Class MapObject
From TrainzOnline
- This class extends MeshObject to include product queues.
- A MapObject can have a number of product queues as defined in the queues section of the config.txt file for the asset.
- The class also provides methods to control particle emissions.
MapObject Messages
Major | Minor | Source | Destination |
MapObject | View-Details | ? | MapObject |
MapObject | View-Schedule | ? | MapObject |
public native void AdjustMapObjectPosition(float dx, float dy, float dz)
- Parameters
- dx = The distance (m) to move the object along its x axis (right).
- dy = The distance (m) to move the object along its y axis (foward).
- dz = The distance (m) to move the object along its z axis (upward).
- Returned Value
- = None.
- Syntax
AdjustMapObjectPosition(x, y, z);
- Notes
public native Orientation GetMapObjectOrientation(void)
- Parameters
= None.
- Returned Value
- The absolute orientation of this MapObject. WorldCoordinate - The current orientation of this MapObject.
- Syntax
float angel_z = cabin.Loco.GetMapObjectOrientation().rz;
- Notes
A call to GetMapObjectOrientation() which immediately follows a call to SetMapObjectOrientation() is not guaranteed to return the input orientation, since various other orientation restrictions may be in effect.
public native float GetPFXEmitterLifetime(int id, int phase)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- Returned Value
- Value of the lifetime of the effect at the specified phase.
- Syntax
float lifetime GetPFXEmitterLifetime(0,0);
- Notes
public native float GetPFXEmitterMaxRate(int id)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- Returned Value
- Maximum rate of emissions per second.
- Syntax
float maxRate = GetPFXEmitterMaxRate(0);
- Notes
public native float GetPFXEmitterMaxSize(int id, int phase)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- Returned Value
- Maximum size of particle at the specified phase.
- Syntax
float maxsize = GetPFXEmitterMinSize();
- Notes
public native float GetPFXEmitterMinRate(int id)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- Returned Value
- Maximum rate of emissions per second.
- Syntax
float minRtae = GetPFXEmitterMinRate(0);
- Notes
public native float GetPFXEmitterMinSize(int id, int phase)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- Returned Value
- Minimum size of particle at the specified phase.
- Syntax
float minsize = GetPFXEmitterMinSize();
- Notes
public native float GetPFXEmitterPhysicsDelay(int id, int phase)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- Returned Value
- Value for the physics delay in emission.
- Syntax
- Notes
public native float GetPFXEmitterRate(int id, int phase)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- Returned Value
- Rate of particle creation per second.
- Syntax
particlesPerSecond = GetPFXEmitterRate(0,0);
- Notes
public native float GetPFXEmitterVelocity(int id, int phase)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- Returned Value
- Velocity in metres per second along the direction vector of emitted particles at the specified phase.
- Syntax
float speed = GetPFXEmitterVelocity(0,0);
- Notes
public native ProductQueue GetQueue(string queueName)
- Parameters
queueName = Name of the product queue to be returned.
- Returned Value
- A reference to the queue if possible, null otherwise.
- Syntax
ProductQueue queue = GetQueue("passengers");
public native ProductQueue[ ] GetQueues(void)
- Parameters
- None
- Returned Value
- An array of product queues, if there are no queues the array will be empty.
- Syntax
ProductQueue[] queues = GetQueues();
public native void PlaySoundScriptEvent(string soundTrigger)
- Parameters
soundTrigger = Name of the sound event to start playing, this equates to the trigger tag of the sound script subcontainer in config.txt.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
- Plays the specified sound event from the asset's SoundScript.
- SoundScripts are defined as sub-containers in the soundscript container of the asset's configuration.
- For details on creating assets with SoundScripts, see here.
- This method will start playing the sound.
- Depending on the SoundScript configuration, the sound will either be played just once or played continuously in a looping cycle such that StopSoundScriptEvent() will need to be called to stop it.
public native void SetPFXEmitterConeSize(int id, float x, float y, float z)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- x,y,z = New X,Y and Z components of the particle cone size.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterEmitParticles(int id, int number,float time)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- number = The number of particles to emit.
- time = The time in seconds over which the particles are to be created.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterEndColor(int id, int phase, float r, float g, float b, float a)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- r,g,b = Red, green and blue components of the required color.
- a = Alpha value of the color.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
SetPFXEmitterStartColor(0,0,128,128,128,64); SetPFXEmitterStartColor(0,0,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.25);
- Notes
- Red, green, blue and alpha may be entered as integer or float values in the ranges 0..255 and 0.0..1.0 respectively.
- Both of the examples above give the same result.
- Note that 1,1,1,1 will be interpreted as float input and will produce white, whereas 2,2,2,2 will be interpreted as integers and will give a result which is almost black.
public native void SetPFXEmitterLifetime(int id, int phase, float life)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- life = The new lifetime of particles in seconds at the specified phase.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterMaxRate(int id, float newsize)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- rate = The new maximum rate of emission per second.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterMaxSize(int id, int phase, float newsize)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- newsize = The new maximum size of particles at the specified phase.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterMinRate(int id, float rate)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- rate = The new minimum rate of emission per second.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterMinSize(int id, int phase, float newsize)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- newsize = The new minimum size of particles at the specified phase.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterPhysicsDelay(int id, int phase, float value)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- value = The new physics delay value to set for the specified phase.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterRate(int id, int phase, float rate)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- rate = New rate of particle creation per second at the specified phase.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterStartColor(int id, int phase, float r, float g, float b, float a)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- r,g,b = Red, green and blue components of the required color.
- a = Alpha value of the color.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
SetPFXEmitterStartColor(0,0,128,128,128,64); SetPFXEmitterStartColor(0,0,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.25);
- Notes
- Red, green, blue and alpha may be entered as integer or float values in the ranges 0..255 and 0.0..1.0 respectively.
- Both of the examples above give the same result.
- Note that 1,1,1,1 will be interpreted as float input and will produce white, whereas 2,2,2,2 will be interpreted as integers and will give a result which is almost black.
public native void SetPFXEmitterTexture(int id, KUID textureKUID)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- textureKUID = The kuid of the new texture.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void SetPFXEmitterVelocity(int id, int phase, float velocity)
- Parameters
- id = The ID of the particle effect, starting at zero and in the order defined in config.txt.
- phase = The phase of the effect, if there is only one phase use zero.
- velocity = New velocity in metres per second along the direction vector of emitted particles at the specified phase.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
public native void StopSoundScriptEvent(string soundTrigger)
- Parameters
soundTrigger = Name of the sound event to start playing, this equates to the trigger tag of the sound script subcontainer in config.txt.
- Returned Value
- None
- Syntax
- Notes
- Terminates a looped sound script previously started with PlaySoundScriptEvent().