Saxham Market

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Revision as of 23:11, 22 October 2010 by Saxham_market (Talk | contribs)

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About Me

My name is Dave Whiley, a long-time enthusiast of railways, both real and in model form. Having been involved with computers, for work and for leisure, for almost as long as I've been interested in railways, the progression to computer-simulated railways was a natural one.

Saxham Market 3D Virtual Models

"Saxham Market 3D Virtual Models" is the name by which I've elected to identify content I've made for use in Trainz. The name is taken from a planned model railway layout that has, so far, remained on the drawing board. It was chosen to evoke the atmosphere of a rural location near the East Coast of England, and was made up from elements of real place names found in the English county of Suffolk.

What I Make

So far, I have made a small number of trackside and scenic items, mostly small (but I hope useful) items of set-dressing such as trackside signs and station clocks, and police telephone boxes from London, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

My content can be found on the Trainz Download Station under my KUID#User ID Number, which is 209453, or at my web site.

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