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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
19:39, 23 May 2018DirectionalTriggerSession.JPG (file)106 KBPware (Corrections)2
17:53, 23 May 2018DirectionalTriggerObject.JPG (file)51 KBPware (Surveyor screen view of a directional trigger placed in front of a signal.)1
23:59, 22 May 2018SetFixedSignals.JPG (file)64 KBPware (Screenshot od session rules with multiple copies of the Set Signal Extended rule)1
23:58, 22 May 2018SetSignalProceed.JPG (file)121 KBPware (labels added)2
19:07, 20 May 2018IconStop.JPG (file)79 KBPware (resized)2
19:05, 20 May 2018SessionRuleIndented.JPG (file)91 KBPware (Screenshot of Session Editor showing an indented rule)1
19:04, 20 May 2018MessagePopupText.JPG (file)130 KBPware (Screenshot of Message Popup rule properties window with labels)1
19:03, 20 May 2018MessagePopupStop.JPG (file)97 KBPware (Screenshot of Message Popup rule properties window with entered text and icon)1
17:46, 20 May 2018TriggerAddMesPopup.JPG (file)175 KBPware (Screenshot of the Add Rule window selecting the Message Popup rule on the Session Rules Window)1
23:29, 19 May 2018TriggerList.JPG (file)58 KBPware (resized)2
23:21, 19 May 2018TriggerCheckProperties.JPG (file)106 KBPware (Screenshot of Trigger Check rule properties window)1
23:15, 19 May 2018TriggerCheck.JPG (file)78 KBPware (Screenshot of Session Editor with Trigger Check rule highlighted.)1
23:11, 19 May 2018RuleSelect.JPG (file)121 KBPware (Resized)3
22:51, 19 May 2018EditSessionMenu.JPG (file)66 KBPware (cropped)3
22:43, 19 May 2018EditSessionWindowX.JPG (file)221 KBPware (rescaled)2
21:21, 19 May 2018TrackTriggerMode.JPG (file)154 KBPware (Screenshot of the Track Tool set for adding a Trigger with labels)1
21:20, 19 May 2018TrackTriggerProperties.JPG (file)71 KBPware (Screenshot of the Trigger properties window with labels)1
21:19, 19 May 2018TrackTriggerRadius.JPG (file)93 KBPware (Screenshot of the Track Tool showing how to set the trigger radius with labels.)1
17:00, 18 May 2018RandomListRules.JPG (file)120 KBPware (resized)2
16:55, 18 May 2018ProgressiveListRules.JPG (file)114 KBPware (Screenshot of session rules under a Progressive List rule)1
16:52, 18 May 2018ResetListRules.JPG (file)104 KBPware (Screenshot showing session rules under a Reset List rule)1
08:10, 16 May 2018NavDisplaySets.JPG (file)160 KBPware (Minor content correctio)2
22:52, 15 May 2018NavSetCheckDialog.JPG (file)59 KBPware (Screenshot of Navigation Set Check dialog box with labels)1
22:37, 15 May 2018NavPointWaitDialog.JPG (file)61 KBPware (Screenshot of properties window for Wait on Navigation point rule with labels)1
22:27, 15 May 2018NavPointCompleteDialog.JPG (file)82 KBPware (Screenshot of the properties box of the Navigation Point Complete rule with labels.)1
22:19, 15 May 2018NavSetClearDialog.JPG (file)67 KBPware (Screenshot of the properties of the Navigation Set Clear Rule with label.)1
22:11, 15 May 2018NavPointHideDialog.JPG (file)53 KBPware (Screenshot of the Navigation Set Hide/Show properties box with labels.)1
17:31, 15 May 2018NavSetCheck.JPG (file)110 KBPware (Screenshot of session rules showing the testing of a navigation set to see if it has been completed)1
09:03, 15 May 2018NavClearSets.JPG (file)39 KBPware (Screen shot of session rules for clearing unused navigation sets)1
16:30, 13 May 2018NavPointComplete.JPG (file)110 KBPware (resized)2
16:28, 13 May 2018NavManualSet.JPG (file)83 KBPware 2
16:22, 13 May 2018MultResCheck.JPG (file)65 KBPware (A screenshot of the properties window of the Multiple Resource Check rule with labels)1
14:24, 12 May 2018NavLoopSet.JPG (file)154 KBPware (Screenshot showing session rules for a sequence where a Wait on Navigation Point Rule is used to trigger an event)4
14:23, 12 May 2018NavMainSet.JPG (file)153 KBPware (Screenshot showing session rules for a sequence where a Wait on Navigation Point Rule is used to trigger an event)3
13:49, 12 May 2018NavSetsChoose.JPG (file)58 KBPware (Screenshot of the Session Rules for a sequence controlling triggered by a Wait on Navigation point Rule)1
13:46, 12 May 2018NavSidingMap.JPG (file)64 KBPware (Diagram of a loop line junction shwoing the position of navigation points)1
13:46, 12 May 2018NavPointSet.JPG (file)33 KBPware (Screenshot showing the properties window of the Navigation Display rule)1
15:04, 8 May 2018SetJunctions.JPG (file)62 KBPware (Screenshot of Session Rules as an example of setting junctions)1
14:16, 8 May 2018JunctionSettings.JPG (file)33 KBPware (Resized)3
14:07, 8 May 2018TestJunctions.JPG (file)112 KBPware (Screenshot of the Session Rules for an example application of the Multiple Junctions Alignment Check Rule )1
15:02, 2 May 2018DriverSchedule.jpg (file)138 KBPware (Screenshot of the Driver Schedule Rule properties box with labels)1
11:24, 2 May 2018VariableSPADWarnings.jpg (file)378 KBPware (Screenshot showing rules used to process a "Signal Passed at Danger" event with labels.)1
22:07, 30 April 2018VariableCheck.jpg (file)65 KBPware (Screenshot of Variable Check Rule showing the properties settings with labels)1
22:02, 30 April 2018AppRandomStop1.jpg (file)119 KBPware (Screenshot of session rules used to decide if a train has to make a stop at the next station.)1
21:50, 30 April 2018RandomLogic.jpg (file)58 KBPware (Schematic diagram showing the logic required to make a decision about a stopping place)1
21:44, 30 April 2018VariableRandom.jpg (file)75 KBPware (Screenshot of Variable Random rule showing properties widow with lablels)1
16:43, 29 April 2018MessagePopup2a.JPG (file)52 KBPware (Sample message produced by Message Popup Rule custom message option)1
21:43, 28 April 2018Message Popup2.JPG (file)39 KBPware (Example of using a Navigation point to display a message and a Wait on Train Stop/Start to close a message)1
18:19, 28 April 2018Message Popup.jpg (file)45 KBPware (Session Editor example of using the Message Popup Rule, Wait Rule and Close Message Rule to present an on screen message for a short time)1

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