CCG/Example: DriverCommand

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Directory Structure

A typical asset of this kind has the following File\Directory Structure:

CCG driver command dir1.jpg

Required Files

config.txt - The config file for the asset.

thumb.jpg - The thumbnail image for this asset. A 240x180 jpeg.

driveto.texture.txt - The texture.txt file. See the section on Texture.txt files for more information.

driveto.tga - The texture file for the drivercommand icon.

Example driveto.jpg shows image and alpha channel for 64x64 pixel TGA. - The trainz script file referenced in the config.txt. - A trainz script file which is a dependency of "".

Config.txt File Listing

kuid                           <kuid:56113:1268>
trainz-build                   2.5
category-class                 "YD"
category-region                "00"
category-era                   "1800s;1810s;1820s"
username                       "testDriverCommand"
kind                           "drivercommand"
supports-null-driver-character  1
script                          ""
class                           "DriveToCommand"
description                     "Test command. This does the same thing as `Drive To'."
  description                   "Allows a driver character to take a train either to a 
                                  destination industry or a specific track in a destination industry."
  driver_command_drive_to       "Drive To "
  command-sounds                <kuid:-3:10219>
      image                     "thumb.jpg"
      width                     240
      height                    180
      image                     "driveto.tga"
      width                     64
      height                    64
} File Listing

// Copyright (C) 2003 Auran Developments Pty Ltd
// All Rights Reserved.
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
// Driver command that allows a driver character to take a train either to a destination industry
// or a specific track in a destination industry.
class DriveToCommand isclass DriverCommand
// Initialize parent object and add handlers to process messages for this driver command object.
   public void Init(Asset asset)
    AddHandler(me, "DriveToIndustry", null, "DriveTo");
 AddHandler(me, "DriveToIndustryTrack", null,"DriveToTrack");
// Adds industry destination menu items for all industries to the given menu along with submenus of
// destination tracks for all industries added.
public void AddCommandMenuItem(DriverCharacter driver,Menu menu)
       Train train;
       if (driver)
           train = driver.GetTrain();
           if (!train)
       StringTable strTable = GetAsset().GetStringTable();
           Menu industriesMenu = Constructors.NewMenu();
           GameObject[] industryList = World.GetIndustryList();
           int i, industryCount = industryList.size();
           if (!industryCount)
    // we dont bother with a `Drive To' command if there are no industries
           for (i = 0; i < industryCount; i++)
             Industry industry = cast<Industry>(industryList[i]);
            string localisedName = industry.GetLocalisedName();
            string[] locationNames = new string[0];
            string[] locationTracks = new string[0];
                  if (localisedName.size())
             if (locationNames.size())
                 Menu submenu = Constructors.NewMenu();
                 int j;
                 for (j = 0; j < locationNames.size(); j++)
           if (locationNames[j] and locationNames[j].size() and
  locationTracks[j] and locationTracks[j].size())
                    submenu.AddItem(locationNames[j], me, "DriveToIndustryTrack", industry.GetId() + " " +
  else if (train)
           train.Exception("Error in `track names' of industry `"
  + localisedName + "'");
        industriesMenu.AddSubmenu(localisedName + " >",submenu);
         industriesMenu.AddItem(localisedName, me,"DriveToIndustry", industry.GetName());
  command_drive_to") + " >", industriesMenu);
   // Called by either DriveTo() or DriveToTrack() to play one of  random driver acknowledgments.
void PlayConfirmation(void)
 KUID kuid = GetAsset().LookupKUIDTable("command-sounds");
    Library libCommandSounds = World.GetLibrary(kuid);
    if (libCommandSounds)
   libCommandSounds.LibraryCall("PlayConfirmation",null, null);
DriverScheduleCommand CreateScheduleCommand(DriverCharacter driver, Soup soup)
 DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = new DriveToScheduleCommand();
    cmd.Init(driver, me);
    return cast<DriverScheduleCommand>cmd;
// Handler method to drive a train to an industry (no specific destination track though).
void DriveTo(Message msg)
    DriverCommands commands = GetDriverCommands(msg);
    DriverCharacter driver = cast<DriverCharacter>(msg.src);
    string industryName = msg.minor;
        // schedule our command
    Soup soup = Constructors.NewSoup();
    soup.SetNamedTag("industryName", industryName);
 DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = cast<DriveToScheduleCommand>CreateScheduleCommand(driver, soup);
                       if (driver)
  // Handler method to drive a train to a specific track in an industry.
  void DriveToTrack(Message msg)
      DriverCommands commands = GetDriverCommands(msg);
      DriverCharacter driver = cast<DriverCharacter>(msg.src);
      string msgData = msg.minor;
      int industryId = Str.UnpackInt(msgData);
      string trackName = Str.UnpackString(msgData);
      GameObject industry = Router.GetGameObject(industryId);
      if (!industry)
      // schedule our command
      Soup soup = Constructors.NewSoup();
      soup.SetNamedTag("industryName", industry.GetName());
      soup.SetNamedTag("trackName", trackName);
      DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = cast<DriveToScheduleCommand>CreateScheduleCommand(driver, soup);
                       if (driver)
void PlayConfirmation(void)
    KUID kuid = GetAsset().LookupKUIDTable("command-sounds");
    Library libCommandSounds = World.GetLibrary(kuid);
    if (libCommandSounds)
   libCommandSounds.LibraryCall("PlayConfirmation",null, null);
DriverScheduleCommand CreateScheduleCommand(DriverCharacter driver, Soup soup)
 DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = newDriveToScheduleCommand();
    cmd.Init(driver, me);
    return cast<DriverScheduleCommand>cmd;
// Handler method to drive a train to an industry (no specific destination track though).
void DriveTo(Message msg)
             DriverCommands commands = GetDriverCommands(msg);
    DriverCharacter driver = cast<DriverCharacter>(msg.src);
    string industryName = msg.minor;
        // schedule our command
    Soup soup = Constructors.NewSoup();
    soup.SetNamedTag("industryName", industryName);
 DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = cast<DriveToScheduleCommand>CreateScheduleCommand(driver, soup);
void PlayConfirmation(void)
 KUID kuid = GetAsset().LookupKUIDTable("command-sounds");
    Library libCommandSounds = World.GetLibrary(kuid);
    if (libCommandSounds)
   libCommandSounds.LibraryCall("PlayConfirmation",null, null);
DriverScheduleCommand CreateScheduleCommand(DriverCharacter driver, Soup soup)
 DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = new DriveToScheduleCommand();
    cmd.Init(driver, me);
    return cast<DriverScheduleCommand>cmd;
// Handler method to drive a train to an industry (no specific destination track though).
void DriveTo(Message msg)
             DriverCommands commands = GetDriverCommands(msg);
    DriverCharacter driver = cast<DriverCharacter>(msg.src);
    string industryName = msg.minor;
        // schedule our command
    Soup soup = Constructors.NewSoup();
    soup.SetNamedTag("industryName", industryName);
 DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = cast<DriveToScheduleCommand>CreateScheduleCommand(driver, soup);
    if (driver)
  // Handler method to drive a train to a specific track in an industry.
  void DriveToTrack(Message msg)
      DriverCommands commands = GetDriverCommands(msg);
      DriverCharacter driver = cast<DriverCharacter>(msg.src);
      string msgData = msg.minor;
      int industryId = Str.UnpackInt(msgData);
      string trackName = Str.UnpackString(msgData);
      GameObject industry = Router.GetGameObject(industryId);
      if (!industry)
      // schedule our command
      Soup soup = Constructors.NewSoup();
      soup.SetNamedTag("industryName", industry.GetName());
      soup.SetNamedTag("trackName", trackName);
   DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = cast<DriveToScheduleCommand>CreateScheduleCommand(driver, soup);
                       if (driver)
 // Handler method to drive a train to a specific track in an industry.
  void DriveToTrack(Message msg)
               DriverCommands commands = GetDriverCommands(msg);
      DriverCharacter driver = cast<DriverCharacter>(msg.src);
      string msgData = msg.minor;
      int industryId = Str.UnpackInt(msgData);
      string trackName = Str.UnpackString(msgData);
      GameObject industry = Router.GetGameObject(industryId);
      if (!industry)
      // schedule our command
      Soup soup = Constructors.NewSoup();
      soup.SetNamedTag("industryName", industry.GetName());
      soup.SetNamedTag("trackName", trackName);
   DriveToScheduleCommand cmd = cast<DriveToScheduleCommand>CreateScheduleCommand(driver, soup);
                       if (driver)

