CCG/Kind: Industry Passenger Vehicle Asset

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A passenger vehicle asset allows loading and unloading of passengers. No additional script is required for this asset to function. As this is configured to operate with the Passenger Station Asset, an example config.txt file is shown here.

For more information refer to the Passenger Station and Vehicle Assets Tutorial on the TrainzDEV Wiki: HowTo/Build_Passenger_Enabled_Assets

Passenger Vehicle Config.txt

kuid <KUID2:###:#####:1>
name    BR MK1 RMB Example
kind    traincar
trainz-build 2.5
engine 0
mass    28000
bogey <kuid:-3:10061>
enginespec     <kuid:-1:42004201>
soundscript {
        door_open {
               trigger door_open
               nostartdelay 1
               repeat-delay 1
               distance      5,170
               sound {
        door_close {
               trigger door_close
               nostartdelay 1
               repeat-delay 1
               distance      5,170
               sound {
mesh-table {
      default {
      mesh mk1_rmb_body/mk1_rmb_body.lm
      auto-create     1
  shadow {
  mesh mk1_rmb_shadow/
  left-passenger-door {
  mesh mk1_rmb_body/left_door/
  anim mk1_rmb_body/left_door/left_door.kin
        auto-create 1
        att    a.doors
        att-parent    default
    right-passenger-door {
    mesh mk1_rmb_body/right_door/
    anim mk1_rmb_body/right_door/right_door.kin
        auto-create 1
        att    a.doors
        att-parent default
queues {
    passengers {
        size   44
        initial-count 0
        passenger-queue 1
        product-kuid <kuid:-3:10060>
        attachment-points {
               0      a.sit5a
               1      a.sit1b
               2      a.stand3c
               3      etc
icon0 <kuid:-3:10164>
description "BR MK1 RMB Example Asset"
name-fr        "MK1 RMB de BR"
name-de        "BR MK1 RMB"
name-es        "BR - MK1 RMB"
name-it        "BR MK1 RMB"

Breakdown of Passenger Vehicle Config.txt:

Some config.txt tags are explained below. Others are covered in the general config.txt explanation, see Page 23.

soundscript Optional sound script for door operation, triggered as an event from the animation file.

mesh The model name. The model uses an LOD mesh (modelname.lm).

shadow The model `shadow' name, the mesh has been included in a subdirectory.

left-passenger-door, right-passenger-door The 'animated door names, these must be named like this to work with passenger stations. The mesh has been included in a subdirectory.

.kin The animation file for the door model, the mesh has been included in a subdirectory.

att-parent "name" The door mesh attachment point is located within the mesh "name."

queues The queues field defines the passenger product, the size and the initial count when placed. Passenger attachment points placed in 3dsmax/gmax are referenced, but only a limited number have been included in this example.

passengers The name you choose for the queue.

size The size of the queues must match the number of attachment points, note the special names, for seated passengers, "a.sitNN", for standing passengers, "a.standNN", where NN is any two characters, usually digits. Each point must have a unique name.

initial-count The initial number at starting.

passenger-queue Enables the queue to carry passengers, when set to 1.

product-kuid The passenger product kuid required for this vehicle.

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