Help:Objects Tab

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Two different types of object assets exist in Trainz: object assets and spline assets. Adding and manipulating these assets in Surveyor Mode (F1) is accomplished by clicking on the Objects 'F3' tab in the Surveyor Tools Menu. Tools for assets directly related to tracks are provided separately under the Tracks 'F4' tab as described in detail at Help: Track Tools. Within the Objects Tools menu, two buttons at the top select between tools for "object assets" and tools for "spline object assets". These can be selected by typing 'o' or 's', but be careful as SHIFT-S will crash the program.



Surveyor Menu on right shown
with Objects Tools selected.

Object add.jpg Add Objects

The default mode for the Objects Tab is Add Objects 'A'. The alphabetical list shown is all of the objects installed on your computer. Begin by scrolling through the list using the scroll bar or by clicking on the up or down arrows. The selected object (in yellow type in the window above the listing) shows as a rotating 3D object in the viewer window. Check that you are in Add Object mode (or click on Add Object 'A') to select this mode. Click on the terrain (LMB) and the selected object is placed wherever you click. You can repeat this multiple times to add a number of the selected object over an area. Objects are generally placed "correctly" with respect to the ground surface, but tools described below can be used to manipulate the object.

You can also search the objects listing. Click on the window showing the current selected object (in yellow type), press delete, then type in your search term. The list will move immediately to the best match for the search term. Since the search considers only the first match it finds, this method of finding an object is less than ideal.

In as much as your objects list is likely to become quite long and the search engine is not at all efficient, you may wish to create a personal picklist of the assets you use most frequently. See Create a Picklist.

Object move.jpg Move Object

Select the the Move Object 'M' tool and click and hold on any object and then drag the object around the terrain to new positions.

Reload page.jpg Rotate Object

Select the Rotate Object 'R' tool and click and hold on an object while moving the mouse left and right to rotate the object. A display shows you the number of degrees of rotation.

You can set objects to “randomly rotate” or not by choosing the Randomly Rotate option in the Surveyor Options menu from the Main Menu.

Object get.jpg Get Object

Select the Get Object 'G' tool and then click on an object on the terrain (route map). The object selected will appear in the selection window. Change the tool selectioin to Add Object 'A' and click on the terrain where you wish to place another copy of the selected object.

Area cancel.jpg Delete Object

Select the Delete Object 'D' tool and click on an object to delete it. Should you delete a wrong object, type on Undo (Ctrl-z) on the keyboard to reverse the last action. Note that continuing to type Ctrl-z will move back throughg your previous actions, reversing them. Thus "undo" enables backing off a number of edits if the results are not accomplishing what you intended.

Height adjust house.jpg Height Adjust

Select the Height Adjust 'H' tool to enable adjustment of the height of any object. Click (LMB) and hold then move the mouse to move the object up or down. Holding the Ctrl key in conjunction with this move will adjust the object’s height in increments of 0.1 units and holding the Shift key will change the height by units of 0.05.

Some objects have been designed to NOT be height adjustable. These are typically object assets that have vertex links to connect to spline assets, such as train station platforms. The height of these objects can be adjusted using the terrain height tool.

Edit properties.jpg Edit Properties

Select the Edit Properties 'P' tool to open the object properties window for any object you then click on. Type a name in the small text window after "Name:". The primary use of the Properties window is to place a user name on a specific object. You may also select whether the name is to apply on the Route or just the Session layer. This name will appear in the Map Display if you have checked on "Named Objects" in the options list (see Map Display Options button in the upper left of the Surveyor screen). Some objects (signs, for example) will display this name in-game.


Spline assets are long objects such as roads, power lines, fences, etc. A completed spline object has two “spline points” denoted by white, rotating circles at the ends. These spline points can be placed any distance apart by dragging one of the spline points across the terrain, stretching the object in the process. Additional spline points can be added to the spline to bend it.

Objects2 advanced.jpg

Object add.jpg Add Spline

To create a spline, click on the Add spline 'A' button after selecting a desired spline asset from the listing of available splines. Click on the terrain to anchor the first spline point (called a vertex) and click again some distance away to place a second vertex. You will see white circles at each end of the spline segment. These spline points or vertices establish grab points on a spline that may be selected for moving or adding to a spline. Thus, to extend the spline, click on a vertex and drag, clicking once more nearby. Note that the created spline curves between each vertex. Holding down the Ctrl key will lay out multiple spline segments with a new vertex each time you hit the LMB. Release the Ctrl key before setting the last vertex to end the spline.

Splines recognize other splines as being of a certain type (roadways, for example) and will connect at a common vertex. Attempting to connect dissimilar types (or just laying another spline type nearby) will generate the error message: "Error: Cannot attach to this vertex". You can avoid this error and lay two dissimilar splines close to one another by holding down the Shift key. The Shift key prevents even compatible vertices from joining, so laying out a spline while holding the Shift key produces segments that are not joined to each other.

Object move.jpg Move Spline

To move a spline object. select the Move spline 'M' tool and click (LMB) and hold on a vertex, then drag the spline point to a new location. Release the LMB to complete the move. To avoid a vertex from linking up to another, compatible vertex close by, hold the Shift key down while making the move.

Split spline.jpg Split Spline

The Split spline 'Q' tool breaks the connection at a vertex, creating two independent sections. Click (LMB) on a non-end vertex to break a spline. Because a spline will curve between vertices, this tool can be used to make corners, as in a fence line.

Object get.jpg Get Spline

Click on the Get Spline (G) tool and then Click on a spline object already placed on the terrain. The spline object selected now will appear in the selection window. Change the mode to Add Spline (A) and Click again on the terrain where you wish to place the newly selected spline object.

Area cancel.jpg Delete Spline

Click on Delete Spline (O) then click on a section of spline between two adjacent white circles to remove unwanted spline sections. If you delete a section that is not an end section of a spline, the spline will be split into two splines.

Straighten spline.jpg Toggle Traffic

In the more recent versions of Trainz, turning traffic on or off on a route is accomplished in Edit Environment under the Edit Menu (second from left in the top menu bar). Select Location to open the Environment - Location window, where you can enable or disable traffic on your route. See Toggle Traffic.

Edit properties.jpg Edit Properties

The Edit Properties 'P' tool can be used to name a spline and also specify layer (route or session) where the new name will apply. Click on the spline object to see the name of the spline and edit the name as desired.


Click on the Advanced Menu (Shift F3) to access even more tools. A drop down menu is then revealed.

Spline height.jpg Spline Height

The Spline Height (H) tool can be used to raise or lower the height of certain types of splines (for example catenaries or road bridges). Click on Spline Height then Click and hold on a spline point (the white circle) and drag the mouse forward or backwards.

Spline point delete.jpg Delete Spline Point

Click on Delete Spline Point (X) and then Click on a white spline circle to remove unwanted spline points. You cannot delete an end spline point, but you can delete the whole section using the Delete Spline (D) tool.

Spline point insert.jpg Insert Spline Point

Click on Insert Spline Point (I) then Click between two existing spline points. Notice that a new spline point is created.

Spline smooth.jpg Smooth Spline

Smooth Spline (S) levels the track between two spline points, bringing the land up or down to match the levelled spline.

Vertex height get.jpg Get Vertex Height

Click on the Get Vertex Height and Click on the highest spline point on your spline. The height is displayed in the Height Value box.

Vertex height apply.jpg Apply Vertex Height

Click on Apply Vertex Height then Click on another spline point. The spline point is raised to the same height as you first vertex.

Gradient remove.jpg Remove Gradient

Click on Remove Gradient and then Click on a spline section to remove the gradient between two spline points.

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