Session Rules By Categories With Properties

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TRAINZ A New Era SP2-List of Trainz Session Rules by Categories with Properties. All rules are the Copyright of N3V Games


Achievement Rules

Achievement Check Rule: This rule allows you to customize session gameplay based on whether the player has received an achievement


Advanced Industry Load Configuration Rule: Names industry, lock train's controls?, overrides begin load and begin unload

 Target object	??	name of object such as Power Station, Coal Pit or Portal
 Lock train's controls	checked	during a stopped load/unload operation
 Override 'begin load' and 'begin unload'	checked	# of seconds to override

Station Visited Check Rule: Waits for any train to call at one of the designated stations

 Trigger	click	to choose from list
 Add Industry	click	to add from session list
 Accept all trains	fill-in
 Accept trains matching specific criteria	fill-in	to choose from session list

Power Station Rule: Sets up Station and Consumers

 Power Station	click	to choose from session Stations
 Consumers(Add Object)	click	to choose from session list

Resource Check Rule: Check the progress of the amount of a resource and target object

 Watch industry queue or Watch vehicle 	fill-in	choose one or the other
 Note: Both have: Target Object, Queue:	click	to choose
 Complete when designated queue	fill-in	equals or exceeds required amount, falls below required amount

Multiple Resource Check Rule: Checks resource for completion

 Wait for the designated queues from 	choose	fall below, reach/exceed
 Units	number	amount of units
 Products	click	choose from session list
 Add Object	click	choose from session list

Objective Add Rule: Sets up a game Objective with ID and display Name

 Priority	click	choose Above Normal, Below Normal, Normal, Optional, Urgent
 Completion Target	click	to set target number
 Icon	click	choose from list
 Display Name	click	insert Name
 Unique Objective ID	click	set ID
 Custom Message	insert	typed message in text area  

Objective Check Rule: Executes child rules when objective is complete

 Unique Objective ID	click	insert ID number
 Mode	click	choose Wait for completion, Wait for failure, Wait for progress

Objective Update Rule: Changes progress outcome according to Property choices

 Unique Objective ID	click	to set ID number
 Mode	click	Set objective as Decrement progress/Increment progress/Reset objective/Set objects as complete/Set objects as failed/Set progress/Set progress only if greater
 Amount	click	insert number

Ranked Session Begin Rule: Begins a ranked Session

 Countdown requires a Starting Value	insert	hrs., min,sec
 1 through 5 stars, points for each star	insert	number of points
 Session timer mode	fill-in	chooses: Timer, Countdown, None

Ranked Session Complete Rule: Completes the active ranked Session

  Set the active ranked session as	fill-in	choose: Complete, Failed
  Customize the completion message	check	insert text message

Session Complete Rule: Set session to a percentage of completion

 Set session to percent complete	click	to insert number in percent
 Separate achievements for completion 	check

Danger Rules

ATP Speed Limiter Rule: Limits speed over set limit

 speed limit over the set limit	mph

Speeding Check Rule: Checks to see if player control trains are over the speed

 Watch for trains travelling above the 	fill-in
 Allow an over speed tolerance of	click	to insert mph over posted limit
 Watch for trains travelling above a 	fill-in	to insert custom speed limit
 Warning: This method is very 

AWS Configuration Rule: This rule configures the Trainz implementation of the Automatic Warning System when approaching signals

 Use modern sound set for unfitted cabs?	check
 Simulate AWS for unfitted cabs?	check
 Passive with HUD hidden	fill-in
 Active	fill-in
 Passive	fill-in

Wait for Derailment Rule: Waits for a derailment to occur

 Trigger derailment watch once	check	to set

Clean UP Derailed Trains Rule: Cleans up derailed train cars

 Set delay to clean up derailed train cars 	values

Replace Missing Vehicles Rule: Produce new trains to replace missing vehicles that have been removed from the session by the cleanup derailed vehicles rule

 Respawn trains if they are abandoned 	check
 Respawn trains	fill-in	choose: at their original locations, from portals from Session List

Coupler Breakage Check Rule: Checks for breaking couplers. No parameters.


