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Car Movement and Traffic Management System (CMTM)


Beginning Location- the place on the map where an in service freight car begins its journey in your railroad. This is either a portal or an Empty Car Storage track.

Database - a listing of records with each record containing the movements of one freight car (See Movement Record Spreadsheet)

Destination - the location on the map to which the train car is to be delivered.

Empty Car Storage - a track identified by a track mark where empty home-road cars or leased cars for local industries are stored. There may be more than one Empty Car Storage (ECS) location on the route.

Foreign road - the name of any railroad that is not the home road.

Home road - the name of the railroad which the Trainz Route represents

Portal - Portals used in CMTM System are CMTM Portals. In addition to acting as a standard portal, they can consume or emit a string of cars without an engine. They also have a built-in interface to the CMTM System so that every freight car emitted has a specific movement record attached.

Movement Records Spreadsheet - this is a listing of all the car movements in a spreadsheet format. Any spreadsheet program that can save the data in a comma delimited text format will work. This is commonly know as a .csv format.

Operations:Car Movement & Traffic Management

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