6.JPG Left Click the default Priority value shown to select one 1, 2 or 3. Each Left Click will cycle to the next value

Immediately after the Priority Marker has been placed its properties window will appear. You can:-
DotPoint.JPG Set the Priority Level for the Priority Marker,
DotPoint.JPG Enter a Name for the Priority Marker, and
DotPoint.JPG if needed, select a Layer and a Bound Layer - see the Trainz Wiki Page WikiLink.PNG How to Use layers for the details

Set the Priority Marker Effect Radius (S10)

At the bottom of the Track Tools flyout menu is an Advanced button. Left Click this button to open the advanced tools.

The Effect Radius sets the size of green "effect wings" attached both ends of the marker. It has no effect on its operation but allows you to keep its "visibility" clear of other track objects such as junctions and other markers.

NotePad.PNG Other track objects that have a Trigger Effect Radius include Track Markers, Track Direction Markers, Track Triggers and Whistle Signs. In some cases the visible "effect wings" are red instead of green.
Steps: To set a Priority Marker Effect Radius:-
DotPoint1.JPG In the Track Tools flyout, Left Click on the Advanced button to open the Radius tools and properties. You will have a choice of 4 methods to set and adjust the Effect Radius
Options: Choose one of:-
Ablue.png To copy the Effect Radius of an existing Priority Marker
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click the Get Effect Radius icon
DotPoint3.JPG Left Click on the Priority Marker whose radius you want to copy - the radius will be copied into the Effect Radius Value text box (the default value is 20.00 metres)
DotPoint4.JPG To apply the new value see option Cblue.png below
Bblue.png To manually alter the Effect Radius value
DotPoint2.JPG Type the new value (in metres) into the Effect Radius Value text box
DotPoint3.JPG To apply the new value see option Cblue.png below
Cblue.png To apply a value in the Effect Radius Value text box (from methods Ablue.png, Bblue.png or Dblue.png) to another Priority Marker
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click the Copy Radius Value icon
DotPoint3.JPG Left Click on the Priority Marker that is to receive the new value (you can click on more than one)
Dblue.png To adjust the Effect Radius value up or down
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click the Adjust Effect Radius button
DotPoint3.JPG Select the Priority Marker
DotPoint4.JPG Left Click and Drag Forward (to increase the value) or Backward (to reduce the value)
DotPoint5.JPG The new value will be immediately applied to the selected Priority Marker as the mouse moves (but only one Priority Marker at a time)

PencilTips.PNG Once you have an Effect Radius entered in the value box, you can apply it to any number of Priority Marks by using method Cblue.png shown above

In Surveyor 2.0 (S20)

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Surveyor 2.0 is only available in Trainz Plus and TRS22 Platinum

Adding a Priority Marker (S20)

DotPoint1.JPG In the Filter Palette either:-

Ablue.png Left Click on the Track Objects icon

FilterPaletteTrackObjectsSelected S20.png

Bblue.png Left Click on the Content Drop Down Box

FilterPaletteNoIconSelected S20.png
Then select Track Objects
FilterSelectTrackObjects S20.png

PencilTips.PNG  Shortcut  If you already have a Priority Marker placed in your route then:-
DotPoint1Blue.png move the tool pointer over the existing priority marker object and hold down the  Alt  key. The object name will appear in a ToolTip attached to the pointer
DotPoint2Blue.png while holding down the  Alt  key Left Click on the priority marker to identify it in the Assets Palette and to select the Placement Tool. Release the key.
Jump to Step DotPoint5.JPG below.
NotePad.PNG Notes:

If the Filter Palette and the Assets Palette are not shown on the screen, then:-

Windows Menu
Steps: To display palettes:-
DotPoint1.JPG open the SurveyorWindowIcon.png Window Menu from the menu icons at the top of the screen
BulletTick.png visible palettes have ticks next to their names
BulletNoTick.png invisible (hidden) palettes have no ticks next to their names
DotPoint2.JPG if any required palette does not have a tick next to its name then Left Click on the name of the palette or on the empty BulletNoTick.png box next to its name. This will add a BulletTick.png and make the palette visible

There is a Trainz Wiki Page specifically covering the S20 Palettes at
WikiLink.PNG How to Use the Surveyor 2.0 Palettes

DotPoint2.JPG In the Assets Palette to narrow down the filter list, type "priority" (UPPER/lower case does not matter) in the Search Text Box

FilterPaletteSearchPriority S20.png
Both pallets shown docked

DotPoint3.JPG This will list all the Track Objects containing the text "priority" in their names or descriptions.
DotPoint4.JPG Left Click on the item name AI Routing Priority Marker - you may have to scroll down the list to find the asset but in this case there is only a single match for the search.

