Alpha masking

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Revision as of 21:01, 18 October 2017 by Windwalkr (Talk | contribs)

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Alpha masking refers to a special case of alpha blending where all pixels are rendered as either fully opaque (100% alpha) or fully transparent (0% alpha) with no partial transparency. This can be treated as a special case because it does not require alpha sorting in order to produce visually correct results. This provides a significant performance win over an equivalent alpha sorted material.

TBD: Materials which support alpha masking.

TBD: Control of alpha masking via texture.txt file

TBD: Image of alpha mask and the in-game result, versus alpha blending.

TBD: Discussion of using alpha testing without a b&w texture.

TBD: Overdraw concerns

TBD: alpha masking vs mip mapping

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