Coupler Breakage HUDRule: HUD displays warning about coupler stress and breakage

 Show the Coupler Breakage Display	fill-in	must choose one or the other
 Hide the Coupler Breakage Display	fill-in	must choose one or the other

Set Coupler Masks Rule: Set the coupling/decoupling masks on the selected vehicles

 Add vehicle	click	to select from session list
 Coupling Mask, Decoupling Mask : 	click	to select: lock or unlock
 Add All	click	to select all vehicle in session
 Delete All	click	to delete all vehicle from list

Safety System Engaged Check Rule: Checks for safety systems making penalty applications on users

 Trigger only once	check

Safety System Isolated Check Rule: Checks for safety systems being isolated by users

 Trigger only once	check

Signal Passed At Danger Check Rule: Checks for Drivers passing signals at danger

 Trigger only once	check	to set

Vehicle Physics Rule: Overrides the default vehicle physics properties

 Accept all trains	fill-in
 Cab sway level is set ? %	click	to insert percent of sway
 Traction boost is % ? while  sanding	click	to insert percent of boost
 Tractions reduced to ? % while 	click	to set traction percent
 Maximum tractive effort adjusted by ?	click	to insert percent amount
 Show coupler breakage in HUD Rule	check	to set
 Couplers break when coupling above ? 	click	to set speed
 Accept trains matching specific criteria	fill-in	to insert specific trains
 Couplers break at ? kN	check	to insert amount of force

Navigation Rules

DestSignTable Rule: Table for creating a table of destination signs

 Enable Track Marks as destinations	check
 Enable table of destinations	check
 Import destination from texture-group. 	name
 Destination Name	name
 Enable industries/stations as 	check
 Interlocking Tower Configure Path	Alters settings on an interlocking tower path
 Interlocking Tower	choose	Name and Objects
 Interlocking Tower Path Selection UI	Will automatically react to messages from Interlocking 
 Towers and display a path selection dialog to the player.  
 Disable by removing rule from session
 Show path activation message in Driver	check

Interlocking Tower Set Path Rule: Will set the state of an interlocking tower path for a train

 Interlocking Tower	choose	Names and Objects
 Multiple Junction Alignment Check	Checks multiple junctions are in alignment
 Wait until the following junctions are 	choose	all or anyone
 Add junction	click	add junction from session list
 Add all	click	add all junctions from session list
 Delete all	click	deletes all junctions from rule list

Navigation Display Rule: Creates a navigation point

 Navigation mode	choose, fill-in	All points must be completed in sequence, Points will be completed in sequence, but can be skipped, All points must be completed, but in any
 Note: See help icon for more 
 Style	click	choose Required Stop, Automatic, Manual
 Display Text	insert	text
 Location	click	choose train vehicle from session list
 Train(optional)	choose	train from session list
 Unique set ID	name	must be lowercase and no spaces
 Icon	click	choose from list

Navigation Point Complete Rule: Marks a navigation point complete

 Mark navigation point	click	set index number
 Complete in set	click	to set ID

Navigation Set Check Rule: Checks if a navigation point is complete/incomplete

 Checks if navigation point is set	click	set ID
 Is	click	Complete, Incomplete
 Navigation Set Clear	Clears a navigation point set
 Clear the navigation point set	click	to set ID
 Navigation Set Hide/Show	Show or hide navigation point set
 The navigation point	click	hide, show
 Navigation point set	click	to set ID

Schedule Rule: Allows a schedule of timed events to be applied to a train

 Insert track mark	click	to select from session list
 Note: Both has an arrival and departure 	set time	hr:min:sec
 Current Train	click	to select from session list
 Insert destination	click	to select from session list

Set Junctions Rule: Sets the selected junctions to a specific state Warning: not compatible with Interlocking Tower Assets

 Add Junction	click	to select session junction list
 Add All	click
 Delete All	click

Set Signal Extended Rule: Warning: not compatible with Interlocking Tower Assets

 Set signal	click	to select from session list
 State	'	to select state from list

Trigger Check Rule: Waits for any train to enter one of the designated triggers

 Accept all trains	fill-in
 Accept trains matching specific criteria	fill-in	to choose from session list
 Add Trigger	click	to choose from session list
 Trigger only once	check	to set
 Wait for child rules to complete even if 	check	to set
 Only activate when the entering 	click	to choose forward, backward