If you are not sure about an asset then Double Left Click on the name to bring up its image and description.

NotePad.PNG When you select any asset in the Assets Palette list it will automatically select the Placement Tool so the next Left Click in your Trainz World will add that asset to your Trainz World

DotPoint5.JPG Place the Priority Marker on the track.

PrioritymarkAdd S20.png
Steps: To add a Track Mark:-
DotPoint1Blue.png If, for some reason, the Placement Tool has not been selected then Left Click on the Placement Tool or press the  E  key
DotPoint2Blue.png Left Click on the track at the position where you want to place the Priority Marker
Once placed a Priority Marker can be easily moved if needed.

NotePad.PNG Notes:

To delete a Priority Marker (or any asset):-

DotPoint1.JPG select either the:-
Ablue.png Free Move Tool (or press  S ) OR
Bblue.png Fine Adjustment Tool (or press  D )
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click on the Priority Marker
DotPoint3.JPG press the  Delete  key

PencilTips.PNG If you need to rotate the Priority Marker to face the opposite direction then:-
DotPoint1.JPG select the Priority Marker then Left Click on its Context Menu Icon (or press the  T  key)
DotPoint2.JPG from the popup menu select the  Rotate Trackside  option
Note: the direction it faces has no effect on its operation

Set its Priority Level (S20)

The Priority Level is the ONLY important property of a Priority Marker. Its possible values are 1, 2 and 3.

PrioritymarkPriority S20.png
Steps: To set its Priority Level:-
DotPoint3Blue.png Left Click on its Context Menu Icon (or press the  T  key if the object has already been selected)
DotPoint1.JPG From the popup Context Menu select  Edit Properties 
DotPoint2.JPG In the Script Properties section, Left Click on the Priority number to cycle through the possible values

Change Its Name (S20)

The name of the marker is only useful for finding it in the route. It is not used for any operational purpose.

PrioritymarkName S20.png
Steps: To change the name of a Priority Marker:-
DotPoint4Blue.png using either the Free Move Tool or the Fine Adjustment Tool select (Left Click on) the Direction Mark to be renamed
DotPoint5Blue.png in the Info Palette (you may need to make this palette visible - see the Notes: for Step  1  above) Left Click in the Name: entry box. Enter a name for the Priority Marker and press the  Enter  key

Set its Effect Radius (S20)

The Effect Radius sets the size of green "effect wings" attached both ends of the marker. It has no effect on its operation but allows you to keep its "visibility" clear of other track objects such as junctions and other markers.

PrioritymarkRadius S20.png
Steps: To adjust the effect radius of a Priority Marker:-
DotPoint6Blue.png Left Click and Drag Forward or Backward on the Yellow Dot next to the Priority Marker to increase or reduce its Trigger Radius


The effect of a Priority Marker only applies between the two junctions on each side of the marker. As long as its radius (default value is 20m) fits between the two junctions it will not affect any other track sections.

The only situation where changing the radius could be important is when the distance between the two junctions is smaller than the marker trigger radius. There is no advantage in increasing the radius beyound its default value.

NotePad.PNG Other track objects that have a Trigger Effect Radius include Track Markers, Track Direction Markers, Track Triggers and Whistle Signs. In some cases the visible "effect wings" are red instead of green.

Move a Priority Marker Along the Track (S20)

Priority Marks can be moved along the track or to other tracks.