And the dependent script File Fisting

// Copyright (C) 2003 Auran Developments Pty Ltd
// All Rights Reserved.
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
// Driver schedule command used by DriveToCommand to get a driver character to take a train to
// a specific track on an industry.
class DriveToScheduleCommand isclass DriverScheduleCommand
 public string industryName; // Name of the industry to drive to.
 public string trackName;       // Name of the track in the industry to drive to.
    DriveToCommand parent;
    public void SetParent(DriveToCommand newParent)
       parent = newParent;
// Starts executing this schedule command on the given driver character.
   public bool BeginExecute(DriverCharacter driver)
       Train train = driver.GetTrain();
      if (!train)
          // cant drive if we dont have a train
          return false;
   Industry industry = cast<Industry>(Router.GetGameObject(industryName));
      if (!industry)
          // cant drive to an industry which doesn't exist
          return false;
      return driver.NavigateToIndustry(industry, trackName);
  // we should really implement EndExecute() to allow the game to determine the success of this command
  // Provides an icon for this command so it can be seen on the driver's schedule. Uses the industry
  // icon to indicate the destination.
  public object GetIcon(void)
   Industry industry = cast<Industry>(Router.GetGameObject(industryName));
      return cast<object>industry;
  public string GetTooltip(void)
      StringTable strTable = GetAsset().GetStringTable();
      string userTrackName = trackName;
   Industry industry = cast<Industry>(Router.GetGameObject(industryName));
      if (industry)
          string[] destNames = new string[0];
          string[] destTracks = new string[0];
          int i;
        for (i = 0; i < destNames.size(); i++)
            if (destTracks[i] == trackName)
                userTrackName = destNames[i];
 return strTable.GetString("driver_command_drive_to") + industryName + " (" + userTrackName + ")";
 public Soup GetProperties(void)
    Soup soup = Constructors.NewSoup();
    // Save support
    // Save the properties to the soup, then return the soup
    soup.SetNamedTag("industryName", industryName);
    soup.SetNamedTag("trackName", trackName);
    return soup;
 public void SetProperties(Soup soup)
    // Load support
    // Setup the properties from the passed in soup
    industryName = soup.GetNamedTag("industryName");
    trackName = soup.GetNamedTag("trackName");

Download this asset

This asset is available for download from the TRS2006 website at:

Sorry, no download available.

A version of this asset is a built-in for TS2010, TS12.

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