Session Rule List with Parameters

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Session Rule List (Work in progress) This is a list of the Trainz Session Rules: These rules can be copied and pasted to show how you're programming your Session

Achievement Check Rule: This rule allows you to customize session gameplay based on whether the player has received an achievement.

Parameters: ??

Advanced Industry Load Configuration Rule: Names industry, lock train's controls, overrides begin load and begin unload


Target Object: value: name the object such as Power Station, Coal Pit, Portal, etc.
Lock train's controls: value: checked, during a stopped load/unload operation
Override 'begin load' and 'begin unload' durations to_seconds: value: check, number of seconds to override

ATP Speed Limited: This rule limits speed over set limit


Speed limit over the set limit: value: mph

AWS Configuration: This rule configures the Trainz implementation AWS


Active: value: fill-in
Passive: value: fill-in
Passive with HUD hidden: value: fill-in
Simulate AWS for unfitted cabs?: value: check
Use modern sound set for unfitted cabs?: value: check

Cab Controls HUD: This rule is OBSOLETE! Cab-mode control HUD now integrated into Driver

Cinematic Camera: This Rule provides several different cinematic style cameras


 Lock camera controls for the duration: value: check
 Prevent train control for duration: value: check
 Camera target: value: name, any of the many objects in the session
 Camera mode: value: fill-in, Stationary, Circle targeted object, Move from one point to another(zoom, pan,etc)
 Initial Camera Values: number: value, Pitch, Yaw, Zoom
 Total time to animate: value: number in seconds

Clean Up Derailed Trains: This rule cleans up derailed traincars


 Set delay to clean up derailed train cars to: value: hrs, min,sec

Clock Rule: Rule needed for animated clocks, you need to apply this rule to your session to make use of the animated clocks, see forum for code to include in you clock object to work with this rule


 Scripted clocks: value: ?? This rule send message to update the clocks on your map, only scripted clocks will work with this rule

Close Message Popups: This rule closes message popup



Consist Check: Checks for a specific train, can be disabled


 Enforce strict exclusive testing: value: check
 Rule Disabled: value: fill-in
 Complete whenever a train matching the description exists: consist list: fill-in
    Note: one of the fill-ins must be indicated

ConsistDataHandler Rule: Helps to place on a route a consist. Consist databundle datahandler. This rule is used by the QuickDrive Rule to add consists on routes while thery are running in Driver Mode. This rule has no input/outputs of its own, please refer to the QuickDrive rule to acces its funtionality.



Control Check Rule: Activates child rules based on the control method changes


 Execute child rules when: DCC mode is selected or Cab mode is selected: value: fill-in
 Execute child rules: Every time control method is set or once only: fill-in 
 Note: must choose one or the other

Control Type: Sets control types


 Current control method is: Easy Mode, Ask User, Realistic Mode: value: Choice
 Note: One of the three

Coupler Breakage Check: Checks for breaking coupiers



Coupler Breakage HUD: HUD displays warning about coupler stress and breakage


 Show the Coupler Breakage Display: value: fill-in
 Hide the Coupler Breakage Display: value: fill-in
 Note: must choose one or the other

CPC:Emit Train: Used to emit trains from the Central Portal Control on Triggered Events. Also works with the Un-Portal Rule


 Portal Index from CPC: value: number
 Use Unportal: value: yes/no
 Delay from Trigger to Emit: value: number in seconds

CPC:Emit Train on Trigger: Used to emit trains fromthe Central Portal Control on Triggers. Also works with the Un-Portal Rule


 Portal Index from PCP: value: number
 Use Un-Portal: value: yes/no
 Delay from Trigger to Emit: value: number in seconds
 Trigger: value: add Trigger

Custom Script: Custom scripted rule



Destination Sign Table: Table for creating a table of destination signs


 Destination Name: value: Name
 Import destination from texture-group:  Select texture-group: value: Name
 Enable industries/stations as destinations: value: check
 Enable Track Marks as destinations: value: check
 Enable table of destinations: value: check

Disable/Enable Industry: Disables vehicle load/unload for industry


 Load/Unload for industry: value: Disable/Enable value: choose Industry
 Apply to every vehicle in the session: value: fill-in
 Apply only to a specific vehicle list: value:  fill-in values: Add vehicle/Add all vehicles/ Remove all vehicles
 Note: One of the Applies must be selected

