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Revision as of 12:50, 12 November 2008

Incubator/DriverAddons is an Incubator project which provides a Global Settings script that allows the user to configure a set of rules to be loaded into every Driver session.


The user-specified rules will be loaded into Driver prior to any session rules. They are loaded in Incubator/QuickDrive mode as well as in regular driver sessions. The user-specified rules will not be loaded in Surveyor, as this would interfere with the editing and saving of the Session. The user-specified rules will not be loaded into Driver Scenarios, for compatibility reasons.


  • Many existing rules are unsuitable for this usage. It may be worth adding rule categories to allow scripts such as this to identify rules: "control flow", "configuration", etc.
I have done a quick look at my CMP rule inventory. I have about 200 rules available : 50% builtin and 50% on the DLS. Mostly control flow (like ressource check - wait operations - ... ) for 50% configuration (like HUD controls - ... ) 15% enhancement (like path rule - timetable - schedule library - ... ) 21% others (very specific to some route ) 15%. Most of control flow has no sense out of a built session or scenario. Configuration rule (quite similar to quickdrive rule ) should be usefull to add. The biggest difficulty should be the enhancements category as it would be very interesting to be able to load them out of a session but they have generally some complex html propertyobject dialog for rule configuration instead of generaly basic dialog for configuration rule.
if it is confirmed that about 50% of the rules are unsuitable, it would be better to add some tagging option in the config file to identify rules open for out session quick load. By default a rule should not be proposed unless the tag is specified in the config. it leaves the problem of how to configurate in this latest cas these rules. (pguy)
  • Do we want to implement a surveyor-style rules editor with all the complexities that entails, or do we want to simply have a tick-list where the user selects a number of rules to activate.
The problem is that if we want to reuse the rules I don't see how you can do that without implementing a driver time propertyobject propertybrowser reusing the same script interface than surveyor with scenario behavior. I wonder about the amount of work needed as you need also to support property handlers ... May be that for some basic configuration rule, it would be more easy to rewrite the rule using quickdrive like GUI interface and to offer new TS2009 rules for these configuration operations. (pguy)

Implementation Details


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