Wait on Navigation Point Rule: Waits for a nav point to be complete

 Wait for navigation point ?	click	to choose from session list
 in set ? to be completed	click	to insert ID

Wait on Train Stop/Start Rule: Wait for a train to stop or start

 Accept all trains	fill-in	to set
 Accept trains matching specific criteria	fill-in	to set and choose from session list
 Wait for a train that matches the 	click	to choose: start moving, stop moving
 Trigger rule once	check	to set
 Note: One or the other fill-ins must be 

Driver Rules

Control Type Rule Sets control type

 Current control method is: Easy Mode, 	Choice	one of the three

Control Check Rule: Activates child rules based on the control method changes

 Excite child rules when: DCC mode is 	fill-in	one or the other
 Excite child rules: Every time control 	fill-in	one or the other

CPC Rule: Emit Train On Trigger Used to Emit Trains from the Central Portal Control on Triggers, Also works with the Un-Portal Rule

 Trigger	add Trigger
 Portal index from PCP	value
 Use UnPortal	yes/no
 Delay from Trigger to Emit: seconds	value

Disable/Enable Industry Rule: Disables vehicle load/unload for industry

 Apply to every vehicle in the session	fill-in
 Apply only to a specific vehicle list	fill-in	Add vehicle/Add all vehicles/Remove all vehicles
 Note: One of the Applies will always be 
 Load/Unload for industry	Disable/Enable	choose Industry

Driver Command Rule: Specify which commands will be available for the drivers

 Navigate To Track mark- Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train to a specific track mark on the map. Will attempt to route around trains to get there.
 Navigate To TrackMarkList V2- No description.
 Navigate To Station V2- No description.
 Navigate Via Track mark- Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train through a specific track mark for its journey. Will attempt to route around trans to get there.
 Navigate To- Allows a driver character to take a train either to a destination industry or a specific track in a destination industry. Will attempt to route around trains to get there.
 Drive Schedule- Driver command that causes the driver character to carry out the tasks specified by the train's schedule.
 Drive To- Allows a driver character to take a train either to a destination industry or a specific track in a destination industry. Will take the shortest path to get there.
 Drive Via Track mark- Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train through a specific track mark for its journey.  Will take the shortest path to get there.
 Drive To Station V2- No description.
 Drive To Track mark List V2- No description.
 Drive to Track mark- Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train to a specific trackmark on the map.  Will take the shortest path to get there.
 Drive To Industry- Drive to a specific industry.
 Change Destination Sign-Changes the destination signs of a train.
 WaitFor- Pauses the driver's schedule for a set duration of time.
 Wait For Random- TRS2008: Wait for specified or optionally random period of time.
 Wait For Trigger- Tell a driver to wait until a trigger you selected is touched by a train you select(or any train).
 WaitUntil- No description.
 VR Set Train Lamps-Driver command that sets the train lamps. 
 Notify- Notifies the player of schedule progress/completion.
 Reverse Tram- Reverse a tram(max 2 cars).
 Couple- Couple train to designate vehicle. 
 Decouple- Decouples the train at the specified vehicle.  
 UnCoupler From- A new Uncouple driver Command that allows you to uncouple from vehicle number n(with 0 being the first vehicle in the consist).
 Halt Train- Brings the train to a complete stop.
 Run Around- Instructs the driver to uncouple his locomotive from and run-around it to recouple up to the other end of the train.
 Terminate Passenger Train- This command will terminate a passenger train a the current passenger station. This will cause all of the passengers to disembark from the train. You must issue a 'Drive To' command for a passenger 
    station before using this command.
 Cab: Wait-Maintains current control state until some condition is met.
 Delete Train- Causes the train and its driver to be deleted from the session.
 Hornz- Driver sounds the train horn.
 Cab:	Set  Control-Sets a cab mode control.
 Headlights On/Off-Allows the driver to to switch the headlights on and off.
 Interior Lights Command- Driver command to switch interior lights on or off for the current train.
 Set Max Speed To- No description.
 Release Junction - Lets a driver release the junction they have been holding.
 Move Turntable- TRS2008: Move turntable to a stop point .
 Load- Loads the train's vehicles at the industry the driver is currently at with the train.
 Unload- Unload train vehicles at current industry location.
 Instant Load Command- Instantly load a train with a random product selected from its product que. Will not load locos or loco tenders.
 Instant Load Locos- Instantly load all locos in a train. Useful for trains generated automatically by portal etc. All locos with product queues(eg Phil_C's diesels) and all tenders will have all available queues loaded.
 Instant Unload- Instantly unload a train. Useful for trains generated automatically by portal etc. Every product queue found in each industry-activated car will be unloaded.

