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Multiple track stretches between attachment point and attachment point in container 'attached-track'. Track stretches must be unique.

For example:

- VE112: Multiple track stretches between 'a.road2e' and 'a.road0c' in container 'attached-track'. Track stretches must be unique.

The 'attached-track' container includes 'vertices' subcontainers for each attached track. These subcontainers define stretches of track between attachment points defined in the mesh. These stretches must be unique to each vertices container.

The attached-track container referred to in the above error message included the following:

    track                               <kuid2:342053:37015:1>
    useadjoiningtracktype               0
      0                                 "a.road0a"
      1                                 "a.road0b"
      2                                 "a.road2e"
      3                                 "a.road0c"
    track                               <kuid2:342053:37015:1>
    useadjoiningtracktype               0
      0                                 "a.road2a"
      1                                 "a.road2b"
      2                                 "a.road2c"
      3                                 "a.road2d"
      4                                 "a.road2e"
      5                                 "a.road0c"

The stretch from 'a.road2e' to 'a.road0c' appears in the vertices subcontainers for two of the attached-track entries. This is not permitted. The likely fix in this particular case is to delete the last vertex in the vertices subcontainer for road1:

    track                               <kuid2:342053:37015:1>
    useadjoiningtracktype               0
      0                                 "a.road2a"
      1                                 "a.road2b"
      2                                 "a.road2c"
      3                                 "a.road2d"
      4                                 "a.road2e"

so that there is still a junction at vertex 'a.road2e', but the stretch from that point to vertex 'a.road0c' is not duplicated.

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