Unified Driver Surveyor
Unified Driver Surveyor (UDS) replaces the concept of "Quickdrive" and greatly expands upon the capabilities previously provided. In short, the system allows you to switch back and forward between Driver Mode and Editor (Surveyor) Mode instantly. When you switch mode, the User Interface changes and functionality changes accordingly.
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Change Modes
When in Driver, select Tools > Select Surveyor Mode to change to Editing Mode. The User Interface will change to the traditional Surveyor tool tabs and the new Surveyor Menubar options along the top. (A warning will appear the first time, and this can be hidden for future mode switches).
You will also notice that items that show only in Surveyor will now be visible, such as trackmarks, spline points, direction arrows on trains etc.
When in Surveyor, select Tools > Deselect Surveyor Mode to change to Driver Mode. The User Interface will change to the traditional Driver Mode.
Changes to existing behaviours
- The Quickdrive option in View Session is replaced by "Create Session". This gives you access to all the Surveyor Tools prior to commencing your driving/operating session.
- The Quickdrive option in Surveyor (Ctrl-F2) is now mapped to the Surveyor Mode toggle
- The Surveyor Mode toggle allows you to swap instantly from Driver to Surveyor and back again without any loading screen or delay.
- Pause Mode has been added to Surveyor (to the Tools Menu)
- Switching mode does not pause the game automatically, so the biggest difference you will see is that your trains are still moving in Surveyor.
- Edit Trains tool option is removed from Tools menu in Driver (replaced by Surveyor Mode)
- Achievements are disabled if you switch modes.
- Session Rules can now be reset (see below for more detail)
- Message popup is supported in Surveyor, some other windows are not (w.i.p)
- A number of rules have been updates to now run in Surveyor. Some 3rd party rules may need updating as well.
Saving Games, Sessions and Routes
The save options provided will be determined by which edits have been made.
- If no edits have been made, then "Save" will prompt to "Save Driver Session" and create a "Saved Game".
- A Save Game can be loaded from the View Sessions menu but cannot be edited directly.
- If you switch to edit mode from a Save Game, you will edit and save the underlying session.
- If Edits have been made, you will be prompted to save the Route and/or Session.
- Exit Driver will return you to the menu. If you want to return to Surveyor, simply change mode instead.
More to follow...
Resetting Rules
Rules are used to "program" what happens within a session. For example, a Cinematic Camera Rule will define which item the camera is attached to and the path and speed the camera will take when the rule is triggered.
In UDS, Rules can now be reset to their original state, so that the Rule can be re-run if required.
For example, if you've already hit a trigger required in a Trigger Check rule (and it shows as complete), but you adjust the session and now need to hit that trigger again, then you can manually reset the Trigger Check rule (in Edit Session) to make it active again.
Another example is adding new Driver Commands to the Driver Setup rule. If the status shows as "Complete was-complete" then the new instructions will not be executed. To fix this, right click on the rule (in Edit Session in Surveyor) then Reset. This will change the rule to Paused. Click the Tick to save your changes, then switch modes to Driver
Using Undo
Undo is found in the Edit menu in Surveyor. Alternatively use the hotkeys Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y.
Given that trains can be in motion in Surveyor, Undoing certain actions (such as laying track) will result in derailments. However, it should be possible to use Redo to re-lay the track and the train will also be replaced.
It is likely that edge cases can be found where Undo, Redo does not do everything as you expect, so use common sense when using this option.
Practical examples:
Adding or Replacing Rolling Stock
Switch to Surveyor mode, open the Trains Tab, select a loco or rolling stock and place on the track (or open the Consist tab to create or place a whole train).
NOTE: Beware of trains in motion (we do not recommend editing moving trains).
Adding or Replacing Track
The normal restrictions of not being able to move track that has a train on it still apply. TIP: Lay a short section of track nearby, move your train to the new track, make your edits, them move the train back again and delete your temporary track.
Adding or Replacing Trackside Objects
Adding or Replacing Scenery Objects or Splines
Driving along and notice something missing or out of place? Switch to Surveyor, add, move or replace the item(s) then switch back to Driver mode.
Changing/Editing Environment Settings
With UDS you now have full control over weather, sky, lighting, colour etc. Note that certain rules (such as the weather rule) may override your Surveyor settings when the Driver session starts (of if you reset all rules).
Changing/Editing Session Rules
It is important to note that editing rules that are marked with a status of complete will not be executed when you switch to Driver mode. See Resetting Rules above for more detail.