Driver Command Check Rule: Verifies the driver commands of a driver character

 Wait for driver character to have 	add	driver, all, delete all
 Trigger Rule once	check
 Driver character to watch the 	name driver

Driver Main Menu Options Rule: Show the Driver Main Menu Bar

 The Driver Main Bar	choice	show/hide

Driver Schedule Rule Execution of basic scheduled commands

 Note: Only one of the fill-in can be 
 Driver Schedule Rule assigned to	name driver
 Commands	insert	driver commands in Drive Schedule
 Classic style: If there is a schedule 	fill-in
 Killer style: If there is a schedule 	fill-in
 Cooperative style: If there is a schedule 	fill-in
 Active style: Emit a new schedule, only 	fill-in

Driver Setup Rule: Create the list of drivers for this session and assign them their orders

 Generate new Drivers for empty 	check
 The following drivers will be available	Driver's Name	Add
 Remove all existing Drivers first	check

Enable/Disable Driver Commands Rule: Enable/Disable specific driver commands on certain drivers

 Assign Driver commands	check	Driver Commands
 Train criteria	fill in	all trains
 Train criteria	list train	only trains matching criteria

MaxPermittedSpeed Rule: Controls AI behavior. When active AI Trains only go as fast as permitted

 Config/txt file	tag	'max_permitted_speed-60850 in mph or kph
 Add to config.txt and kuid-table for 	value	<KUID2:60850:88000:4
 Note: Old root level config tag will 

QuickDrive Rule: Change the Session settings and add consists in Driver

 Set Time to	insert	time
 QuickDrive Consist Option List by 
 Rate of Change	insert	rate as number times
 Enable gameplay Session Mode	check
 Enable in game help by default	check
 Set the default Control method to	fill-in	choose: Easy Mode, Realistic Mode
 Prevent player from changing this 	check
 Realistic mode requires achievement	add	Achievement's Name
 In Asset	choose	Auran achievements
 Set the default derailment realism level	fill-in	choose: Nome, Arcade, Realistic
 Prevent player from changing 10.0	check
 Set the default units to	fill-in	choose: Imperial, Metric, Default
 Open QuickDriver Window when 	check

Wait for Driver On/Off Train Rule: Waits for a Driver to get off of a train

 Note: One or the other fill-ins must be 
 Accept trains matching specific criteria	fill-in	to select from session list
 Accept all trains	fill-in	to set
 Trigger rule once	check	to set
 Wait for a driver character to get ? a 	click	to select: On, Off

Wait for Driver/Train to be Locally Owned Rule: Waits for a specific driver or train car to be locally owned, Owned then executes child rules. If the driver/train car becomes unowned again the child rules are paused

 Wait for ownership of a specific Driver	fill-in	to set
 Wait for ownership of Driver 	fill-in	to set
 Note: One or the other fill-in must be 
 Driver or Vehicle	click	to choose from session lists

Arrangement of Session Rules:

Ordered List Rule: Child rules will be executed in order once this rule starts

 Note: One of the two must be chosen
 This process will repeat	fill-in	click to add number of repeats
 This process will repeat forever	fill-in

Progressive List Rule: The first child rule is executed on the first run, second child executed on second run, etc.

 After last child run is executed	click	to choose: First child is chosen again, It will be 
 used for all successive runs, Successive runs will 
 do nothing

Random List Rule: One of the child rules indented under this rule will be

 executed randomly
 Once one of the child rule is ?? 

