"Driver-settings" container

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The driver-settings container is a top-level config.txt file entry used by Scenarios.


Supported Tags

The driver-settings container supports the following tags. Each tag is shown here with its default value.

autopilotmode 0
startingtime 0.0
timerate 1
deraillevel 0
showhelp 0
controlmethod 0
weather 0
changeability 0


Type: Choice
Desc: Controls whether non-player controlled trains are automatically driven by an autopilot, or controlled by the scenario script.
0 - script controlled
1 - autopilot controlled


Type: Decimal
Desc: A value between 0.0 to 1.0, representing the time of day between 12:00 noon on one day and 12:00 noon on the next day. A value of 0.125 would be 3pm, and a value of 0.75 would be 6am.


Type: Choice
Desc: How fast should the game clock run compared to real time?
0 = 1x
1 = 2x
2 = 4x
3 = 8x
4 = 16x
5 = 32x
6 = 60x
7 = 120x
8 = 240x
9 = 360x
10 = 480x
11 = 720x
12 = 960x
13 = 1200x
14 = 1440x


Type: Choice
Desc: Three 'derailment realism' options are available - 0 (none), 1 (arcade) and 2 (realistic). This controls how much overspeed the trains must be when cornering before they will derail. It does not affect derailments caused by running off the end of the track, or as a result of the traincars being pulled apart too far (e.g. when splitting a switch, or trailing one that is too sharp to be trailed).


Type: Boolean
Desc: Sets whether or not to display the on screen help overlay (i.e. the junction direction arrows).


Type: Choice
Desc: Which control method should the scenario be played in?
0 = DCC mode
1 = Cab mode


Type: Choice
Desc: What weather type should the scenario start with?
0 = clear
1 = cloudy
2 = drizzle
3 = rain
4 = stormy
5 = light snow
6 = medium snow
7 = heavy snow


Type: Choice
Desc: How changeable should the weather be in the scenario?
0 = none
1 = periodic
2 = extreme
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