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mesh-table This tag is compulsory

The mesh-table a container tag, meaning it is followed by curly brackets. The opening bracket should be on the next line for readability purposes. The closing bracket is best on the next line after the final entry. Again for readability purposes. It can have many sub container tags. I will try and explain these. Clicking on each tag will take you to further information on that tag

A bride mesh-table is more complex than a normal scenery item. The asset has three meshes a starting mesh, a middle mesh that is repeated as the asset is stretched in the surveyour and an end mesh that completes the bridge. The For a bridge asset a mesh table may look like this.

mesh-table {

  mesh                                ""

  mesh                                 "hoted_bridge_1_start\"

  mesh                                "hoted_bridge_1_end\"

  mesh                                "hoted_bridge_1_shadow\"

  mesh                                "hoted_bridge_1_start\"

  mesh                                "hoted_bridge_1_end\"