Reset List Rule: Resets and starts all child rules in an ongoing infinite cycle


Simultaneous List Rule: Child rules are executed simultaneously once this rules

 Rules completes when	click	choose all rules have reached completed state, 
 was completed state

Camera Rules:

Cinematic Camera Rule: Provides several different cinematic style cameras

 Lock camera controls for the duration	check
 Prevent rain control for duration	check
 Camera target:	name	any of the many objects in session
 Camera mode: Stationary, Circle 	fill-in
 Initial camera values: Pitch, Yaw, Zoom	value
 Total time to animate: seconds	value

Set Camera Rule: Sets the target object and properties of the camera. Preforming the selected properties

 Change the camera view mode to	check	to choose: Cab View, External View, Tracking 
 View, Free Roaming
 Vehicle	fill-in	choose from session vehicles
 Set the camera flags to enable/disable 	check	to choose different properties from list
 Junction	fill-in	choose from session junctions
 Set the target objet of the camera to	check
 Map object	fill-in	choose from map objects

Wait for Camera View Mode Rule: Waits for the camera to be changed to the designated view

 Trigger rule once	check	to set
 Wait for the camera to change to the ? 	click	to choose: Cab View, External View, Tracking 
 View, Free Roaming View
 Wait for the camera to target vehicle ?	click	to choose form session list

Message Rules:

Close Message Popup Rule:

This rule only appears to work if it is a child of the rule that triggered the Message Popup Rule

Custom Script Rule


Custom scripted Rule. No Parameters


Display Custom HUD Rule: Show or hide the Custom Heads Up Display.


Wait for Click on HUD Icon Rule:


Display HTML Pages Rule: Creates a browser to display the listed HTML files in order as a navigable sequence of pages.


Timed limited display HTML Rule: Displays an html browser window for a limited time.


Display Video Rule: Displays a page from a HTML assets in a browser window.


End Session Rule: End Session without saving.


Fade in/out Rule: Fade in or out within seconds, color and opacity considered.


Flash HUD Icon Rule: Flashes a HUD panel icon for a set duration of time or instructs a HUD panel icon to start/stop.


Generic Tree Node Debug Window Rule: No description.


InputTable Rule: Creating a list of message names to be used for various purposes.


Message Popup Rule: Displays a pop-up browser window and waits to be closed.


Minimap Options Rule: Sets the display options for the minimap.

Play Sound Rule: Plays a wav sound file.

Session Debug Rule Rule: Executes the first child if debug mode is selected. Otherwise the second child. Once this child is complete, this rule will be complete.


Session Metadata Rule: Sets session metadata in the config file. Info can be read by other systems and displayed to the player.


Set Helper Icon Size Rule: Sets the size of helper icons such as the junction lever arrows.


Set HTML Page Rule: Instructs the Display HTML Pages rule to perform specific operations


Show/Hide HUD Panel Rule: Shows or hides a HUD panel.


Show/Hide Layer Rule: Shows or hides a layer from Driver.

Show/Hide - click one to select
"click here to set" - enter name of layer. Name is case sensitive.
Known Bugs:
TANE (all versions) - layers set to Hide when a game is saved will be visible when the game is reloaded

Show/Hide Minimap Rule: Shows the Driver the minimap window.


Show/hide on-screen help Rule: Shows or hides On-screen help in Driver.


Wait for Click on HUD Icon Rule: Waits for a click on the HUD Icon.


Wait on Waybill Screen/Main Screen Rule: Waits for the Waybill window to be opened.

Startup Rules:

Multiplayer Rule: Enables this session to be taken online in a Multiplayer environment.


Startup Options Rule Specifies the starting options for the session.


Time Rules:

Clock Rule: Rule needed for animated clocks, you need to apply this rule to your session to make use of the animated clocks, see forum for code to include in you clock object to work with this rule.


Timecheck Rule: Executes child rules at a certain time.


Timing Check Rule: Triggers sub rules if called within the time window specified.


Wait Rule: Wait for number of seconds'


Variable Rules:

Variable Check Rule: If variable 'variable-name' is 'less than/greater than/equal' to 'number' the child rules will be executed in order.


Variable Modify Rule: Change amount of variable 'variable-name'.


Variable Modify Continuous Rule: Adds a value to variable 'variable-name' every second.


Variable Show Rule: Adds the variable 'variable-name' to the custom HUD with label 'your-text'.


Weather Rules:

EIRS Weather Rule NE USA Rule: Customize random weather rule relative to the North East Region of the United States.


Weather Rule: Set the weather conditions.
