CCG/Example: Product (Passenger Product)
Contents |
Product (Passenger Product)
Directory Structure
A typical asset of this kind has the following File\Directory Structure:
Required Files
config.txt - The config file for the asset.
thumb.jpg - The thumbnail image for this asset. A 240x180 jpeg.
f_dress.bmp, f_dress.texture.txt, f_dress_4.bmp, f_dress_4.texture.txt, f_dress_5.bmp, f_dress_5.texture.txt, f_head_2.bmp, f_head_2.texture.txt, f_head_5.bmp, f_head_5.texture.txt, f_head_7.bmp, f_head_7.texture.txt, f_shoe_1.bmp, f_shoe_1.texture.txt, f_torso_11.bmp, f_torso_11.texture.txt, f_torso_2.bmp, f_torso_2.texture.txt, f_torso_3.bmp, f_torso_3.texture.txt, f_torso_4.bmp, f_torso_4.texture.txt, f_torso_9.texture.txt, f_torso_9.bmp, f_dress_7.bmp, f_dress7.texture.txt - The texture files used by the indexed meshes used in this product.
See the section on Texture.txt files on Page 96 for more information.,,,,, female03-stand. im,,, female05.sit. im, - The assorted indexed mesh files used to represent passengers inside a populated railcar.
icon_texture.texture.txt, passengers.tga -The product icon images (64x64 TGA).
Config.txt File Listing
kuid <kuid:171456:100043> trainz-build 2.5 category-class "IP" username "testPassenger" kind "product" allows-mixing 1 instance-type "instance" icon-texture "icon_texture.texture" mass 65 product-category <kuid:-3:10091> category-region "00" category-era "1990s;2000s;2010s" description "Test Passenger Product." mesh-table { female01-stand { mesh "Female01-Stand.IM" } female01-sit { mesh "Female01-Sit.IM" } female02-stand { mesh "Female02-Stand.IM" } female02-sit { mesh "Female02-Sit.IM" } female03-stand { mesh "Female03-Stand.IM" } female03-sit { mesh "Female03-Sit.IM" } female04-stand { mesh "Female04-Stand.IM" } female04-sit { mesh "Female04-Sit.IM" } female05-stand { mesh "Female05-Stand.IM" } female05-sit { mesh "Female05-Sit.IM" } } thumbnails { 0 { image "thumb.jpg" width 240 height 180 } } kuid-table { 0 <kuid:-3:10091> }
Download this asset
This asset is available for download from the TRS2006 website at: