Session Rule List with Parameters

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Revision as of 02:54, 31 August 2017 by Coop2 (Talk | contribs)

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Session Rule List (Work in progress) This is a list of the Trainz Session Rules: These rules can be copied and pasted to show how your programing your Session

Achievement Check Rule: This rule allows you to customize session gameplay based on whether the player has received an achievement.

Parameters: ??

Advanced Industry Load Configuration Rule: Names industry, lock train's controls, overrides begin load and begin unload


Target Object: value: name the object such as Power Station, Coal Pit, Portal, etc.
Lock train's controls: value: checked, during a stopped load/unload operation
Override 'begin load' and 'begin unload' durations to_seconds: value: check, number of seconds to override

ATP Speed Limited: This rule limits speed over set limit


Speed limit over the set limit: value: mph

AWS Configuration: This rule configures the Trainz implementation AWS


Active: value: fill-in
Passive: value: fill-in
Passive with HUD hidden: value: fill-in
Simulate AWS for unfitted cabs?: value: check
Use modern sound set for unfitted cabs?: value: check

Cab Controls HUD: This rule is OBSOLETE! Cab-mode control HUD now integrated into Driver

Cinematic Camera: This Rule provides several different cinematic style cameras


 Lock camera controls for the duration: value: check
 Prevent train control for duration: value: check
 Camera target: value: value: name, any of the many objects in the session
 Camera mode: value: fill-in, Stationary, Circle targeted object, Move from one point to another(zoom, pan,etc)
 Initial Camera Values: number: value, Pitch, Yaw, Zoom
 Total time to animate: value: number in seconds

Clean Up Derailed Trains: This rule cleans up derailed traincars


 Set delay to clean up derailed train cars to: value: hrs, min,sec

Clock Rule: Rule needed for animated clocks, you need to apply this rule to your session to make use of the animated clocks, see forum for code to include in you clock object to work with this rule


 Scripted clocks: value: ?? This rule send message to update the clocks on your map, only scripted clocks will work with this rule

Close Message Popups: This rule closes message popup



Consist Check: Checks for a specific train, can be disabled


 Enforce strict exclusive testing: value: check
 Rule Disabled: value: fill-in
 Complete whenever a train matching the description exists: consist list: fill-in
    Note: one of the fill-ins must be indicated