Help:Restoring Content

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With the introduction of Trainz A New Era Service Pack 2, there are a number of changes to how data is backed up and restored.


In-game backups

Backups are now made continuously while you editing a route and/or session.

If you have a power cut or if the game crashes, it is possible to pick up where you left off by simply reloading the map you were working on.

You will be presented with a choice to either "Use changes" or "Revert changes".

If you revert changes, the last manually saved version of the route will be loaded.

If you choose "use" then any changes written to disk after the last manual save will also be loaded.

Backing up your content

We recommend that you backup your local data folder to an external hard drive to ensure that if your main hard drive fails, then your data is protected.

You can find the location of your local data folder by reading the Help:Moving_Content guide.

Restoring a Route

There may be a time where a route becomes corrupted and you need to restore a previous version. This process has changed for TANE SP2 and the following guide will assist you in restoring your old version.

Finding the Backup Files

Navigate to your local data folder, then click on the \backups folder Here you will see up to 7 folders, named with a YY-MM-DD date format (i.e 17-08-07 means 7th August 2017) Within each folder are a number of different backup files and folders. Most of these folders are for internal use by TANE. The important files you will need for your restore process at the .tzarc files. Tzarc files are an archive file that are readable only by Trainz.

More about .tzarc files

Each time you use "Save" or "Save As" in Trainz, a new .tzarc file is created. These files are saved with the naming format of KUID xxx xxxx.tzarc_xxxxx where xxxx is a random number. To find your most recent .tzarc file, sort the backups folder by date and then look for the KUID that mathes your route The next section describes how to use a .tzarc file to restore your route.

Restoring the Backup Files

If you decide that you need to restore an older version of your route, this is possible using a .tzarc file found in the backups folder. We suggest that you backup your local data folder prior to attempting any restore operation so that you have original copies of all the files.

  • Find the .tzarc file you wish to restore
  • Copy the file from \backups into \editing
  • Rename the file by removing the "_xxxxx" suffix (i.e. the file should be named inthe format KUID xxx xxxx.tzarc)
  • Open Content Manager and delete the route you wish to replace (make a backup copy of it if you think you may want to use it again)
  • In Content Manager, click Developer > Rebuild Database
  • This will result in your .tzarc file being read back into the database
  • Select the restored asset in Content Manager and right-click > Submit Edits

Your route has now been restored.

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