Scenery is one of the most basic items you can make for Trainz. Every asset needs a config file. This is a config file that determines how Trainz uses the asset you have created. Below is the config file for a basic scenery asset. This particular config file would suit a static object with no lighting. Clicking on each tag will take you to further information on that tag
kuid <kuid:00000:00000>
kind "scenery"
trainz-build 1.0
light 1
type "scenery"
username "the name of the asset shown in surveyor"
image "thumbnail.jpg"
width 240
height 180
image "0.jpg"
width 128
height 64
image "1.jpg"
width 512
height 512
category-class "BI"
description "Tells the user all about your asset can be as much of a description as you like"
The following tags are optional
category-region-0 "AU"
category-era-0 2000s
author "who made the asset"
organisation "your organisation"
contact-email "your email"
contact-website "maybe you have a website"
license "can be how you want your asset distributed"