PrioritymarkMove S20.png
Steps: To move the Priority Marker:-
DotPoint7Blue.png Left Click and Drag Forward or Backward on the Yellow Dot next to the Priority Marker to move it along the track or to another track

Move the Priority Marker Vertically (S20)

Priority Marks can be physically placed above (or below) the track. This feature allows them to be placed, for example, above the track so that they will not be hidden in Surveyor if a consist is parked on a marker.
PrioritymarkFineAdjustVertical S20.png
Steps: To move a Priority Marker vertically:-
NotePad.PNG This option is only available with the Fine Adjustment Tool - the  D  key
DotPoint8Blue.png Left Click and Drag Forward or Backward on the  Blue  Vertical Axis Line above the Priority Marker to it up or down
PencilTips.PNG If you need to return the Priority Marker to its original position then:-
Steps: To correctly reattach the Priority Marker to the track:-
DotPoint1.JPG select the object and open (Left Click on) its Context Menu Icon (or press the  T  key)
DotPoint2.JPG from the popup menu select  Reattach to Track 

Move the Priority Marker Horizontally (S20)

Priority Marks can be physically placed left or right alongside the track. This feature allows them to be placed, for example, beside the track so that they will not be hidden in Surveyor if a consist is parked on a marker.
PrioritymarkFineAdjustHorizontal S20.png
Steps: To move a Priority Marker horizontally:-
NotePad.PNG This option is only available with the Fine Adjustment Tool - the  D  key
DotPoint9Blue.png Left Click and Drag Forward or Backward on the  Red  Horizontal Axis Line attached to the Priority Marker to move it left or right
DotPoint10Blue.png Left Click and Drag Forward or Backward on the  Green  Horizontal Axis Line attached to the Priority Marker to move it forward or back
PencilTips.PNG If you need to return the Priority Marker to its original position then:-
Steps: To correctly reattach the Priority Marker to the track:-
DotPoint1.JPG select the object and open (Left Click on) its Context Menu Icon (or press the  T  key)
DotPoint2.JPG from the popup menu select  Reattach to Track 

NotePad.PNG Notes:

The  Green  Horizontal Axis Line shown as DotPoint9Blue.png in the image pointing forward from the Priority Marker will move it forward/backward regardless of whether it is on the track or not. It has the same effect as DotPoint6Blue.png Move a Priority Marker Along the Track. However, by using this tool it is possible to move the Priority Marker beyond the end of the track if that is ever required.

Assign a Priority Marker to a New Layer (S20)

The Info Palette will show the layer assigned to the currently selected object. To the left of the layer name is a small arrowhead object.
Info palette

Layer control
Steps: To assign a Priority Marker to a layer:-
In the Info Palette:-
DotPoint1.JPG Left Click the small arrowhead next to the layer name. This will open the layer properties for the selected object
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click the Layer drop down box to select a new layer for the object
DotPoint3.JPG if required, Left Click the Binding drop down box to select a new binding layer for the object. It cannot be bound to its own layer
DotPoint4.JPG if required, Left Click the  Lock Layer  button to lock the selected layer. If the layer is already locked then this will be shown as an  Unlock Layer  button

DotPoint.JPG You will not be allowed to place a track object in a layer that is higher up the list than the layer containing the track
DotPoint.JPG Moving an object from one layer group to another (e.g. from the Route Layer Group to the Session Layer Group) will change where the object is saved (in the Route or in the Session)

LinkWiki.PNG Information on layers can be found at:-

Assigning Priority Levels to Trains

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BlueDot10x10.png A higher priority level does not mean that one consist is more important than another. A priority 1 consist will not be given first access to a junction, for example, or be the first one to depart. The priority levels have no set meaning beyond what you decide they will mean.

NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG Every locomotive (and its consist) must have a Priority Level of 1, 2 or 3. The default priority level of every locomotive is 2. You cannot assign NO Priority to a locomotive
DotPoint.JPG Setting the priority level of any wagon in a consist will set the priority level of ALL the wagons (including the loco) to the same value

For example you could assign priority 1 to express trains and 3 to slow general "all stops" freight trains, or you could assign priority 3 to express trains and 1 to slow general "all stops" freight trains, it is up to you. These values will not alter the speed or importance of these trains but will only decide which paths they should take.

Surveyor Classic (S10)

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To assign a priority level to a consist.

