CCG/Modelling: Attachments

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Attachments are the means of specifying how sub meshes or other effects are placed or attached in a model. An attachment point is located in the model and reference is made from the config.txt file, to define its use and function.

Attachment points use the convention, to be recognised in Trainz. For an attachment point to move with an animated dummy, there is a special naming convention for the point in 3dsmax, e.g. a.r.dummy/ Refer to Page 363 and Page 381 for further explanation of this option.

Attachment points should be created in top view, and the orientation of the axis will then be consistent. Sometimes the attachment point may not be facing the correct direction, and has to be rotated (realigned). Refer to other sections for advice on any special orientation required for different attachment points, for track, names, bogeys, coupler points and effects.

Be aware that the point itself must be rotated correctly, not the axis of the point. The Hierarchy...Affect Pivot Only option may be turned on to determine the orientation of the point, it must then be turned off before rotating the point (click on the Affect Pivot Only box to toggle on/off). Turn on the axis information again to verify the rotation of the point has been done correctly.

a.bog, a.limfront and a.limback are some of the important attachments for rollingstock models. As these have specific placements, it may be helpful to save a file of these points as a template, so you can merge it with your next model. With a few adjustments, you can quickly incorporate the template into the model and be sure the point names and orientation are correct.

Standard Locomotive and Rollingstock Attachment Points

These are `points' in 3D space giving information on various aspects of the train as follows:


- Marks the front of the train, used for coupling
- Should be roughly the same distance from origin as a.limback
- Bogeys can be further forward than a.limfront if desired
- Determines the forward headlight position
- Height above origin (or Z) = 0.89m (2' 10.8")


- Marks the rear of the train, used for coupling
- See a.limfront
- Height above origin (or Z) = 0.89m (2' 10.8")


- Front bogey attachment
- Used for positioning the train on the track
- Positioned at absolute centre of front bogey


- Rear bogey attachment
- Used for positioning the train on the track
- Positioned at absolute centre of rear bogey

a.bog (2, 3, etc)

- Any other bogey attachments

a.exhaust (0, 1, etc..)

- Smoke generator attachments (where needed)

a.light* (0, 1, etc..)

  • Attachment points for locomotive headlights.
  • These must be numbered consecutively starting with a.light0 which can be at front or rear. Attachments fore of the origin will display when the loco 'heading' is set to forward. Attachments aft of the origin will display when the heading is reversed. For simplicity it's good practise to use e.g. a.light0 and a.light1 at the front and a.light2 and a.light3 at rear though this is not critical as long as they are numbered consecutively.
  • For all headlight points (front and rear) the Y axis points toward the loco rear.
  • If you only want a light on the rear of the vehicle place a.light0 at the rear.


- Attachment point for the front cabin of a loco
- Located at the centre of cabin


- Attachment point for the rear cabin of a loco. Use this for dual cab locomotives.
- Located at the centre of cabin
- Front/back cab toggled using the `Alt C' key when using the internal camera mode.

a.pant (0, 1, etc..)

- Attachment point for pantographs (where needed, i.e. Electric locos)

a.driver (0, 1, etc..)

- Attachment point for driver mesh (0 is used for the first driver, 1 for the second driver in dual cab for instance). Currently, only a.driver 0 is supported.

a.outsideview (0, 1, etc..)

- These are located external of the loco body mesh.
- The camera is positioned to face the negative direction of the attachment.
- Toggled using [ and ] using the internal camera mode after default interior camera view(s).

a.r.pivot/a.lever (sample names used only)

- Special naming convention for attachment points that are to move with the animation of the asset.
- Refer to Page 363 for information.


- Attachment point for particle effects being emitted when the whistle key is pressed.

In addition to these, you may add any other attachments so long as they use the naming convention.

These can be used as steam or smoke points, or as an attachment position for another mesh or animated mesh. All additional smoke and mesh attachment points are referenced through the Loco's config file, smoke through the smoke fields, the mesh attachments through the mesh table field.

TRS has the ability to allow it's rolling stock to pick-up and deliver commodities (or products) to the various industry assets. In the coal hopper for example, the load mesh is a simple animated mesh, that is tied in through the config.txt file to the product queue values.

Simple carriage cars require only a.limfront, a.limback, a.bog0, and a.bog1. These four attachments points must be included in any rollingstock asset.

Another idea for animated attachments is a diesel locomotive roof fan. This would be set-up using the same animated mesh inserted at each point. This can be done easily through the mesh-table.

Refer to TRAINCAR EXAMPLES Page XIII for links to downloadable in-game files, documentation and source files of the various types of TRS compatible traincar assets.

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