Name Effect

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The Name effect kind is a "mesh-table" Container effect container. The following tags are supported:

kind "name"
name ""
att ""
value "(same as name)"
font "swiss"
fontsize 12
fontcolor 1.0,1.0,1.0

Explanations and default values

Kind 'name' effect is used to place a user-defined text string on a mesh.

kind: The kind of this effects container.

Type: Text
Compulsory. "name"

name: A name for this effects container.

Type: Text
Optional. Default "parent".

att: The attachment point used for placing this effect.

Type: Text

value: The text to be used for this effect.

Type: Text
Optional: Default (same as name)

font: The font to be used for this name.

List item. {"arial", "console", "comic_sans", "courier", "cordia", "century_gothic", "garamond", "helvetica", "impact", "sans_serif", "swiss", "tahoma", "times_new_roman", "verdana"}
Optional. Default "swiss".

fontsize: The font size to be used for this effect.

Type Float
Optional. Default 12.

fontcolor: The color to be used for this effect.

Type: RGB triplet
Optional. Default 0,0,0
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