Steps: To assign a priority level to a consist:-
DotPoint1.JPG Open the Trainz Flyout tool (the  F7  key)
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click on the  ?  (Properties button)
DotPoint3.JPG Left Click on any rolling stock object in the selected consist
NotePad.PNG Setting the Priority Level of one rolling stock object (wagon, loco) in a consist will set ALL the rolling stock objects in the consist to the same Priority Level
In T:ANE and TRS19:-
DotPoint.JPG Left Click on the Train Priority value - each click will cycle through the values 1, 2, 3. The default priority level for all consists is 2
DotPoint.JPG Left Click the Tick.PNG icon to accept the change
In Surveyor Classic for Trainz Plus and TRS22:-
DotPoint.JPG Left Click on the Priority value to open a drop down menu. Select the required Priority Level of 1, 2 or 3
DotPoint.JPG Left Click the  Save Changes  button to accept the change


Surveyor 2.0 (S20)

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Surveyor 2.0 is currently only available for Trainz Plus and TRS22 Platinum.

To assign a priority level to a consist.

Context tool of a loco
Steps: To assign a priority level to a consist:-
DotPoint1.JPG select either the:-
Ablue.png the Free Move Tool (press the  S  key), OR
Bblue.png the Fine Adjustment Tool (press the  D  key)
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click on any rolling stock object in the selected consist
NotePad.PNG Setting the Priority Level of one rolling stock object (wagon, loco) in a consist will set ALL the rolling stock objects in the consist to the same Priority Level
DotPoint3.JPG Left Click on the Context Menu Icon (shown in the image on the left or press the  T  key) to open up the objects control menu
DotPoint4.JPG Left Click on the  Edit Properties  option in the popup menu
DotPoint5.JPG Left Click on the Priority value to open a drop down menu. Select the required Priority Level of 1, 2 or 3
DotPoint6.JPG Left Click the  Save Changes  button to accept the change

Priority Marker Operation

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BlueDot10x10.png Priority Marks only work on AI controlled trains. They have no effect on manually controlled trains
BlueDot10x10.png Priority Marks force a AI trains that with the same priority level into taking the path containing the marker
BlueDot10x10.png AI trains will ignore a path containing a Priority Marker that does not match its own priority level unless that path is also the shortest available
BlueDot10x10.png If the specified path is blocked, then the AI will ignore the Priority Marker and find another path
BlueDot10x10.png The direction that the Priority Marker is pointing has NO effect on its operation

Consider the situations represented in the diagrams below. Three trains - Red, Green, Yellow - have been given priority levels of 1, 2 and 3 as shown. Each is given the driver command Drive to Trackmark or Navigate to Trackmark. The destination trackmark is shown on the right.

In Figure 1 below, no Track Priority Markers have been set. All three trains will take the shortest path, assuming there are no blockages.

Priority Map - Priority NULL
Figure 1

In Figure 2 below, a Track Priority Marker has been placed on the top loop line and has been given a priority level of 1. The red train (priority level 1) will now take the priority 1 path because it will "see" that as being the shortest of the three possible paths. The green and yellow trains (priority levels 2 and 3) will still "see" the middle path as the shortest.

Priority Map - Priority 1
Figure 2

In Figure 3 below, a Track Priority Marker has been placed on the lower loop line and has been given a priority level of 3. For the same reasons as explained above, the yellow train (priority level 3) will now take the priority 3 path because it now sees that as the shortest.

Priority Map - Priority 3
Figure 3

In Figure 4 below, Track Priority Markers have been placed on the upper and lower loop lines and set as shown. The red and yellow trains will take their respective loop paths while the green train is unaffected.

Priority Map - Priority 1&3
Figure 4

An exception, shown in Figure 5 below, will occur when a Track Priority Marker path has been blocked, for example by another train under AI or manual control. In the figure the lower loop path has been blocked. The red train will take its assigned path, the green train takes its shortest path and yellow train will be forced to take what it "sees" as the next shortest path.

Priority Map - Priority 2&3 blocked

Figure 5

NotePad.PNG Notes:

An AI controlled train will not attempt to find an alternative path around a blockage if:-

DotPoint.JPG the Drive To driver command is used, and
DotPoint.JPG the blocked path is the shortest path and has the same priority value as the consist

This is the normal operation of the Drive To command and is not caused by the Track Priority Markers or consist priority levels. This situation would occur with or without the use of priority levels and markers.

