Download Station Feature Requests

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Revision as of 14:33, 23 October 2008

This page is where the Trainz community can post Download Station-specific feature requests. Request any additions or changes that you think will enhance the game or the DLS interface.



Requests are placed in this section by the community, for discussion and possible inclusion. Requests here may or may not make it into TS2009.

  • Please address the error that occurs with thumbnail previews. When created with CCP in 2006 the software accepts thumbnail names that include upper case letters, so creates a config.txt entry with upper case included. However CMP for 2006 converts the thumbnail name to lower case.. Within itself CMP can still display the thumbnail, and when uploaded to the DLS the thumbnail is deemed present and the upload is accepted...However the DLS software on your server does not display the preview. ~PEV
  • Please consider making the DLS display all newly submitted content on the first page. Perhaps a search that just says "new" which automatically updates every day or so. - Chad
  • Is it too much to ask for a thumbnail of the object on the DLS when you do a search? Instead of having to click "Detailed" maybe just a small thumbnail of the object that you can click for more information? This may help if you know what the thing you're looking for looks like, but don't know the name. - Chad
  • Could an "Advanced" search be added to the DLS? Allowing the user to define what they're wanting to see, and what not? An example search might be: +Locomotive +Steam -Diesel -American. In this situation + would mean required, - mean not wanted. - Chad


  • The DLS counters that show how many assets have been selected can show significant variation depending on what you use as your criteria and can be misleading.

eg If you use show all kuids then you will get a figure around 15,902. Count up how many titles by versions and you get something like 40,839. If you are up to it count individually by author kuid group and you will exceed 82,000 which includes some early version builtins I might add. There is no correlation between these and from a user perspective there should be. -ianwoodmore

  • DLS is displaying the kuid of some assets as kuid:xx:xxx when in fact it was kuid2:xx:xxx:127. This anomaly is initially caused by a creator mixing kuid and kuid2 formats. The problem arises when downloading using CMP. The asset is shown as a kuid but you get a file that has a :127 extension, resulting in a missing dependency plus an entry in CMP that cannot be disabled or deleted. What I call DLStuck. Examples are in kuid groups slugsmasher and skipper1945. Needs trapping at upload to DLS. -ianwoodmore
  • When new assets are shown to be ready for download a few are not. CMP will show red banner for missing URL. Similarly an attempt at direct D/L from DLS results in a blue screen indicating cannot be found on FTP server. This may have to do with approvals procedure. However, it appears to be more prevalent with assets that are part of a pack. Asset should not be offered for download until it is available to trainzers on server. -ianwoodmore
  • Some assets can be downloaded from DLS that are 0kB size. DLS displays correct size. example is some CincySouthernRwy kuid:45588 circa 2006/2007. These need to be trapped and not offered for D/L. -ianwoodmore
  • Some of the DLStuck assets appear to be caused by external website links that are not engaging during D/L. Appears more prevalent in European creators. Recent examples are Petelicki and Skupa. -ianwoodmore
  • The tick boxes for versions of Trainz that you wish to see are not persistent between visit to DLS. For instance I have registered copies of UTC,2004,2006, TC1/2, and TC3. Yet only 2006 upwards persist. -ianwoodmore
  • Suggest that kuid button in search should be default rather than title. Overlooking this in a search results in no downloads found. -ianwoodmore
  • Add a "New" selection choice. Pressing this button brings up all the items uploaded in the past week, listing everything from locomotives to misc objects. -chad
  • Add a "popular" search option. Pressing this brings up a list of the most downloaded items, with options to sort by least to most or vice versa. -chad

Short List

Requests are placed into this section by Auran if they are somewhat likely to make it into the TS2009 product. Requests from this list will be serviced by Auran as time permits.



If there's a request that we're clearly not going to entertain at the current time, we'll move it to here. This includes both flat rejections and also requests which sound good but won't be done for the next version of Trainz.

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