Display Custom HUD: Show or hide the Custom Heads Up Display


 Show the Custom Heads Up Display: value: fill-in
 Hide the Custom Heads Up Display: value: fill-in
 Note: One must be chosen

Display HTML Pages: Creates a browser to display the listed HTML files in order as a navigatable sequence of pages


 Add Page: value: From Source Asset
 Add All: value: From Source Asset
 Delete All: value: From Source Asset
 Set browser parameters:
   Prevent user from exiting browser until all pages viewed: value: check
   Disable closing of browser window by user: value: check
   Disable browser window scrolling: value: check
   Make browser window invisible: value: check
   Set position-Under Construction!!!: value: check
   Set size-Under Construction!!!: value: check
 Use the page
   Index html: value: page name
 From asset HTML
   Click to select: value: HTML Assets as the hidden button

Display Video: Displays a page from a HTML asset in a browser window


 Display page index html: value: HTML page Name
 of html assets value: click, select type
 Note: also can give the video a Name

Driver Command: Specify which commands will be available for the drivers


 Cab: Set Control- Sets a cab node control
 Cab: Wait- Maintains current control state until some condition is met
 Change Destination Sign- Changes the destination signs of a train
 Couple- Couple train to designated vehicle
 Decouple- Decouples the train at the specified vehicle
 Delete Train- Causes the train and its driver to be deleted from the session
 Drive Schedule- Driver command that causes the driver character to carry out the tasks specified by his train's schedule
 Drive To- Allows a driver character to take a train either to a destination industry or a specific track in a destination industry.  Will take the shortest path to get there
 Drive To Industry- Drive to a specific Industry
 Drive to Track mark- Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train to a specific trackmark on the map.  Will take the shortest path to get there
 Drive Via Track mark- Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train through a specific trackmark for its journey. Will take the shortest path to get there
 Drive To Station V2- No description
 Drive To Track mark Kist V2- No description
 Halt Train- Brings the train to a complete stop
 Headlights On/Off-Allows the driver to switch the headlights on and off
 Hornz- Driver sounds the train horn
 Instant Load Command- Instantly load a train with a random product selected from its product que.  InstanLoad will not load locos or loco tenders
 Instant Load Locos- Instantly load all locos in a train-useful for trains generated automatically by portals etc.  All locos with product queues(eg Phil_Cs) and all tenders will have all available ques loaded
 InstantUnload- Instantly unload a train-useful for trains generated automatically by portal etc. Every product que found in each industry-activated car will be unloaded.  InstantUnload will not unload locos or loco tenders
 Interior Lights Command- Driver command to switch interior lights on or off for the current train
 Load- Loads the train's vehicles at the industry the driver is currently at with the train
 MoveTurntable- TRS2008: Move turntable to a stop point
 Navigate To- Allows a driver character to take a train either to a destination iindustry or a specific track in a destinatin industry.  Will attempt to route around trains to get there
 Navigate To Trackmark- Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train to a specific trackmark on the map.  Will attempt to route around trains to get there
 Navigate Via Trackmark- Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train through a specific trackmark for its journey.  Will attempt to route around trains to get there
 NavigateToStation V2- No description
 NavigateToTrackMarkList V2- Noi description
 Notify- Notifies the player of schedule progress/completion
 ReleaseJuncion- Lets a driver release the junction they have been holding
 ReverseTram- Reverse a tram(max 2 cars)
 Run Around- Instructs the driver to uncouple his locomotive from and run-around it to recouple up to the other end of the train
 Set Max Speed To- No description
 Terminate Passenger Train- This command wil terminate a passenger train at the current passenger station.  This will cause all of the passengers to disembark for the traiin.  You must issue a 'Drive To' command for a passenger 
   station before using this command
 UnCouplerFrom- A new Uncople driver command that allows you to uncouple from vehicle number (with 0 being the first vehicle in the consist)
 Unload- Unload train vehicles at current industry location
 VR Set Train Lamps-Driver command that sets the train lamps
 WaitFor- Pauses the driver's scheule or optionally random period of time
 WaitForRandom- TRS2008: Wait for specified or optionally random period of time
 WaitForTrigger- Tell a driver to wait until a trigger you select is touched by a train you select(or any train)
 WaitUntil- No description
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