Another exception, shown in Figure 6 below, will occur when a driver command overrides a Track Priority Marker. In the figure the yellow train (priority level 3) has been given the driver command Drive To Station followed by Drive to Trackmark. As the station is not on the priority 3 path, that path will be ignored to reach the station and then the trackmark. After stopping at the station the train will not reverse back onto the main line to then use the priority 3 track.

Priority Map - Station
Figure 6

The Special Case of Priority 2
Figure 7 below shows a situation that does not fit the points made above. A Track Priority Marker has been set to priority level 2 and placed on the lower loop. The green train has been given the command to drive to the trackmark but ignores its assigned priority 2 path and proceeds via the shortest actual path. Track that has not been assigned a Track Priority Marker will have a default priority level of 2. In this situation, the green train "sees" two paths that match its priority level so it takes the path that is the actual shorter of the two.
Priority Map - 2
Figure 7

Track Priority Markers can also be used to direct trains away from specific paths. Figure 8 below shows how this can be done. A Track Priority Marker set to priority level 1 has been positioned on the shortest physical path. This will block all trains of priority level 2 and 3 from using that path - they will see it as the longest available path. A second Track Priority Marker set to priority level 3 has been positioned on the 2nd shortest physical path. This will block all trains of priority level 1 and 2 from using that path. The end result is that the green train (priority level 2) has only one path available - the longest physical path.

Priority Map - excluding 2
Figure 8

The situation shown in Figure 8 above only works up to a point. Figure 9 below shows what will happen when ALL paths are set to a blocking priority level. The green train (priority level 2) will ignore all the priority markers and choose its own shortest path. Track Priority Markers will only make a path *look* longer or shorter. When all paths have conflicting priorities to an AI train, then the AI will go back to selecting the actual shortest physical path.

Priority Map - all conflicted
Figure 9

Modifying Train Priority Levels

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BlueDot10x10.png The Priority Level of a consist in Driver can be altered manually or automatically

Ablue.png Manually in Driver

This can be done "on the fly" using the mouse.

Steps: To edit a consists Priority Level in Driver:-
DotPoint1.JPG  Ctrl  + Right Click (hold down the  Ctrl  key and Right Click) on the locomotive or on any of the wagons in the consist
NotePad.PNG Setting the Priority Level of one rolling stock object (wagon, loco) in a consist will set ALL the rolling stock objects in the consist to the same Priority Level
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click on the  View Details  option from the popup menu
DotPoint3.JPG Depending on your version of Trainz, choose between:-
Ablue.png T:ANE, TRS19 and TRS22:-
DotPoint.JPG Left Click on the Train Priority value - each click will cycle through the values 1, 2, 3. The default priority level for all consists is 2
DotPoint.JPG Left Click the Tick.PNG icon to accept the change
Bblue.png In Trainz Plus and TRS22 Platinum:-
DotPoint.JPG Left Click on the Priority value to open a drop down menu. Select the required Priority Level of 1, 2 or 3
DotPoint.JPG Left Click the  Save Changes  button to accept the change
View Details


Bblue.png Using the Session Editor

This can be done in Surveyor in the Session Editor PageLink.PNGDriver Setup Rule

Steps: To edit a consists Priority Level in the Session Editor:-
DotPoint1.JPG Open the Session Editor - this is found as Edit Session in the T:ANE Surveyor Main Menu and in the TRS19 (and later version) Edit Menu
DotPoint2.JPG Left Click on the Driver Setup Rule then Left Click on the  Edit  button
DotPoint3.JPG Insert the command Priorityz at the appropriate place in the Driver Command Bar for the selected Driver and set it to the new level
NotePad.PNG The command Priorityz must be downloaded from the DLS and installed in your copy of Trainz

LinkWiki.PNG Information on adding driver commands can be found on the Trainz Wiki Page at:-

Track Priority in Map View

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In Surveyor when using Map View or zooming the camera right out, the tracks will be shown colour coded according to their assigned track priority level. If the track layout shown in Figure 4 above, with the priority markers as used in that figure, was shown in Map View then this would be the result.


Tracks that have not been given a priority marker will be shown as dark blue indicating that they have the default priority level 2.

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This page was created by Trainz user pware in September 2019 and was last updated as shown below.

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